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idk my pal

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I have four ideas.   Possibly three, depending on how two work out.   The titles are;   -The Asylum -Killing Two Stones With One Bird -Xenophobe/Xenophobia [This and "The Asylum" might be combined] -Quiet Night




Cut myself while shaving, I know, you all wanted to know that =P   But... I am so bored... and... I know, I need to find a good book and read it. I think I have a bunch of Stephen King's works downstairs now that I think about it, just move a few boxes here and dig through some more there. That should probably inspire something to adapt into a Short Story or at least inspire me to work some more on DB rather than kinda stare at it and be like "..." for a bit.   Rained and hailed again today..



Look What I Found!

Yes, In games I am a sniper, and I think they look cool and so I post this image of a cool one I found. I hope the image works...




Watching the news peoples trying to contact someone who can't hear them is funny to watch.   "*Insert name*?"   "..."



A Surprise.

I do have a surprise on the way, and no it's not the Blog Theme that Dyski is being so awesome to help construct. If you wanna guess [Cuz it's forum related] go ahead and guess for it, though I won't confirm or deny anything till it actually happens XP



Rpg Charries Of Mine

So I get bored, what better to do than list all of my RPG charries that I can remember? Vincent Underwood : I created Vincent here off of the design of FF's Vincent Valentine, over some time I have a completely different mental image keeping only the pale skin, sometimes the eyes, and red along with black colored garb.   Vincent is quiet, bloodthirsty, and cruel. He hates everybody and not too many like him. He has a past only of pain and suffering, which is why he detaches himself from emot



hm 2016

2016... a lot of negative stuff went down, a lot of sad things happened, a lot of bad things in general occurred and surfaced.   But in 2016 I made... 30,000 word progress on my book, so I'm nearly halfway done with it so far. I slowed down a lot due to falling into some potent periods of depression (I vanished off tumblr too for a good part of that time), I lost a lot of momentum I had due to that and the last couple months sorta felt like scraping buy to design some semblance of self worth.




I made a cheesecake, it is a goooood cheesecake. =D First one I made in years.



Look What I Bought

After trading in a bunch of old things to Gamestop, I ended up with... $300 some in store credit. So, I bought myself a 3DS (which came with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [nostalgia trip right there], and I also got Mario Kart 7 with it). Some games I'll likely pick up, eventually, for this system are as follows;   - Super Mario 3D Land - Starfox 64 3D - Tales of the Abyss 3DS - Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked - BlazBlue Continuum Shi



Fair Induced Excitement

I am amazingly excited for BFair (Last year was a blast, and I didn't even do that much), I just hope I can get everything I need to get done before the event. Lot of it is physical paperwork and notifying some people (Need to notify the head of the School Newspaper Staff Administrator that I can't make the staff meeting on the Seventh...). Some of the paperwork is just me needing to finish my school reading projects (Need to get some things drawn out and the blasted printer working ><), w



Thoughts That Dwell Inside The Mind.

Memories of which I had never thought about for eight years now come popping back up at the worst of times. And, as a young kid of five years back then, they aren't very good memories to begin with.   The thing I hate the most is when it feels like the memory was an event that had only occurred a minute ago. Sometimes, I wish I was older back then as to act more appropriately in those situations, not having grasped how serious they were at the time.




Master Gunnery Sergeants I am now calling "Master Blasters"   Sergeants I will call "Sarge" or "The people who shout very loud"   Colonels are all either "********" or "Kewl"   Captains will be called "Capitan" "Cap'n" "The annoying officer" "That guy" "me" and "Who's that?"   Lousy Privates will be called "Funny"   Generals will be Generals or, "The guy who gives out the orders"   Wash-out trainees will be called "Janitors"   Admirals will be called "Da Man wit da powerz" and "Who're yo




My thingy at the docs was twenny mins, sisters was a full hour. I fell asleep in the waiting room waiting for them to hurry up, and then became irritable upon being awoken.   The doc's office overall was a nightmare I'd rather not go back to x_x




I felt like posting an entry and so I completed my task.   One day I want to animate something just for the sake of watching one of my own characters dance to something I make up.



What's Left In School.

One day...   -Study for PE Final -Study for French Final Prt 1 & 2 & 3 -Study for Math Final [i... am not confident in this area...] -Study for Language Final/Take notes -Make sure that Kyle brings in the finished PowerPoint for Science - HE DIDN'T FINISH IT >< -Present Science Project [iF Kyle remembers...] - Presented, I skipped the last slide cuz it was under construction... still... -Watch in horror as my Computer Project is presented [i used solid colors in that PowerPo



Fun New Games

Recently I had purchased a game called MASS EFFECT. It is rated M for good reasons and has been banned from Singapore for a certain scene in the game.   I like this game and I thought that it was a blast to play. I like the fact that you can practically do what you want and that it isn't completely scripted like other games out there. (Yes I like RPG games)   My favorite Race is the Quarians, then the Turians, and then the Asari. Those are my top three out of several other races which are th



-something To Say-

Wheee for dashes 8D, but onto what I made this Entry for.   You CoT goers, and RPG dwellers may (or may not) know about the Twilight RPG which is a Danny Phantom RPG in CoT.   Now, there are some rather... large you could say problems. One of which is that there had been a member deprival ever since The Sword Of The Heart went to a summer camp. Now, what would really make it far better (and keep it running) would be if some people who would enjoy playing a Danny Phantom based RPG would like t




TV says snow storm, Spink says "WHERE IS THE SNOOOOOW?!"   I want the snow ;_;



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