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idk my pal

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The Closet

(This is a rather personal position piece, where I do talk about some very personal events in my life -- I'm speaking from my perspective here, just a note) (and no, it's not written with the utmost grammatical scrutiny)   Okay, numerous things prompted me to make this entry. But I do feel like a lot of people haven't entirely grasped what this concept is, why it's a touchy subject and why belittling and undermining it ticks people off.   As a LGBT+ individual, I've had it easy. Very easy. Yes:



The After-Fair

Okay, this isn't a full detailed entry full of all my pictures. Oh no, this is but a bored "I did some stuff" with some pictures taken after the fact. Not big images either, so yeah. Actually I only have one more, it's of the stuff I bought (okay some of it, not all of it)     Just missing the Mines of Moria set and the Race for the Tesseract set (if that's what it's called...). Anyways, can't see it but Loki has a giant buster sword hidden behind lil' Takua, and the pink haired person is roc



The A - Team.

I liked this movie, particularly Murdock.   Sure, maybe doing a barrel roll with a C-130 is a bit out there, but hey, it looked really cool.



That Time When

You write a 7,000 word profile and realize you can't use it because the species you want to use is a reward </3   And then you keep adding stuff to the profile in delirium.



That Pesky Period

Did an edit to my blog title, decided to be rid of the period that had been placed there purely out of habit. Made the title clash with all the others when in a list, IMO.   Plus, I added a subtitle again. I had Peter Pan on the brain, so that's why it may look like a reference.



That Book I Am Reading.

It's interesting when you're reading a book such as Lye Street and your language teacher asks questions about it. Kinda interesting when you explain about how a man was found dead in a pipe with all of his blood sucked out of his body, along with when you ask "Hey, what do you think is down in that bottomless pit?" and get the chance to go see for yourself.   She quit asking things when I got into explaining who "Carnival" was and stuff XP




Had lots of food, from;   - Sweet potato casserole (Which is amazingly awesome) - Rolls (Made from a tin, but still tasty.) - Turkey (We had to hack it apart, cuz none of us know how to properly carve a turkey.) - Stuffing (Not the gizzards, cuz using the gizzards in stuffing is eww, rather we meshed stuff like bread, apple cider and the like together) - Apple Cider (<3) - There was soda, but I didn't drink any of it. - We had this broccoli stuff (Didn't care for it that much) - Norma



terrible memory

the fact I accurately remember my password on a regular basis and can sign in from not my laptop still shocks and astounds me   (I have really bad memory and I never actually sign into my account)




That be me aiming at your head from my window. That includes anyone not close to any buildings, or this country. Yes my aim is THAT GOOD.   As is my special rifle. =3




Now I own CoD5, and got it at the sale price.



Technical Difficulties No More

A day or so ago I was having issues with transported pictures from BFair from my phone to the computer. Recently I was able to straighten the whole thing out, even though I ended up deleting three or four pictures in the process. I'm just glad I got that all sorted out as that means that sometime either this or next week I'll be able to put links up to all the pictures [because they're rather large, and it just keeps the blog looking somewhat organized and other things that branch off from those




They suck sometimes. Like the surprise that a teacher gives you saying "Oh, study all this and you'll have a Final next week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday." And she was supposed to tell us [Only four of us, cuz we're going into French 2 for High School] three days ago ><



Surprise Final.

Turns out that I'm taking part 1 of two of my Graphic Design Final today. Actually, right now... I have the bare-bones design in a window, but I'm not allowed to expand upon it until tomorrow (yay...) so there's not much else for me to do than to go into my blog and just mention how much I didn't expect it to be right now, so I wasn't exactly ready for a "Design a ___ for this." But, it's nothing I need to study for -- just memorization on how to properly use the program and how to get whatever



Sundae And Sunday

Why is a sundae called a sundae? It reminds me of Sundays but it is spelt a different but pernounce it the same way as you would Sunday. Is it called a sundae merely because people eat it on Sundays? and is that why its not called a Mondae or Tuesdae? Well thats one question of mine. I just became a premier member and this is my first blog so...I don't know what to say after that. EDIT: I made this one yesterday and the other entry that I made today is at the bottom.



Sumthin Later

Imma gonna make another entry for something else either later tonight, or tomorrow... or maybe even Sunday.   Oh I be going into an actual house tomorrow and am leaving this tiny apartment =D  



Summer Plans!

So, I'll likely be out of the country some time late June/July. Which month I don't know yet, and it'd likely be a max of a week (likely less than that, though -- I also plan to go to Denver Pridefest this year, which is the 15th/16th... so before I'd leave, since I'd leave after the 19th).   I'm thinking to go to Italy, though~     But dunno if I'll be able to go to BFair, the college I'm going to has some thing going on in August... I forget if it's early August or late August, though.




I have to go to the Dentist today, and I really hate dental people cuz they forget to remove metal, sharp, bands in my mouth.   Tomorrow I'll either not sleep at all, or go to sleep about 8:00 PM Mountain Time, cuz I got to get up very early on Friday to catch a plane to Houston, where I get to see all my friends again -yay. That also means that I may not be on BZP as frequently, which isn't overall bad, but just saying. However, if I am gone like... completely from Friday - Sunday, and RPGs ar




-Study for PE Final -Study for French Final Prt 1 & 2 & 3 -Study for Math Final [i... am not confident in this area...] -Study for Language Final/Take notes -Make sure that Kyle brings in the finished PowerPoint for Science - HE DIDN'T FINISH IT >< -Present Science Project [iF Kyle remembers...] - Presented, I skipped the last slide cuz it was under construction... still... -Watch in horror as my Computer Project is presented [i used solid colors in that PowerPoint cuz everyt



Stuff I Did.

So I was out and about for ten hours yesterday from things ranging to random walking, to an art festival, to eating at a Greek place which had good food to nearly getting smacked in the head by a rogue fisbee thrown by a Navy recruiter at the art festival, and a baseball game that lasted three hours.   Today we all went out and did some errands.  




It's like, when I have no school, I end up being more stressed than if I had school.   And stress + going to sleep at 1 AM while waking up at 6 AM is a horrible combination ;-;




So yeah, I posted a Short Story that was meant for last month. XP   Comments, critique, whatever else have you, would be awesome!



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