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It's befitting that my last entry was on cards. Because I've recently learned the world's best card game and wish to share it with you. It is called Minimao  This can be found on Kevan dot org, yes indeed that site of those zombie links. But this game has nothing to do with those, thankfully.   Here's how it works:   BASIC GAME RULES   - Take a deck of cards. Literally any deck. This game will work with traditional playing cards (jokers included), Trading cards, business cards, absolutely a



I Just Watched Batman

I'm talking about THE ORIGINAL Batman! The first ever Batman movie, made in 1966. So unimaginably awful, I plan on getting my friends together to host our own "Mystery Science Theatre 3000" on this movie. It's impossible not to make fun of, but you mostly feel sorry for the fact that these people making these movies were dead-serious. I mean... honestly.. what were they thinking? It was a random present in a gift exchange game at Christmas. Nobody watched it until I decided to last night.




To elaborate on the previous entry, what say us BZPerWiiers get right to forming a sort of "clan"? Anyone willing or know someone willing to join BiiZiiPii, give me a PM. (o)



Quadratic Man

I have no idea what I was doing. I was bored, typed it in, saw a green check, and was like "okay!"   ...   I'm still Etcetere.




Well you come to all about Obone_Knob. He is me, but as a gamertag. Etcetere is me that is the umbrella of all of me. But there are sections to me. There is .selah, me as digital maestro. There is Core Dimension, but he is not me anymore. Etcetere who is me is irked by being familiared as Core because Core is not being exist anymore. And there are others who are me who are yet to be specified. Domains under Etcetere who is me are signified by a colon repeated with another colon. Obone is me when




Like ZEEOOEMMBEE I wanna rauk yaut so badly BUYT like OMH OMH OMH what aboot tha techno yaut? [url=www.rockyacht.com][img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Etcetera/Artwork/Spritework/Banner/rockyacht.png][/url] LIKE AHHA (o)



Hapy Friegbrandt Everon!@

theres a friegbrandt goigon ovre at anagilph SO i thoggt id bring it ove here too SO were can havea frigebrandt partu!!!!!! cauxe u now today is marche 3   so i am to bring a maronnaise.. what ru bring?




So in Mexico we have this particular skit called the Doctor Skit, aka Contagious, and it's basically used to grab people's attention, get them interested, and just plain entertain them for a few minutes. BTW, don't skip the previous blog entry and only read this one. You'd better check out that one too! Here's how Contagious works - A person walks into a doctor's office waiting room, and one by one more people walk in as well. Each one has something wrong with them - someone is sneezing, some



Here's A Little Song I Wrote

I'm greater than you. You're lesser than me. I'm better than you. I'm better x3. I'm cooler than you. As cool as can be. I'm greater than you. You're lesser than me. (o)



Frothy Loops

For a program whose namesake is a cereal, FL claims a continent and sells it on eBay. Like Rkaner did with that "chalinder", but that's another storu. So, for my list of musical creation programs - Cakewalk Project5 2.0(very limited demo) Fruity Loops 6.0 (demo) PropellorHeads ReBirth (blbtph!) SoundForge 6.0 (boo yah!) Anvil Studio (Midi goodness) Acid is on its way, though I don't know just what version yet. And my friend plans let me install his Cakewalk Kinetic. Reason and Acid



From Fritane To Titripec (again)

I'm posting this again because nobody replied to it weeks ago. C/mon people, it's a very good glimpse of Ip. Come, hearken to the first of many tales about the, people, places, and hapoccurs within the Realm of Ip. I myself am the archivist of all Ippish history in the fair town of Stesh, and have been given leave to recount the happenings and infoings of two famed cities in our fair land - the cities of Fritane (Fri-tan-ee) and Titripec (Ti-tree-peck). Most consider them one city, and mis



The Wii

I am writing this from the comfort of my living room recliner. I did mention I had mawsome news, which you might have already guessed, seeing the title of this blogtry. Correct me if I'm not, but I do believe this is the first message on BZP that has been delivered from a Wii. While I'd love to say more on this crunchy Christmas present, it's a painfully tedious effort “typing” a post with a rectangular, if comfortable, white remote. From the Wiinternet, (o)



Yay For Boredness

Well, yesterday didn't start out good (kills cat >_>), so I just put Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage in the PS2, and beat it easily. I almost, almost beat the 3rd one today =P   So, that's my past two days. Wootness.   ...I also hear I have someone who thinks he can copy my blog entry titles? Where is he?



Blue Therapy Fall Inside

My elusive hula, yellow sketching, creamy helium gentlemanly communique. Truth, medical entertain, cleverly porridge drain. Letter no; sly violin dust-bunny! Best-Existing Song (aside from one word) (o)



The Kadigan Museum

What, sayhaps, is a kadigan? Well, you might find it spelled cadigan or kadigin or so on, but to describe a kadigan, here's some various examples: Doohickey Thingamabob Summat Rama Bauble Thingiemajig By definition, it is a "placeholder noun". In more layman terms, it's another word for "thingy". I'm trusting everybody is being mature at this point. So. Let's all make up our own kadigans, shall we? I'll start off: Fribbons! (o)



Top Nine Sgx Songs

9. Coactive 8. Thinking Different 7. A Meal for a Whale 6. Tell Me a Story 5. Kick Your A 4. Crowdpleaser 3. 4F73R M3 2. Synesthetic 1. Mario Paint - Intense Color   Pretend today = Yesterday  Oops. I accidentally drafted then undrafted this entry.   (o)



Wel Lthen

I think I got some mint in my eye.. like.. a particle of an apres-diner mint.. (o)



I Win!

I so totally contain the wind within my pocket! The Power is MINE! I'm home, tis what, and I'm totally on-fire and everything. My life is changed- more like, taken a leap forward. To all you "Wha's this guy talking about" people, let's just say.. I know who I am and what I live for- and I'm determined to live up to my purpose. Sure I knew those things before, but now it takes a whole deeper meaning. I'd love to share with you about it. Indeed, I've come home and haven't had a perfect la



Hom Sweet Hom

Well, I'll be coming back from internship at Discovery Camp in about.. 26 hours ago. Yep, negative one day from now I'll return. I had a without-a-dout-to-say an AMAZING week.I made a million friends and had a lot of fun. Of course, it was a heck of a lot of work, but it's all about living as a servant. I can honestly say my life was changed. It's unfortunate about BZP's restrictions, because I've got a testimony to share. So the first camp was a Youth Camp (a teen camp), which meant a P




...I'm sorta bored right now   School was ok, I guess. =P I have some English homework though ;;



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