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Log Entry #8

Saturday, June 3, 2006 I woke up at eleven. My friend called me, wanting me to come over, at eleven-fifteen. I got owned in Halo today. I went to my friend's house and he beat me. He always does, because he plays it all the time and I neither own nor care about the game. Well, I owned him in tennis. High point of my day.



Botw? No Way!

Sunday, October 8, 2006 I just came home from mass, as on every Sunday morning. After I washed the grime of the pews off my hands, got a drink, and waited for the computer to whirr and chortle to life, I of course visited the BZP homepage, checking for news on Bionicle. And, of course, I spotted the Blog of the Week article (although the title was a little hard to read at first). C'mon, everybody, lets all happy-dance! You're Awesome got BotW! A big thanks to members who read and



Acid Is Cool

Wednesday, September 20, 2006 I got to play with acid today in science. Yup, acid. Of course, there are some lab partners that you just can't trust with acid... When you put 6-molar acetic acid (vinegar) and 6-molar hydrochloric acid together on magnesium, it fizzes a lot and releases smelly, acidic fumes. Don't want to breathe that stuff -- you wouldn't be able to breathe right for a long time. It would be like having a cough that lasted three months. Here's a quiz: Would you rather d



Who Will Dare To Topple Me?

Saturday, December 16, 2006 Boo-yah! Who will dare to topple me from second place!? What a GREAT GAME. I'm addicted to it. Well, I slept for fifteen hours last night, from 5:30 PM yesterday until 8:30 this morning. That's what going to bed at 3:30 the night before will do to ya. That's also definitely what I call "pulling a Mata Nui."



What's Going On Right Now

Monday, January 15, 2007 Hey guys. Here I am, at 11:25 PM on the night before my semester exams start, posting a blog entry for the first time in several days. Sorry I haven't posted an entry in a while, it's just been one of those weekends where I'm not paying too much attention to my blog. Just a summary of what's been happening in my life lately, both on- and offline: Semester Exams. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I have three of my most rugged tests tomorrow. I've studied a bunch, bu



How The Squid Ammo Is Fired

Saturday, November 11, 2006 I figured it out. Someone else probably has already, but I assure you that I didn't get this from anywhere else. Take a look at Tilius's scan of Pridak. Notice how the squid in the launcher is slightly shorter than the one clipped to his armor. This observation has led me to this conlusion: See? To fit the polyp into the launcher, the tail has to scrunch up. When you press the knobs on the sides of the launcher, the clip holding the polyp from springing o



Manas: Least Owned Set?

Saturday, October 27, 2007 A Manas pair sits on the great Bionicle shelves in my basement. Just visiting the collection and admiring the Rahi this afternoon, I tried to reconnect the rubber bands that allow the set to function properly. One crusty old band broke when I touched it. The set has been mine for five years, after all. Not that it mattered -- as long as it was going to break whenever I next tried to put it to use again. Then glancing down at the Bahrag, I looked at their white-rubber



Injustice! >:(

Thursday, January 4, 2007 Today was my first day back to school . Felt like a monday . Gotta hate those. So I have to get up at 6:40. I come downstairs after washing my face, getting dressed, etc. I'm eating a bagel when we get a phone call. My dad picks up. "Hello?" ... "This is he." ... "Oh...really?" ... "Alright then... would you happen to know what the reason is for this?" ... "So, you're not really sure, you're just happy to pass along the news ." .



Saving Bionicle.com

Saturday, December 20, 2008 Christmas break has begun. And now that I have some time off, I'm taking a bit of it to save as many pages off bionicle.com as I can onto compact disks, in anticipation of its change in 2009. There are some parts of each page, like background images or flash objects, that Firefox won't save automatically (I have to use Cache Viewer) or load from an already saved file that I want to open without internet access, as a test. The browser relies on an internet connection



Did You See Terminator

Saturday, February 14, 2009 Valentine's Day DID YOU SEE TERMINATOR LAST NIGHT? God that was funny, and a really amazing surprise. I'm sorry I missed the topic about it; I was away visiting a college. I got the sweetest room, with a flatscreen TV, to watch the second half of the returning episode of the Sarah Connor Chronicles. I learned that even if you've followed that show all the way from the first episode, you can still come in halfway and have totally no idea what's going on.



Oh... It's So Unneccessary! :drooling:

Tuesday, January 2, 2007 First of all, allow me to say happy new year! I sure am looking forward to 2007! Secondly, sorry about the fact that I haven't posted since... the other day... I forget which one exactly. It was about iPods. Guess what -- this entry's about iPods too! Looking back on Christmas shopping at Office Max... I cannot tell you how many items had a totally unneccessary iPod station built into them. I mean desk lamps, televisions... dishwashers . Serously though, i



Bionicle Legends #6: City Of The Lost

Sunday, January 21, 2007 Lacking in something in my current life to write about today -- except for the fact that the Bears are going to the Super Bowl -- I present you my third Bionicle Legends mini-review, on City of the Lost. Like any book that has a decent sense of order to it, this book starts the 2007 story from the beginning: the defeat of the Barraki 80,000 years ago. My only complaint is that this wonderful scene was a tad brief, but I suppose it was better to resolve backstory qu



Something You May Have Missed

Monday, January 22, 2007 It all happens so fast in the new Bionicle short movie that I never noticed this until I watched it the tenth time or so. Kalmah has the mask and fires a squid at Ehlek, Ehlek fires it back, Pridak comes up from behind and -- wouldn't you know, he slices right through Kalmah's tentacle with his blade, making it spill blood into the water. (Although, please, I ask you not to resurrect the blood on Pridak's face argument, as I sorely recall that debate.)



New Gadget

Friday, April 13, 2007 Anyone familiar with my older blog entries knows that I absolutely hate iPods. What does not make sense, however, is the fact that for the past year I have been using my own video iPod to listen to music. This has come to an end as of my birthday four days ago. I now have a portable multimedia device from ARCHOS. My new Archos is everything the iPod failed to be for me. Instead of needing to import and convert/sync files through the painfully slow iTunes program, all I ne



Premonitions From Bionicle.com

Wednesday, July 2, 2008 Scenes from the future on bionicle.com...what do they mean? 61 - The Swamp of Secrets 68 - The Codrex 103 - The Storm 145 - Mata Nui 166 - Epilogue



Who's Got Your Vote?

Wednesday, October 18, 2006 Heck, he got a month named after him, albeit one that tends to throw the succeeding ones' prefixes off. He has his qualities, but has a tendency to be "ambitious." Pedro offers you his protection. Who's got your vote?



So They Turned On The Freak Machine

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 I was quite impressed today at school. My friends knew what I was talking about when I said, "So, you hear what they did in Switzerland?" I got into this fanboy discussion with one guy about Nikola Tesla and how the FBI stole away the blueprints for his particle beam, like the real-life plans for the Death Star. Another friend told me that his uber-geeky physics teacher compared the likelyhood of the machine creating a black hole that would swallow up the earth to



How Do You Spell...

Ah, those times when people on BZP butcher the spellings of Bionicle names. Sometimes they're mild, sometimes they make me cringe, sometimes it's just outright hilarious. I've often thought about compiling a list of common misspellings so people can get them straight, but in the past I've never had the means or the patience.   Gee, I wish there would be a place for me to record all of those misspellings of Bionicle words and then post them to help the fans out when spelling stuff. But only guy



Happy B-day To...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 Happy Birthday to... ...my little brother! Twelve years old this time. My God, he's a teenager next year!



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