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More Art

Fo' Janus. Cuz he looooves Soybeans.   Janus, update your blog already. What kind of blog master doesn't update his blog in five months? Seriously.  




Look what came in the mail this afternoon!     That's a T-shirt design called "Stat City" and the shirt arrived right when I was getting dressed. I can't link to the site itself from BZP (due to forums and innappropriateness and stuff), but it's a very awesome place where people submit their own t-shirt designs and other people vote on them, then the designs with the most votes are made into shirts and the winners recieve cash and gift certificates as well as having their designs printed. It'



Experience Dance Toniihiight!

It's my sister's Bat Mitzvah and she survived the most important grueling part! She was a little choppy at the Hebrew but she didn't screw up her speech and didn't wave to too many people in front of the whole congregation and now it's over and it's time to par-tay!   However, I haven't written a speech and because I collapsed on the couch when we got home from the services, I have about thirty minutes to throw one together. It's really horribly pathetic that I can't think of anything to write



Tumble-dry Perm Press

What is it about staring at these things that's so mesmerizing that you can't look away until the 54 minutes are up?  




Whenever I feel down, I remember the wise words a green frog and his friends once sang to me after his dream of directing a major motion picture came crashing down before his very eyes. Life is like a movie Write your own ending Keep believing Keep pretending We've done what we just set out to do Thanks to the lovers The dreamers And YOUUUUUUUU    




For a blog on a BIONICLE fansite, my Bionicle-related entries have been slim. This one might be the precursor to more to come. Why? I'll tell you why.   I honestly haven't been this excited for sets since I got into Bionicle three years ago. Not since the box sets of 2003 have I wanted new ones so much. Granted, at that time my collection was beginning and thus very slim, so I had been wanting A LOT of sets, but a lot of them are just sitting around on my shelves now. The ones with the least mi



Art Safari

Let's go on an adventure!   [click]     Famingos are probably my favorite bird. Pink is a fantastic and happy color and there is no shame in loving it. This girl was supposed to be a flamingo but she looks like a canary crossbred with a stork, or one of them Chocobos.     Facebook has a new graffiti application, which is kinda like a really bare-bones oekaki thing. I still broke my hand using it all day. This giraffe lives on Pekel's wall now. Do you know why giraffes have purple tongue




There's a song I've been listening to a lot called "Summer's the Worst" by Michael Leviton. I first heard it on They Might Be Giant's Podcast 5B (and saw him perform it live when I went to see TMBG in concert back in May) It's a very melancholy tune, kinda retro-50's bathing suits in my mind (I don't know why), but he utilizes the xylophone and the ukelele nicely.   To contrast the title, I was sitting out on my deck today because it wasn't 90 plus degrees outside and we have very nice deck cha



Pinch, Punch, Fifth Of The Month

Wanna hear about my awesome coincidence of the day? Okay so I was walking the several blocks between my evening class to the subway and I passed by the other kind of Subway (the sandwhich emporium) which has a musical speaker mounted above the doorway. I've never noticed it there before, or that it played music at night, but tonight it was playing "99 Luftballons" by Nena (original German). I was like woah, that's one of my favorite songs! Then I get on the subway, and as I move to one of the se



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