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I sat down to Breakfast this morning, when my dad announced we are going to Disney Land! I'm going with my whole family in September. First we're going to fly down to Los Angeles, then from their we're driving down to San Diego, and then Disney Land! To bad its not for a while.         -S12




I have had a lot of teeth work recently. I have been getting teeth pulled, spacers put in, and going to the dentist a lot. I'm going to get braces pretty soon, I here it blows! Today I went to the orthodontist, and tomorrow I'm going to the dentist. So it's not so great, but it will be worth it.       -S12




Superbowl day! I hate Football, but I always watch the Superbowl with my dad. If you ask me its just an excuse to eat junk food. But I always enjoy it. The Colts won, I was rootin' for them.     -S12




OMG!! I've been gone so much. I'm so involed in the game RuneScape, I haven't been on. But, I'll try to go on more.       I'm SO looking forward to the new sets, they rock... Gadunka... I've been checking on sometimes for news on the sets, I'm lovin' this years canisters too, they are awesome!         -S12



My Day

I have been doing terrible on my Blog, lately. I made a goal to try and write in my Blog every day. And I have been doing terrible! Anyways, today was pretty boring, as usual. I'm homeschooled, and we don't always do a lot of school. I did do one thing fun though, I went to a open gym gymnastics place were you can pretty much do anything. That was pretty fun. I bought a Takanuva 13 days ago, and it still hasn't come!   So not a very exiting day.       -S12



Me And Bionicles

The other day I won something off eBay. For $5 I won: Gali Nuva, Lewa Nuva, Onua Nuva, Toa Metru Vakama, Rahkshi Kurahk, Rahkshi Turahk and Lehvak-Kal. All of them had all their pieces exept Lahvak-kal and Gali Nuva. So those added to my collection, I have 40 sets. I have collected Bionicles since the beginning. But around 2002 I sort of tuned out. In October '06 I started collecting again. And in that time I have bought 40 sets! So I'm back into Bionicles, and hopefully for a while.       -S12



Man, This Better Work

Yesterday, I tried TWICE to write a small review on all the new sets. But board messages ruined me from doing it. Here we go again:     Toa Mahri:   Jaller: Er... okay. He's got nice build, cool mask, and a really cool lookin' crab thing. His feet are like his Inika self, and his arms look pretty flexible. 8/10     Hahli: My least favorite Inika, my second favorite Mahri. She's great! Her build is nice, mask is cool. Arms and legs are nice, cool wings, and I love her color scheme. 9/10     H



Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day Everybody! You know, Valentine's Day is really overrated, but it is nice to get together and enjoy it. Today with some kids from my Karate, I might make a couple Valentine cards, and then deliver them to a place were people that have no money, stay. So, Happy Valentine's Day to everybody! Have a good one!       -S12




Well, I'm starting a Blog. So I'm currently trying to figure everything out.       -S12



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