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idk my pal

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I like home, much nicer and larger than my aunt's home.   Looking back on all I did, part of me feels like throwing up at the part during the car ride... but I was really hungry and stops were non too frequent. [Ate a box of twinkies ><]   The car ride on Saturday was actually pretty boring, with my sister playing movies in the back seat and me just listening to music and playing the only game I have for my DS system [Disgaea DS] and within that game, the time I played it went from 14




This is why I like early birthday presents. And since there's nothing else I want at this point, I decided to use it to get a PS3 and some games. Cuz other than that, I'm happy with what I currently have.   But that's still a lot of money .-.



New Phone.

Cuz I need one, and it has to be T-Mobile and under $50. So those fancy shmancy ones are a "No". But there isn't a very big selection... kinda like my old one, but I want one with a camera. I found one that has what I am looking for at that price, buuuut may as well as browse around a bit more.



Got It.

I got my computer back, but I had to install everything all over again. From Word to MSN to my internet browser. I still don't have my old desktop image back, but some things can wait. I've been trying to reconstruct what I wrote on DB again, this time redoing the prologue in favor of something far more interesting. This is probably my fifth to last draft, depending on how things go.   I do intend on writing it as if it were in the pages of a book first, however. Then going through it and edit



I'm In...

The middle of nowhere. There're a few buildings outside of this hotel, but Iowa needs more stuff.



Computer Class.

I finished everything and am now so bored that I made a new blog entry.   I am sitting at the long table thingy with the computer... and the guy next to me apparently wishes to buy a nail gun and a castle and become some sort of nail tyrant. o___O



What's Left In School.

One day...   -Study for PE Final -Study for French Final Prt 1 & 2 & 3 -Study for Math Final [i... am not confident in this area...] -Study for Language Final/Take notes -Make sure that Kyle brings in the finished PowerPoint for Science - HE DIDN'T FINISH IT >< -Present Science Project [iF Kyle remembers...] - Presented, I skipped the last slide cuz it was under construction... still... -Watch in horror as my Computer Project is presented [i used solid colors in that PowerPo



This Sucks.

So, in order to get all of those viruses off of my computer, they're going to have to wipe off the hardrive. I have so much stored on there, and earlier someone had stepped on my flashdrive when I accidentally dropped it. That means that I'll be loosing pretty much everything, besides for half of my DB things which I have stored inside of old emails. I'm going to have to start from scratch when it comes to the actual story though, but I don't mind. I had a new idea for a prologue for sometime, a




-Study for PE Final -Study for French Final Prt 1 & 2 & 3 -Study for Math Final [i... am not confident in this area...] -Study for Language Final/Take notes -Make sure that Kyle brings in the finished PowerPoint for Science - HE DIDN'T FINISH IT >< -Present Science Project [iF Kyle remembers...] - Presented, I skipped the last slide cuz it was under construction... still... -Watch in horror as my Computer Project is presented [i used solid colors in that PowerPoint cuz everyt



My Weekend...

Friday:   -Saw the Star Trek movie and just did whatever that night.   Saturday:   -Study for Finals from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM -BZP   Sunday:   -Study for Finals from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM -Played Disgaea for my Nintendo DS, and got addicted quickly. -Played Disgaea 3 for my PS3 and also got addicted.   Monday:   -Classes... but not too much work, since I'm studying muscles, what certain actions have on the muscles when done, all of my Math from the first day [i missed the first week D=],




They suck sometimes. Like the surprise that a teacher gives you saying "Oh, study all this and you'll have a Final next week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday." And she was supposed to tell us [Only four of us, cuz we're going into French 2 for High School] three days ago ><




People are good at guessing when it comes to what I want to do for a career and what I already determined I will do to get there. It was kinda annoying how it was relayed to me in a sarcastic tone, but I just went "Yeah. That's what I'm going to do." and he's like "... Oh."   Then there was an awkward silence for a few moments.




-Finish Lye Street -Study and take a Language Final. -Study and take a Math Final [i'm soooo screwed on this one ><] -Take a History Test [Not a Final ^^] -Complete final Computer Project. -Complete Science Project -Complete two one more Math worksheet.   I'll be finishing the Computer Project on Monday, the Language and Math Finals will be done on Wednesday and Tuesday [Might've been Thursday] next week. The science project I have completed 75% of, my partner gets the other 25% sin



Eight Days.

And I must;   -Finish Lye Street -Study and take a Language Final. -Study and take a Math Final [i'm soooo screwed on this one ><] -Take a History Test [Not a Final ^^] -Complete final Computer Project. -Complete Science Project -Complete two more Math worksheets.   And, that is it ^^



That Book I Am Reading.

It's interesting when you're reading a book such as Lye Street and your language teacher asks questions about it. Kinda interesting when you explain about how a man was found dead in a pipe with all of his blood sucked out of his body, along with when you ask "Hey, what do you think is down in that bottomless pit?" and get the chance to go see for yourself.   She quit asking things when I got into explaining who "Carnival" was and stuff XP



- Update.

I updated my epic The Center with the fourth chapter to the so far small story. It'd be nice to get some actual feedback, like a review of some sort, if anyone would be awesome enough.   10 more days of school btw. Then I get to be free... and my sister goes to year 'round school so it sucks for her ^^   This means that I get the house to myself for... three/four months with sister taking breaks from her school every three weeks.




Friday;   -Wolverine Movie -Late night TV   Saturday;   -Out to eat -Best Buy -Blockbuster -Target -Sister gets hooked on Final Fantasy -I rent Armored Core, and Gundam Crossfire [i hate the combat in Gundam ><]   Sunday;   -Yardwork from 12:00 - 3:00 PM -Lunch. -BZP Time. -Blog




It rained D=   That meant no more fun other than movie ;_;



Cuz Sisen Lost His Blog.

BZProvince vote thingy. Here's the entrants; Click the Link..   Just post saying which one you like and someone will count them up... for BZProvince only cuz it only affects them.



Today, Tomorrow.

What was odd in the middle of History today was when we're in our little tiny group going over one of the historical characters in the Civil War era. We read this thingy on Fredrick Douglass in class, and then we're to take notes on it. Once we decide "Okay, let's take some notes." riiiight after that someone in our group responded with "Let's start with the psychotic killer angels."   The reaction was a "O____o" from everyone, but that phrase sounded neat and fit one of the characters I made u



So... Yeah.

I decided that I will start drawing again, like... in the more time consuming way than my half brained little chibis running around my test papers. But there are things that I need to look into more and practice for... well a lot, I have no idea how long. Like... well, practically everything, but right now I need to make things symmetrical when they're supposed to be symmetrical.   That's why I hate doing eyes... cuz one will look goodish, and the other will look like a flat tire. ><   T



A Sword.

Ha! I found the little bugger.   The people who put it in the "Fragile" box when we moved failed to be careful... my sheath is broken now ;_;   Still looks cool on my wall though.



Digital T V.

It's not better than analog cuz it keeps freezing up and gets all pixel-y half the time -__-   It sucks.



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