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Entries in this blog

Might As Well

Make an entry... I guess... I should... Eh, why not?   I've been all over the place mentally and physically for a while now. I mean, what with:   Work The Comic KB and I are working on together (More on that as we get closer to the release of said comic) Hanging out with my friends (Well, two of them in particular, seeing as they're the only ones working on similar schedules to mine) Running a forum Working on another comic I have elsewhere working on short story ideas that come to me alm

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Influx Of Mocitude...

As soon as I get back from Wal-Mart later tonight, be ready for several MoC pics, including THE LARGEST MOC I'VE EVER MADE...   Yeah, Bigger than the CtD MoC...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

* Probably Making Self A Target *

Why do people feel the need to try to destroy a site FOR KIDS about TOYS because of rules set to PROTECT said kids from things... Well... Things your grandmother would rather not know...   Grow up, internet trolls.

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Seething Rage...

I have a lot of it... It doesn't take much to push me over the edge (Just ask the guy I put in the hospital last week for cheating on my sister (Not a literal sister, but we're close)...)   Just thought you all should know...   Also, here's this, A Cthulhu's Words of Wisdom:   "Revenge is a dish best served cold... Steak is not..."   This has been a bad Cthulhu's Words of Wisdom...   They'll get better...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Grab Your Necronomicon...

and head here... For MOCs based on H.P. Lovecraft stories, visit that link. I finally got a hold of a digital camera! I just finished getting my pictures, than downloading them (which took forever), getting them on Maj (taking forever again... Hey, I've lived through two forevers!), and finally got a topic started! Hooray!   GO THERE NOW!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


I came in to work thinking it'd just be the normal schtick, but evidentally there's a live feed neither myself nor my boss were informed of... I just had 30 seconds of dead air because I didn't know about it... My boss is ticked, but thankfully not at me because we were both uninformed.   Interesting start to the day... Hope this is the only mishap for the day...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


50 RAGE WIDGETS to whoever can translate this...   Hän katsoi maan reunalta tähteä putoavaa Nyt kauniit kasvot neitosen peittää karu maa Jokaisen täytyy katsoa silmiin totuuden Sillä aika ompi voittoisa, mut' tämä maa on ikuinen   Anyone I told, SHUSH!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


My head is throbbing, I'm half deaf, my legs hurt, my throat is raw, and I'm tired as heck at work today...   BEST. CONCERT. EVER.

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Oh Yeah.

Mom and Step Dad bought us a Wii. I went and Got SSBB for it. Best investment EVAR!   Pokemon Trainer FTW.

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Uh, Heh Heh...

So, I didn't get any work done on my novel after all... I went to bed instead, seeing as it's hard to write when you fall asleep drooling on your keyboard... I was so tired... Anywho, I will get some work done on it today. Character notes, location notes, etc... I've already got some of my character's planned out, seeing as these are characters I've recycled through most of the stories I write (two of them even appear in my posts in the Dead RPG...). Well, I've got laundry to do... I'll be back

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

New Cot Art Topic

That's right, I've got a new one! There's not a lot of new stuff, but that'll change soon. Go and check it out. CTHULHU COMMANDS YOU!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Moar Gmod

Fake TF2 updates:   Heavy Spetznaz Training:   Did this on mostly for laughs. Though I love this idea, since he's Russian.   First shot.   "HEAVY IS NIMBLE."   Someone get the sniper some new pants.   Balloon Heavy:   Again, this one is for laughs... Who am I kidding? They all are.   "Puny Spy cannot stab up HERE!"   Balloon Engy:   If only...   "Get 'em!"   The expression speaks for itself.   Just thought I'd share these. I love this game.

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Asking A Favor

I'd like my readers to do me a favor. Now, as someone who is looking at art as a profession, I appreciate others looking at my work and reviewing it. So, the favor I'm asking, is that you, my loyal and greatly appreciated fans (well, readers, I don't think I have fans...) view these topics and please post some comments on my work. You don't have to review everything in them, but some things, please.   A Titan Drawing of Mine...   CtD's COT Art Topic...   Now, I know that some of you have post

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Cthulhu At 2:00 Am

Here it is, the 2 o'clock hour, and I am up. The Mighty Cthulhu (deja vu) is waiting for the stars to fall out of the proper alignment so as to get some sleep. Hmm... Perhaps a before bedtime soul shall help... *much screaming and crying for mercy follows* G'night... *burp!*

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

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