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The Evil One Is Tired!

Being evil is fun. Being evil and tired stinks. I had to get up at 6:30 so I can be in town for a meeting at 8:00. Now, those of you still in school may say "But CtD, we do it all the time, and we're tired everyday," and to that I say, "Too bad, I'm not used to it anymore!!! I'm old and tired!!! GET OFF MY LAWN YOU DARN KIDS!!!" Oops, got off topic... The good thing about being up this early is that I get to listen to Bob and Tom in the morning, which I missed.   So, the weather today in the la

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Horror Kings Of Bzp

Who do you think they are? Honestly, who, out of all BZP, are the best when it comes to writing/drawing/RPGing horror? I dunno why I thought of this, but it's a serious question.

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


They didn't have green... So I dyed my hair Turquoise... Pics soon... Just have to find a camera that works... Again...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Guess The Song Lyrics!

Three of them!   Song One: With a Thousand Lies, and a good disguise, hit em right between the eyes! Hit em right between the eyes!   Song Two: Take it and take it and take it and take it and take it all Take it and take it and take it until you take us all Smash it and crash it and thrash it and trash it You're only toys   Song Three: No more fear of failure No more suffering No more lies, I will arise From blood filled rivers of my enemies   Have fun...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Grab Your Necronomicon...

and head here... For MOCs based on H.P. Lovecraft stories, visit that link. I finally got a hold of a digital camera! I just finished getting my pictures, than downloading them (which took forever), getting them on Maj (taking forever again... Hey, I've lived through two forevers!), and finally got a topic started! Hooray!   GO THERE NOW!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Might As Well

Make an entry... I guess... I should... Eh, why not?   I've been all over the place mentally and physically for a while now. I mean, what with:   Work The Comic KB and I are working on together (More on that as we get closer to the release of said comic) Hanging out with my friends (Well, two of them in particular, seeing as they're the only ones working on similar schedules to mine) Running a forum Working on another comic I have elsewhere working on short story ideas that come to me alm

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


I turned in my college acceptance essay, I'll get paid for 45 hours at $7.50 USD an hour soon, and... Other good stuff... I guess...   ...   I might as well have shot my MOC topic in the head as soon as I posted it...   ...   I just got the wierdest food craving ever... I'm actually craving the meatball subs we used to get at lunch back when I was in highschool... Wierd...   ...   I need new glasses... Badly...   ...   and now, a Cthulhu's Words of Wisdom!   "Let he who is without fish

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Come On!

You people picked a lousy time to stop reading my blog.   Come on people, my MoC topic is fading fast... no one has posted in it... This is starting to tick me off... I worked hard on these things (Well... Most of them...)...   Here's the link... again...   Rage MoCs: MoCing the Ragiverse!   So come on, people... Get off your lazy butts and look at these for the love of Mata-Nui...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Exo Doubts My Rant Skills...

In my last entry, Exo doubted my ranting skills. I mean, come on! Who does that!? Why would you read a rant, and then comment on its non-rantiness? When I go to your blogs and read your rants, I don't tell you they're not ranty enough, do I? Now, truth be told, I find it funny that I'm ranting about how he didn't find my ranting skills ranty enough!   Now, I hope you all get the humor in this post, especially Exo...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Thinking About It...

This whole Lego Ambassador thing... I've had two people tell me they'd write me one of those recommendations or whatever they are, and, honestly, it does sound rather appealing...   I make a decision tomorrow on whether I'll do it or not...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


Thanks... My MoC topic is fail now... *Mutters incoherently*   My grandfather passed away last Saturday, so I haven't had much time to be here... I'm just glad his suffering is over...   In good news... Well, I'll let you know if something good happens... Things are looking up... Mainly because things couln't get worse. Here's to awkward optimism!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Something Real Quick...

Alright, I saw that there was a Christmas topic, but I'm curious... What of Channukah? What of Kwanza? Are we to assume that people who celebrate those holidays don't come to this site? Just an observation...   Oh, and I got my Guitar Hero III game, and beaten it already... Now I just have to get my buddy over here with his GH Guitar so I can unlock Reptilia, Hellecoptor, City Aflame with Rock and Roll, and that other one I can't think of...   So, Happy Christmachannukwanzika, y'all...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Seething Rage...

I have a lot of it... It doesn't take much to push me over the edge (Just ask the guy I put in the hospital last week for cheating on my sister (Not a literal sister, but we're close)...)   Just thought you all should know...   Also, here's this, A Cthulhu's Words of Wisdom:   "Revenge is a dish best served cold... Steak is not..."   This has been a bad Cthulhu's Words of Wisdom...   They'll get better...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


50 RAGE WIDGETS to whoever can translate this...   Hän katsoi maan reunalta tähteä putoavaa Nyt kauniit kasvot neitosen peittää karu maa Jokaisen täytyy katsoa silmiin totuuden Sillä aika ompi voittoisa, mut' tämä maa on ikuinen   Anyone I told, SHUSH!

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

More Novel Stuff...

Those of you who talk to me often here know I've been working on a novel for quite some time (about four years now, and I don't have a full, useable chapter...), and that I get constant writers block (comic ideas run out so often I think I'm giving GMan carpal Tunnel syndrome with all the story ideas he gives me.) This is quite a problem, as I have all these great ideas for scenes in my head, it's just that it's hard for me to link the ideas together. Y'know, like in a movie, where there's a gre

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Cthulhu At 2:00 Am

Here it is, the 2 o'clock hour, and I am up. The Mighty Cthulhu (deja vu) is waiting for the stars to fall out of the proper alignment so as to get some sleep. Hmm... Perhaps a before bedtime soul shall help... *much screaming and crying for mercy follows* G'night... *burp!*

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

New Job, New Hours, No Time!

So, I started my new job, and I now work Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:45pm to 12:45am... 3rd shift where I work...   My new job is great, but it has some not-so-desireable job duties...   I can't say much about my job because of a confidentiality agreement, but I can say that I test cars...   There are no cameras, or camera phones, allowed on the property... Whoo...   So, I won't be on as much as I used to (though, I haven't been on very much lately anyways... That's for a diff

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Songpic I Made...

I was listening to the song "Heroes and Villians" By Powerman5000, and I got an idea for a pic of the character from the book I'm working on, Elek. He's one of the main anti-heroes in the story, and this shows him dropping in on a Scorgalni Warrior during a fight. This is just the first draft sketch, seeing as that's not exactly how Elek looks in the book, and a backgroud will most likely be added (not makin any promises.) I may just post my art here from now on... So, without further ado...  

Alright, I'll Do It...

I'll try my hand at being an Ambassador... Pretty sure I got 2 testimonials lined up already... Maybe...   Anyone wanna offer up a third, it'd be appreciated...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

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