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Death To The Haters

I dunno, I couldn't think of a good title. oh well. anyways, guess it was bound to happen some time. I wasted days attempting to unlock what is essentially a joke character on a game I bought a few weeks ago as part of this whole retro thing I'm on. anyways, on to the brighter side: ... *waits for five days for something to come to me* I got nothing. my school has an anime club. the president is this really hot and smart girl who I found out finds me attractive. back near the begining of school

Genesic Zenacra

Genesic Zenacra

Together Forever

"Together Forever, No matter how long, From now until the end of time, We'll be together, And you can be sure, That forever and today, That's how long we'll stay, Together and forever-more."   Such a great song, but I just realized how much that sounds like something I'd say to a certain chica I know. If only she were on her computer right now, I'd send her the MP3 though YIM. man, I'm gonna get so many comments about being pathetic for liking agirl I don't know face-to-face. oh, she jus

Genesic Zenacra

Genesic Zenacra


listening to: Asterisk, D-Tecnolife, Ichirin no Hana, Tonight Tonight Tonight, Rolling Days, Alones, and Sen no Yoru wo koete drinking: my own blood. maybe.   yeah... in a bit of a rut after the Great Room Flooding of '07. got a site I've had for a year or so I WANT to link to but can't. it's a forum. a roleplaying forum. I've got Beast Wars, Bionicle, Code Lyoko, Digimon, FullMetal Alchemist, Kingdom Hearts, Magic Knight Rayearth, (that anime is freaking under appreciated) Samurai X, (also ca

Genesic Zenacra

Genesic Zenacra

Getting The Mistake Undone

okay, I didn't mean I litterally had no friends. I have a few. more'n I care to count, but none of then do I ever see more'n five hours, and each hour is seperated by long periods of boredom.   Sumiki; I'm glad to hear that someone on BZP cares about me. thanks for showin' that you care.

Genesic Zenacra

Genesic Zenacra

First Entry... Sigh

wow... these blogs are nothing like the journals on DeviantArt... then again, DeviantArt is an art site, this is a BIONICLE site...     yeah, I wish I had more friends... I mean, everytime I make a friend on BZP, I lose contact with him/her. I wish I could change that. it probably wouldn't happen if I had different friends...   oh, and yeah, I'm a huge Model Z fan. Model Z is cooler on Giroutte alone then on Vent/Aile merged with Model X, which, BTW, is actually based on Copy X from Megaman Ze

Genesic Zenacra

Genesic Zenacra


yeah, ain't posted in here for a while, so just posting to let those interested know... I'm NOT dead... but i'm also NOT alive... life's been getting worse and worse for me. my most precious friends are memories, and now they're gone. my room is the room closest to the water-heater, so when it broke and slowly started flooding the halway, my room was first to be ruined.I saved some memories, but I'm unsure how many are gone... for good...

Genesic Zenacra

Genesic Zenacra

Tarzan, Young People, And The Post-cold-war Kids

"deep in the jungle, in the land of adventure, lives Tarzan!" "NO BOY! NO CRY! ONE, TWO, THREE, GO!" "and people tried to keep us down, well iTunes brought the post-cold-war sounds!"   Aqua- Tarzan, Unknown artist- Naruto Opening #?, MC Lars- iGeneration   three kick-butt songs, and those are just the first three opening lines... though the Naruto one's japanese... good thing the video I watched had the translated lyrics at the bottom.

Genesic Zenacra

Genesic Zenacra

Another Day, Another Evil Banana :p

five points for me. I never actually said that I loved someone over the internet, just that someone'd complain about it. heh, that makes fifteen points. five for my geussing that my step-sister was home sick, five for knowing that it wasn't my dad at the door earlier today, and five for knowing someone'd get ontot me about something I didn't do.   anyways, storm of the century down here. seven whole days of sleet, mist, and frozen winds tearing at me. and today was just the first one. so many p

Genesic Zenacra

Genesic Zenacra

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