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Driving Downside

The scenery, I can't really watch it go by. Well I could, but then I would be a bad driver.



Spam Of E-mails Yet To Come

I knew sending e-mails was fast, but I had no idea how fast: I've received spam e-mails from the distant future. As of this writing, the date goes as far as January 9, 2038.   I can see the future now... and the future is awfully cluttered with junk mail.   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



Joke Or No Joke

In my last blog entry, I had a picture in it. While addressing the comment about not getting the joke, it occurred to me that I could make a whole entry out of the response. So this entry's dedicated to you, Slota, for the inspiration... and to explain things.   "Mask or No Mask" is a reference to the British show "Deal or No Deal." While I've never seen that version, the show was imported to the US, where Howie Mandel currently hosts it. (That's his headshot in the lower right corner.)   The



I Don't Wanna Grow Up...

~I'm a Toys 'R Us kid..~ *Twitch*   ~I Don't Wanna Grow Up. I'm a Toys 'R Us kid...~ *Twitch, twitch*   ~I Don't Wanna Grow Up. I'm a Toys 'R Us kid.~ *Twitch, twitch, twitch*   ~I Don't Wanna Grow Up. I'm a Toys 'R Us kid...~ *Twitch, twitch, twitch, twitch*   ~I Don't Wanna Grow Up. I'm a Toys 'R Us kid...~ *Twitch, twitch, twitch, twitch, twitch*   ~I Don't Wanna Grow Up. I'm a Toys 'R Us kid...~ *Twitch, twitch, twitch, twitch, twitch, twitch*   ~I Don't Wanna Grow Up. I'm a Toys



I Love My Job!

And I wouldn't change it for the world... maybe I'd change it for something else, just not the world.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



15 Recommended* Ways To Spend New Year’s Eve

Originally published Dec 31 2006, 03:42 PM CST   I just dropped in to share this with you, as I'll not be on for the rest of the day. Enjoy, and I'll see you next year (US time zones)!   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



Days Late... Also, I'm Not Dead

As you may or may not recall, I had a mysterious plan for Monday; unfortunately, I've been sick since Sunday night.   Anyway, for those that have noticed (and for those that happened), I have not been taking RPG requests for the past several months. But I have decided to start taking them again. However, official topics are a different matter, as I feel they are not often needed just because they are requested.   Here's the deal. First, make sure there isn't another RPG too similar to the o



Paint With All The Colors... Of My Hair

Get the title reference, win a cookie.   Unless you know me in person, you can't see this (and I'm sure pictures wouldn't capture it just right either), but I have all four of the natural colors of hair on my head: blond, brown (both light and dark), black, and red (it's mostly tint). I also have a color that people my age don't usually have: two guesses as to what that is.   Admittedly, I wouldn't change it for a thing, well except for maybe that unnecessary color.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Grocery Bags Are Multi-purpose

Is that obvious? Yes and no.   So you know those grocery bags you take home from the store (or any bag from most any store, for that matter)? No. Well, go shop somewhere while I talk to the people that know what I'm saying.   Anyway, those bags aren't just for holding stuff: they also double as nearly free advertising for the store you took the bag from. Think about it. What's on the outside of the bag? The store's logo.   This tells other people, "Hey, I shopped at Store X." (Store X's being



Halo 3 Rep

I'm such an evil Halo player.     First off, I should mention that I don't even know how to measure aggressiveness in terms of Halo 3, so I don't have a clue why anyone would say that about me. (Could someone explain how that works with Halo?) Yes, I know it applies to Xbox 360 games overall, but I haven't played any other online games since I started playing Halo 3, and that was when it changed. Maybe it was a bad match or matches for whomever reported that one, but I seriously don't know.  



Ice Ice Baby

We're having some that actual "winter weather" in Texas. It's all so surreal... well, not really, but it hasn't been like this in a while. It's a rare thing.   I wish it was snow though instead of just sleet and freezing rain where I live.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Ring What Now?

