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Wat? - Discussion

Discussion of the new wat??? belongs not in the below entry, but here. Use of wat???, which includes members asking their questions and myself and others answering them, belongs over there. ^.^   I would like to hear what you all think of this new service.



Reserved Happy Happy Joy Joy

Eh, I think I may have been reading between the lines a little too much and taken things a little too seriously.   Not to say there's no chance of there being anything beyond a friendship between the two of us, but I would have no way of knowing either way. She only ever caught me on AIM once, and since then, I haven't seen her online.   Regardless, I still really like her. But I think I should be more subdued so I can keep my mind open to see who I'm supposed to be with, if anyone. So yeah. H



Man The Icebergs! Or Something.

I'm in the process of "pippinin" my blog right now... getting rid of some dumb old entries (like that Flonase one) and redoing some of my content blocks.   In other news, my new favorite football team is the Philadelphia Smeagols.   I hear player #4 is a BZP member.



Strive To Be Like Me :)

Yeah, well, it just occurred to me that in real life I speak much the way I write on BZP. In other words, "schmargle" and "splee" are common in my day-to-day vocabulary.   So, to help you all emulate me, I've compiled a list of Dokisms for you to use.   Whenever something is cool and/or awesome, use the word "rocksome."   When in an awkward silence, whisper in the other person's ear, "Schmibbletts."   When describing something weird, always end your sentance with, "Like a gurgling Polandian.



Lol A Tuesday Five

What is your favorite song you've heard recently?How many 2006 sets do you own?What would be the ideal Bionicle set, in your opinion?What media player do you use?Do you own any pets?Yeah, thar be it.



Congrats, Core!

I'll deviate from mindless blather for mere moments to offer my congratulations to Core Dimension (otherwise known as Etcetere or <insert quadratic equation here>) for his recent success in achieving the BotW award.   Have fun in BotW world, buddeh.



El Tuesday 5

Lawl.How tall are you?What's something you like more than Bionicle (as in, a line, TV Show, book, etc.)What color are your eyes?When was the last time you got a "server busy" message?Do you have a blog on BZP?Enjoi.



B-day Partu

A friend of mine is having her sixteenth birthday partu this evening.   What I got her is not important. It's the box that matters.   The small cardboard box containing the gift had a big barcode sticker on it which, at the bottom, said, "Handmade in China."   Naturally, I took the sticker off, tore off the "Handmade in China" part, put the HiC part back on, and wrote undernearth, "With you in mind."   Because I'm just that good.



Member Potlight

Two days ago lol.   So let's all do the happydanc!   Yes, I meant to write danc instead of dance. Schizm and I came up with that. Danc. A special kind of awkward, cool-dudeish dancing. Try it sometime. You'll be like a chick magnet, especially if your definition of chick is photographers working on their newest story, Bizarre Teen Male Seen Dancing Impaired In (insert location here).   It's a shame.



Smarglesberry Five

Are you entering BBC 41?How many posts do you have?What is your proto level?What is your favorite Rahi?Do you think the questions are too generic and boring today?



Unpopular Entry Deleted

Guess what? My last entry got 4 comments in TWO DAYS.   So you know what I did?   I deleted it, in place of this far superior blog entry.



Mcsqueaky Chair!

I haves a squeaky chair! =O   >.>   <.<   ZE PROOFO! Yes, that it me shouting "llama!" in the back.



In The Spirit Of Random Rantingness

Well, for those of you who care, I finished the 30 Hour Famine. Had fun. Ate a lot afterwards. But anywizzle.   In other news, I'm going to rant about something you've probably heard NOTHING about AT ALL in the past THREE WEEKS.   OMG ANNA NICHOLE SMITH!   First of all, let's talk news coverage. If anybody watches Fox News on a regular basis, they would know that a tiny little emblem with the face of Anna Nichole Smith resides from time to time just above the news ticker. The War in Iraq has



Famine: Mmm Mmm Good.

On Sunday I hung out with a bunch of people in the youth group and handed out informational thingies to people at church about the 30 Hour Famine. We also went up on stage during the service and said things. I even got to say someting. =D   So yeah, starting Friday at 12 I can't eat ANYTING. I can have juice and water, though. But don't you find it ironic that they make you stop eating at mealtime?   That, my friends, is deserving of a big fat oofizzle.



Tuesday Five While I'm Sick

I'm sick. Fever, headache, nasal, throat, you name it. S NOT WOO.Do you have a favorite movie?If so, what?What website do you visit most often (if it is another forum or links to another forum, do not name)Do you used text-based emoticons, graphic emotes, or none at all?What was the last book you read?



The Moosday Five

Yesh, my childreeeenz.Do you eat junk food?What kind of home do you live in (apartment, single, twin, etc.)?What is your favorite animal?Are you entering Art Contest 13?If you could write one blog entry for this blog, what would it be?On that last one, the one I like most wins and gets blogged. ^.^



Board Message

I say it's time we get to the bottom of this. What causes BZPower's server to so frequently go down? I have the answer.     As anyone with eyes can see, all the servers are manufactured by Sun, making them obviously inferior.



Long, Long, Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away....

As you can see, I've pimped up my blog. Have at you, stalker chicks!   Anyway, I decided a while ago that every week I'd hold the McSpork Awards, each week with a different category and a gold, silver, and bronze winner in each. I put off the idea for a while, but I finally decided to do it. So, here goes nothing!   Welcome, ladies and gentlement, to... Let's get on with the show, shall we?   Category: Biggest Ego! The Golden Spork goes to... The Inflatable Ego-Head! The Silver Spork go



I'm On To You.

I'm on to your little scheme. Probably PMing each other and saying, "Hey, let's comment lar less than usual in Dokky's Blog!" "Duuuuh, okay!"   Yeah, well, you're doing it wrong.   Y R U DOING IT RONG LOL



Contopoley Swargack Nintipples

In other words, my cousin peoples left town yesterday 'round quarter after 3. So yep.   In other news, for those of you who didn't know, my second cousin Shane is awesome. He's two and yet still awesome.   For example, last time they were up, he was inventing nicknames for people around him which happened to follow the guidelines set in the Guide to Making Up Fake Words. His Uncloe Jesse (my cousin) was a "Blanger," for example. I happened to be a "Cloover." Goofy kid.   But here's the funny



Operation Cliché

While taking a look through the Bionicle Artwork 3 forum, something struck me. Ever since Project Klinkerpoop, similar series have sprung up all over the place. Operation Loser, -Heroes-, Mission R.U.R.U., Mission: Server Downtime.   Now let me make something clear, I have nothing against the idea of having multiple cowriters in a fixed rotation. I actually think it's quite a good idea. What I'm harping on is the title "Operation/Project/Mission: Something." These topic titles were never around



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