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A Blog? Wow!

Seriously?   So I have a blog now? I feel special... But then, I bet every post-it-note feels special when it's written on, even though it's just one of thousands that get to be written on... I love analogies   So what will I be putting in this blog? Hmm... Good question... Well, lots of things... Probably comedy ideas, thoughts, how my day went, poetry (which I love writing), BZP recommended topics... Lots of things... But you'll have to wait to find out, eh? Heh... A Blog doesn't just make

Ok, This Is How It's Gonna Work

If they ever do delete LGD, my topics are moving right here. That's right, you heard read correctly. I am going to be posting my topics here at some point. To see all posts related to that paticular topic, click it's name in the catagories list.   Use the comments page like you would a topic - posting Announcements will be made on seperate entries which you can still view by pressing the topics name in the catagory list. This will hide all other posts except the ones which have that subject.
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