Has anyone stopped to consider the word "ringtone"? It's the noise (more often than not) played by a phone to indicate to everyone within the vicinity that someone is receiving an incoming call, and phones today tend to come with customizable sounds. Now I have a question: when did a ringtone come to mean full or nearly full songs, not just the melody (or facsimile) but the lyrics as well? If a phone plays a song in place of ringing, shouldn't that be called a "ringtune"?   ©1984-2007 Toaraga E



Consonants Should Speak Up!

I wonder what brilliant thinker decided it was smart to have silent consonants in the English language. Why are there quiet k's and g's?   Knight's knowledge of the knot is not. Gnomes gnash gnawing gnat. Science has no answer for its silent c.   I guess the answer lies in the puns... maybe.   Bonus: Antonyms and homonyms are as different as day and knight.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Spoiler Free Superman Returns And Bryan Singer

So for US Independence Day, I didn't see the live space shuttle launch. However, I did see Superman Returns, and it had a scene near the beginning with a space shuttle... does that count?   Anyway, that's not what I'm writing about: I'm talking about the movie. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either. Most of the movie felt if it was building to this great moment that never actually happened; there was too much filler, if you will. Now I understand there's supposed to be another movie o



Don't Blame Me, Omi

So about a week after I got my license, there was a crash with a car I occasionally drive.   Not my car, not me driving   That poor car has been through so much in just a few short months.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



I've Figured It Out!

I finally finished all my MOCs for Brickfest, and I have decided to reveal each of them one by one each day leading up to Brickfest. (If I miss any days, expect that number of MOCs to keep up to date.) Until the time comes, just know that since there are fewer than two weeks until the event, that means there are fewer MOCs than the number of days left until the event. For those who don't know, that means there are fewer than fourteen MOCs. I won't say how many there are just yet, but when I sta



I'm Back!

Not really, I didn't go anywhere.   Did I mention this? If you can't figure it out by now, you'll never get it.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



Fun, Long Weekend

I had a fun time to and from Louisiana, and KIE's wedding was great. Too bad I missed a chance to meet another BZPower member, but it was nice to finally meet someone in person.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



" Keep The Change"? But You Underpaid!

Disappear from some place for a while, and you'll have no idea what's going on when you get back. I still like to visit every now and then, but my life keeps me tired/somewhat busy, and while I enjoyed BZPower, visiting after a long absence just isn't the same as when I was more fully active with the site. My life's just not the same as it was five years ago (or even two). I work overnight in a check processing center (have been there for over a year), and I'm starting a new position at the begi



Nothing Works Right!

Oh, this has been such a terrible weekend, and the "festivities" aren't over yet. Our microwave fan is going out; our oven doesn't ov(?), and family computers have been wanting to not connect to the Internet.   I liked that microwave: it's lasted thirty-some odd years: I think it was a wedding gift for my parents or something like that. (That's what real technology is. Take that modern technology!) For the past several years, it's been pushing itself anyway: there were times when it just needed



Copyright, Copyleft, And The Art Of Copy & Paste

So I've been asked why I use the particular sign-off I do? So I'll just take this time to explain... because I can.   Well, the copyright means the post or whatever belongs to me. If you don't know about copyright, look it up: I'm not a dictionary or legal expert. I just know what I know, and that's the truth.   As is customary, the copyright year(s) will follow after the copyright symbol. If you haven't figured it out, 1984-2006 is how long I've been around; in other words, it's how long I've



Weather You Like It Or Not

It's colder out there than it's been. And the clouds... I haven't seen blue sky for days. The temperature is a bit nice, but I would like to see the sky again soon.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM




Today, my dad turns 60. We did the real celebrating on Saturday with a surprise party, which was so much fun (party was okay, but surprising him was fun). I got to see family members that I don't get to see or talk to often, and a good time was had by all... except for that slide show snafu.   Today's "festivities" are pretty much just a family thing, but I don't hate doing things with just my immediate family.   Speaking of my family, we celebrate some milestone-esque years: dad turns 60,



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