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idk my pal

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force of will

looks like an interesting tcg kinda wish it had more popularity since the idea of playing it's near impossible with how niche it is lol




Haven't been as active on BZP more due to tests/studying [cuz, we all looove 107 question English tests... and 150 question tests on everything... and science tests... and World Geography projects...]. I'm still busy with those things, but so far, the science and the English is out of the way. Just got that 150 test tomorrow morning.   And, cuz I got bored, I drew Ralts, cuz I felt like it, and I thought it'd be adorable if it held a scythe. It didn't turn out that bad, well... the first one d



Five Hours.

Five hours, and only 994 words typed on the first chapter to this epic.   I find this to be... nice, actually.



hey (again)

this website is a safe space.   if you can't respect that, please leave.   or, at least, respect that this is a safe space and posting discriminatory content isn't cool and does not fit under the banner of "Safe Space."   i know a thing or two about safe spaces and doing stuff like that gets you banned from them in every other instance of their existence. (i volunteered in a LGBT Youth Center, for one thing, and it was kinda a big deal because those people really needed that space to get away f




I has a new one in mind =3   But when will I make it? I dunnooooooo



Eight Days.

And I must;   -Finish Lye Street -Study and take a Language Final. -Study and take a Math Final [i'm soooo screwed on this one ><] -Take a History Test [Not a Final ^^] -Complete final Computer Project. -Complete Science Project -Complete two more Math worksheets.   And, that is it ^^



My Weekend...

Friday:   -Saw the Star Trek movie and just did whatever that night.   Saturday:   -Study for Finals from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM -BZP   Sunday:   -Study for Finals from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM -Played Disgaea for my Nintendo DS, and got addicted quickly. -Played Disgaea 3 for my PS3 and also got addicted.   Monday:   -Classes... but not too much work, since I'm studying muscles, what certain actions have on the muscles when done, all of my Math from the first day [i missed the first week D=],




haven posted a thing here in forever but decided to come back for nostalgia and boredom sake for a single night in the midst of october   its so weird   like bein in an abandoned hospital but the lights're still on and you can jus hear your voice echoin down the halls   man and i spent like... idk, i think i was active mostly through 2015? but like, 12 years of havin an acct   my acct is older than elementary school   also nearly half my current lifespan   wild   my icon cute tho



I Did Stuff

Spring Break juuuust ended for me and I feel like writing about it because I love you all so much <3   Over last week I was in Los Angeles, went on the Warner Bros Studios Tour (saw all the batmobiles all lined up, they were making a documentary for The Dark Knight Rises) and walked on some of the sets used in a few shows (like Gilmore Girls, Friends, The Big Bang Theory, True Blood, etc...), went into the Hollywood Museum (weren't allowed to take pics -- but they have a whole -floor- dedicat




My personal computer was destroyed by the cat, as she decided to give a glass of water a very rough shove with her head... even though she knows that being on the table is not allowed <<   So, I am currently using my sister's computer [Which is really screwed up...].   Today, overall, hasn't really gone well.   -EDIT: Oh, and probably all of my writing projects are gone now. Or will be, in the recovery process... unless a drenched computer isn't as bad, memory wise, as a computer full



Shady Drivin'

So, I ordered a "new" Nintendo 3DS XL (To be fair I was in a spot where I'd need to upgrade my 3DS either way, since the normal size is too small for my hands and causes them to cramp up really fast) and that'll arrive tomorrow, which I'm pretty excited for. I also picked up Majora's Mask at the store (while also having a Link Between Worlds and Ocarina of Time for the same platform~), so my future's gonna be pretty Zelda filled.   Also had an eye appointment yesterday and they dilated my pupils



What I Need.

- I need to feel tired when I should go to sleep. - I need to feel not tired for when I get up.   It's annoying when this is all backwards, cuz when I can't sleep when I should sleep, then I get bored and hungry (Though I might play ME2 until I can feel tired...). It stinks when I need to get up in the morning and all I want to do is sleep though... cuz, I got places to be, people to see, stuff to do... well, not so much recently (Felt terrible on Wednesday/Late Tuesday... huge headache, paine



A Most Fantabulous Discovery

I've realized that I have three or so iTunes giftcards in my possession, none of which I have used. I shall use these to, likely, purchase Break From This World by Globus, Imaginaerum by Nightwish, and My Winter Storm by Tarja Turunen. There's, of course, other albums I would love to purchase, but these three have songs that inspire me for working on my numerous writing projects -- nearly every single song, to be honest.   I do wish that iTunes (USA) carried a wider variety of Japanese music (th



happy holidays c:

have a good time no matter what you celebrate, how you celebrate, or even if you're not celebrating anything at all!




