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idk my pal

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I drank, three energy drinks, ate twenty four reeses... had a bunch of cinnamon sticks, and chocolate... and now I wish I never did any of that...   Cuz, now I'm barely awake during the day, annnnd that means I won't be incredibly active today in stuff, and prolly not tomorrow either due to having some stuff I need to get down before Tuesday/Thursday.



Na No Wri Mo.

I've decided that I most definitely will be participating in this. The goal, for me, is to write a coherent, 50,000+ word story within the course of the month November. Though, I'd personally be happy if I got past 10,000 words [As that'd be the farthest I ever wrote a single story, thought up on the spot]. I think, that I might make it past 30,000 if I'm really into the idea, though I'll probably end up around the 15,000 mark [Due to school, other writing projects, and the like].   It just sou




We had another tornado warning, one in the county. Ten minutes after the warning, it hailed hail the size of golf balls in such a great amount that I couldn't see out of my backyard. So that was when I fell asleep, ten hours later I wake up and it's raining.   So yeah.



Those Days...

When there's a cat growing horns sitting on my left, and there's a void of blackness doing nothing off to the right.   Interpret as you will.



Days With Detail.

I never really went into any detail about my weekend, having only stated that I saw 9 which isn't really something to brag about to begin with.   Saturday;   Saturday was rather annoying. I slept in until around 10:00 AM, shortly after I awoke I was pulled out to the yard, as to help rip out a huge bush, a giant weed [bigger than the bush]. We completely mangled the bush, so we bought a new, small shrub that now sits where our giant bush had once been. Now, we have a ton of debris in the backy



New Entry

There are a bunch of people talking very loudly outside my window, It's kinda creepy.   So I watched a bunch of horror movies and now I will not be able to sleep tonight.   ...   A few more thingys to say, I won't be online tonight or tomarrow as I have a bunch of plans with a bunch of people. And since I will be unable to put in an entry tomarrow I put this one in to take it's place.   Nothing really interesting has happened to me today though.



I'm In...

The middle of nowhere. There're a few buildings outside of this hotel, but Iowa needs more stuff.



So, Tomorrow.

It brings excitement, anxiety, and a bit of dread. (Dread more being that I have no idea what'll be assigned in school tomorrow... none of the teachers really update the calendar, so for all I know, someone could be all like "HUGE PROJECT" or "BOAT OF HOMEWORK" the latter being harder... cuz I'll have about two or three hours of free time ._.)




It's like, when I have no school, I end up being more stressed than if I had school.   And stress + going to sleep at 1 AM while waking up at 6 AM is a horrible combination ;-;



Aim High.

Aim low, you get low.   Aim high, you choose to try, you get something worth your time.




Now I own CoD5, and got it at the sale price.



ffxiv a realm reborn

my computer can run it on max settings wooo (but only at an average of 46~FPS going by the benchmark test, so prolly a bit lower) but the game looks just rad on high and medium settings so there... which technically doesn't matter since the human eye can only see like 27 ~ 30 frames per second (if this is wrong punch my 3D animation instructor from two years ago).   (but i plan to get the collector's edition for my PS3 since it's just a safer investment and get the standard version for PC so i




I have a NaNoWriMo project in mind, for once...   I hope it's not cheating if I start a month early~



Oh Yay.

I actually reviewed things in the SSCC. I feel good now.   Though, I did review 8 things at once, but all that was deleted which makes me sad ;-;



A New Idea.

I was listening to Amaranth by Nightwish in the car when an idea for an epic came to me. However, remembering my track record with epics I decided that I'll try out the idea and see if I like it and if I do then I'll write all of the chapters out before I post it so that I don't lose interest halfway through and have another incomplete epic laying around. [i have like... three incomplete... no, four incomplete... no five, actually six incomplete epics and one completed one. This... hurts me insi




I hate it when I think I'm in one forum, but am really in another ><



Harry Potter The Sixth

I'm going to go see it in 25 minutes.   And I also hate it when online retailers go "zomg you'll get it shipped in 24 hrs!" and then 72 hours later you get the email saying "Oh, we shipped it now."



This Is Pretty Cool

So I ordered Reach on Monday, click on the free shipping and am told it'll arrive on the 20th.   But I guess Amazon/UPS likes me 'cuz it got here todaaay~



Surprise Final.

Turns out that I'm taking part 1 of two of my Graphic Design Final today. Actually, right now... I have the bare-bones design in a window, but I'm not allowed to expand upon it until tomorrow (yay...) so there's not much else for me to do than to go into my blog and just mention how much I didn't expect it to be right now, so I wasn't exactly ready for a "Design a ___ for this." But, it's nothing I need to study for -- just memorization on how to properly use the program and how to get whatever




I forgot to mention that I got the highest score out of my class on some letter thing I completely forgot about until I was handed it back.   Only got one point knocked off, and that was cuz I didn't check to make sure that every word was single spaced. [i'm saying between the words -- not the lines], so the fact that someone caught that surprised me.



Problem You Could Say

Okay, so there's two things that have come to my attention and should be dealt with (by me) very soon.   - I haven't updated my epic   Why?   I've hit that magical thing called "Writer's Block" for it, and at the moment am trying to think of the next chapter. If you happen to have been reading it I am terribly sorry for the long wait, it's just that I want to make it a bit better than it already is and so I wish to be in a prone element when typing up the next part. I have not abandoned it




I like home, much nicer and larger than my aunt's home.   Looking back on all I did, part of me feels like throwing up at the part during the car ride... but I was really hungry and stops were non too frequent. [Ate a box of twinkies ><]   The car ride on Saturday was actually pretty boring, with my sister playing movies in the back seat and me just listening to music and playing the only game I have for my DS system [Disgaea DS] and within that game, the time I played it went from 14




They suck sometimes. Like the surprise that a teacher gives you saying "Oh, study all this and you'll have a Final next week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday." And she was supposed to tell us [Only four of us, cuz we're going into French 2 for High School] three days ago ><



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