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Enter Key-- Use It

It's the biggest key on many keyboards, usually second only to the space bar on others.   It features a welcoming name and even sports an arrow.   It can easily be tapped by the right pinkie finger by a standard typist, and the index finger by find-and-tap-ists.   It's called the ENTER KEY.   I suggest you find it and use it.   Please.   It will help me rest to see you understand the use of the paragraph and the Enter Key   ~EW~



The Shamwow Guy Says So (updated)

She may be entry #3 now, but that does not mean she can't have first place! Vote for The Tree House!!   Why? 1) She had her birthday a couple days ago and this could be considered your belated gift to her, 2) I met her and she has the EW Thinks This Person is Awesome and Stuff approval, and 3) I said so, 4) The ShamWow guy says so.       ~EW~   Edit: Contest over, Nukaya places second; many thanks to all who voted for her. =D




If any of you know, I am a rabid fan of Clive Cussler and his books. Today I finished my fifth (I think...) book from the Dirk Pitt series. Dragon is the name of it.   It is a great read, combining action with adventure with technological wonder, along with certain amounts of swordsmanship. Moreover, it had its parts of death, sweet death. All in all, a throughly great book that I would advise to anyone who loves action/adventure books and a leeetle language on the mild side.   Anyways...  



Come Hither, Mine Child...

Thanks to Gakurak, I am now addicted to a dance remix on what the internet is not.   The internet is not-- The internet is not a big truck. The internet is not something you just dump something on. The internet is a series of tubes!...   Sooo addicting... So I give a big (sarcastic) thanks to Gaku for sharing this with me, even though it seems to have taken over my life here.     I have almost beaten SW: Battlefront II. The Hoth battle. Fun stuff. Shooting heavy lasers at a bunch of R



Premature Hiatus

As you may or may not know, I'll be in hiatus starting the 28th.   It's kinda early, now.     Long story short, Mom got mad and grounded me from my computer. So, really, I may be off until I return from my work in August. Dunno for sure. She's had threats like this before and they amounted to nothing special. Still, she's my mom.     In case this is the last you'll see of me in a while...     Robo: The SWRPG is in your care. Leave Tro-Gon, Teej, Tash and Shasa on Dantooine, along with Kend



Coldplay <3

I just wanted y'all to know that Coldplay is my one true musical love. <33   I feel that their music can speak for me in oh-so-many ways, describing me in one way or another at any given time. For an example, for over the last year, In My Place was my flagship song.     I felt lost, and that song was what could describe my very essence in trying to help but making too many mistakes.     The song Talk also proved to be a fitting song:         Politik is a piece of art, and the last thr



Attack Attack And Facts

Fact: EW <3's music.   Fact: EW likes many kinds of music.   Facts: Classical music makes EW go :') Soft rock makes EW go :-D Trance music makes EW go <=D Fact: These are non-negotiable reactions. The following, however, can vary: Metal music makes EW go o.O through O.o Hardcore music makes EW go o_O through < Mixing hardcore with trance makes EW go O_O through =D   Fact: Seriously. Attack Attack! is good enough for even EW to like it, despite the musical softnes



Heroes Epic Guest Character Recruiment

I'm making a Heroes epic, based off of a currently vanished Heroes RPG I played in. The story basically revolves around my character and his fight to right things and clear his name, as well as save the other evolved humans.   I'm looking for people who would be interested in having a character to feature in the pocket Heroes universe I'm creating. Since this is based off of an RPG, I'll ask you to use an RPG-formatted character profile. Really easy: Name: (This speaks for itself) Power: (



What A Friend Should Do

It's in the AM hours, so I can't really say my writing skills are at their prime right now, but I just felt like making a point here.       To be honest, I would never have a friend who considers me more important than what is right. Friends are there to help and support friends, to redirect them to do what is right. In a way, you could think of them as bowling bumpers, bumping the ball to the pins. Woe is the friend who does not do what is right.   I appreciate what Kraggh did. Despite the




*sigh*   I realize I've not been at my tops lately. On BZP, I've accidentally posted in [obviously] dupe topics and made a couple posts that got deleted later because they should have been edited into newer posts. In real life, I've just been more sluggish and just accomplished less.   I dunno. Maybe I should take a break? No, I can't do that... BZPs the only interaction I've been getting lately, and if I cut that, I'll get worse. Maybe if I just measure myself better and eat healthier.  



Ew's Blog Redesign Contest

I'm too lazy to make a new set of blog images. As such, I hereby declare that you may submit blog art in this here entry.   Rulez: Main banner would have five titled sections, with the blog themes as listed to the right. >> Top pic (movie poster atm) must match the theme of the main banner. Banners can be as long as ya want, but can only be 250 pixels wide. THEY CAN BE OF ANY THEME YOU WANT You can make more banners/pics/whatever if you so desire. Can be animated or still. I don't care.



EẈ's Lists, Ep. 1

Introducing the EW's Lists segment of this 'ere blog. EW thinks of lists to make, makes them, and you get to read them! Price? Absolutely NOTHING! That's right folks, it's FREE! And who can say no to free stuff, eh?   Let's start with three basic lists:     Likes: The outdoors Music FRIENDS FREEEEEEEDOOOOMMMMM~ TEA Winning Good food Traveling Storms Oregon Dislikes: Overconcerned adults Depression Rich snobs Listening to the same CD over and over and over and over and over~~ Cleaning Avo



News, A Rant And A Dream Of Strangeness

Okay, for those who are unhappy with the present time disabling of the PMing system, I have a golden piece of advice for you:   Get Premier!   For win, it is the best way to show your appreciation of BZP and a way to get your precious PMing back just for you. Now, puh-leese stop complaining! *whiiiine*     Now... what else to say... Oh, yeah! A couple days ago I had the strangest dream. I (you will never belive this) dreamt that Omi (yes, Omi) somehow had his car disabled here in Southern Ore



What's Up, Doc?

So boring out here. I mean let's face it... I live in a small, reclusive forest estate that is as private as a beaver dam, as boring as a dead stump and the most exciting thing is watching the rust creep over one of our cars. Oh, did I meantion that I have basically become the 'Man-of-the-house' and just about all the property-upkeep duties are mine? I am a full-time caretaker of my dad, too, and of all things a struggling student!   ...And the weather is not very helpful, either.   The weat



I'm A Little Gummy Bear!

If you could not tell yet, I now have a new obsession with the Gummy Bear song. : D   When I went to see how my new regalia looks, it was all so obvious that I missed my own post. xD!         Also, for those who miss the more informative EW Blogalog, there is an essay in the works.   ~EW~



Bzprpg & New Category

As you all may or may not know, the BZPRPG has gone under yet another baptism. Smeag's back, CJ-- er, Amonkira's back, and Gato is staff. I'd say that's a pretty good team right thar. (Also, many many hugs for Gato!) Guilds have been dismantled, we're back to grass roots, and staff is reduced to watering the lawn to try and fix this debacle. Of course, the BZPRPG must have had some problems for this to happen, right? Such a radical turnaround, so soon. I'm going to talk about that and more here.



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