Comes with the year, ends with the year. By year, of course, I refer to school year.   That and reading novels I distinctly and thoroughly enjoy, instead of silly stories serving only to appease my need for pointless amusement. (Which I've been reading far more of lately). Oh and music. Lots and lots of music.   *goes back to brainstorming his fantasy/steampunk/romance/adventure/maybetragedy story*




It's weird actually becoming busy with life and stuff.   But yeah, I've been a Barista for about... three months now? Almost? Still working on some other side projects, some just for me, some are a collaboration with my housemate who moved in with us.   Kinda getting sucked into things like Destiny and FFXIV, but eh, it's a bit more fun since my friend's been really into Destiny and currently dropped League of Legends in favor of it. But of course she looks up everything, every stat, every build



School And The Internet

Well, I happen to be on a few other sites and on one of these websites, four people from my school were also members and we basically all randomly bumped into each other on the site. Like, small internety-world.   Secondly, I have no classes tomorrow and that's pretty nice. Though I need to do a lot of projects.   Thirdly, I started drawing this... interesting, picture during class in my notebook. It started out as a circle, and eventually turned into something that would be on the more extr



Story Telling

I finished the Intro to a book I've been working on for a while now. I can't tell about it because people may steal my idea and I don't want that. I have three editors , A friend of mine who's name I shall omit, another friend, and me. This has been hard to write and I'm about to start another draft over the Intro again to make sure that everything is okay. I had gone to the store and purchased four magic card packs ( I know it was a small waste of money but oh well...) I'm going to camp for the




They are daily, they are short.   And somehow I get easily bored, but I never feel like going on the internet [And when I do, it's more to look something up than to stick around; so that's why I haven't been on BZP... or any forum board... or IM for that matter... or even in my email...]   But, I need to finish the first chapter in DB at some point... even though I've been working on it daily for the past week or so, it's still about half done, and that's probably because it's not as much fun



New Years Resolution Stuff

- Finish some of my writing projects, this would be the sixth year for one and it's high time I pushed to the end of this draft. - Get over some personal stuff. - Work out more, lose weight and just get thinner in general. I'm not interested in building muscle, I just want to feel thin again (as after all of the holidays, I feel bloated <<) - Perhaps work on some of my social issues, that stem from me being extremely shy, and that's it.   If you want to list yours, feel free. ^^



Pokemon White 2

Because I lost my Black copy forever ago and restarted on White. And also because a close friend also got White, and he gave me free shinies because he's amazing and awesome (and one of them was named after a Cinderella character so *squee*) :3   He's actually why I got White 2 today, though he doesn't get his copy until Thursday *when it's released where he is* so he and I can't trade/battle until then *he always wins anyway, but it's fun xP*   Although I'm not starting it yet, I need to wrap u



What I Do In Class

I draw lots of things, the latest was a "Mega Turkey" as the class dubbed the doodle, and it's called that because I was supposed to make a turkey for Thanksgiving for a contest in class. Of course, I asked if I could not participate in the contest and just free draw. I doodled a huge mech-Robot thing with a drill for an arm, blades for feet, and thrown together looking armor with wires sticking out all over. The head design was harder for me to come up with though. If the scanner decides to wor




I think when I get home today (Waiting for something to download for Animation class... which, is taking a while and is the only thing I need D=) I'm gonna disappear and play ME2.   Well, I did say "I think" for all I know I'll end up doing something totally unrelated.




People are good at guessing when it comes to what I want to do for a career and what I already determined I will do to get there. It was kinda annoying how it was relayed to me in a sarcastic tone, but I just went "Yeah. That's what I'm going to do." and he's like "... Oh."   Then there was an awkward silence for a few moments.



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