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Just a lesser evil, born unequal

Entries in this blog

My Next Epic Has Been Posted

My latest epic, a relatively short account of the Voya-Nui Matoran on (gasp) Voya-Nui. Six chapters long, one posted every other day, so it'll be a short epic but rapidly updated. And all my regular reviewers (all three of them) better check it out, because if they don't, I'll be PMing them.   Story Topic Here. Please review. Second chapter's up tomorrow.  




Well, like everybody else, I went shopping today to see if the Mahri were out. They weren't at my local Fred Meyers. However, I saw some likely sales. A bunch of Lego Bricks were half off, including the Inika (that would tempt me if I didn't already have them all) and Vezon and Fenrakh (that did tempt me...) (And they also had some batman and star wars sets that were 0% off, but still have a sale sign stuck to them. I wonder how many people fell for that) But I didn't have fifteen dollars t



I Feel A Need To Update This...

A couple of notes...   1) Summer's started! Yeah, it started last week, but I was helping prepare for my dads big b-day party. We got lucky on the weather... it was suppose to rain but it didn't, so we could have the party outside and not cram everybody indoors. And then the next day it poured down. Ha! We really got lucky there. I was busy parking cars, too, so it would've been really bad if it rained the whole time.   2) Writer's block. I have ideas for like two or three comedies, but



Praise The Great Spirit!

The DVD burner works again!   After defragmentation, uninstalling and reinstalling program, and another four hour wait, I discovered that the DVD burner will crank out DVDs. Now I can complete my project, and I never have to burn a DVD again... until I make another cool movie worth archiving on a disc.   Plus, I have one story almost done (needs some artwork before postation), a comedy planned out (this one needs no art), another idea for a story (but it might never take off) and a set of int



I Saw It!

Finally...   I just cam eback from viewing Pirates 3 in theatres. I wanted to see it when it first came out, but school work and other occurances prevented me... until now. Graduated from high school, got a whole month of summer to look forward-ish to, so why not start it off by watching a cool movie. My favorite part was when...   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «The monkey aimed the gun at the bird, just as everybody else was double-crossing each other  Great movie, can



Burn, Baby, Burn...

I thought burning a DVD would be simple. Sure, for my computer, it takes time to render and then a little time to actually burn the disc. But, hey, I can burn four DVDs with ten minutes of info on them in about one and a half hours. How long can it take to burn forty DVDs with an hour and a half of media on them?   Apparently, longer than 12 hours. Three (or more) hours for the program to render. About 25 minutes to burn each DVD, not counting the time I need to switch discs out of thedisc



Bionicle Legends 7 Is Mine

Finally went to my local Borders and saw it in stock... this is my forth trip though, so the waste of gas probably made for an overall loss. And the book didn't seem to be nearly as good as I was hoping... a lot of characters but it was very fast-pased so they didn't go into as much detail as in some of the past books. I liked Bionicle Legends 6 better, although Bionicle Legends 7 more than doubles the cast of characters. Fortunatly, there were plenty of nifty surprises that make it worth rea




The school security system finally weeded out BZPower as a bad site (cause it links to other sites, apparently). I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who ever goes on it, and I've never been caught. But, oh well, I'm only stuck at the school for two more weeks before graduation. Tis no big inconvienence.  



Senior Projects

No, no, I thought I had it tough having to complete an Eagle Project (you know, if I wanted to achieve Eagle rank) But now my high school is making me repeat the whole thing over again with a new project. Sure, it's less physically intense this time, but it still requires a whole bunch of actual "thinking" and time to crank it out. A couple of notes on it.   1) The project keeps changing. It was originally the writing and / or filming of some sort of fiction. Then it turned into a filming



They Lied!

The Borders online story check thingy said Bionicle Legends 7 was in stock. The shelves and in store computer said otherwise. And their Bionicle section is starting to look skimpy too.   I is annoyed massivly. Now off to Fun Days.  




Now, here's a new train of thought.   Everybody else has some spacial design banners for their bloggy thing. I'm thinking of creating my own this summer, with features like my MOCs and stories and whatnot. But I'm trying to decide what theme I should use. Should I use mini-figure pictures that are or relating to Team J.A.F., or should I use Matoran from Time Disruption? (Jala, Takua, Maku, Huki, Hahli, Nuparu).   Because, you know, this is an important decision that could change my blog fo




I have come to realize that anger is a selfish impulse. You get angry at people for doing something that restricts the action of your getting something. Think about it.   Anger at bullies for stealing your lunch money- you get no lunch.   Anger at somebody cutting you off in traffic- you can't get to where you're going that much longer 'cause they're getting ahead of you now.   Anger at people for releasing pollutants and causing global warming- you don't get to lvie in a clean world



Despite Things...

I am entirely ticked off with the world right now.   Just so you all knew...  



Heroes Win, Lost Lost

Note, the following are my observations based of my viewing of the shows and ONLY that. I have no idea of what the future storylines / broadcaster licences / big-fan-hoo-ha stuff is about, but I'm posting this to just give off some of my opinions. Take it or leave it, but if you're an expert, don't go around correcting me because you read the manual or something.   Now that the disclaimer is out of the way... Oh, and BTW, there are spoilers to the shows if you haven't seen them yet.   For m



Just Thinking...

On an unmentionable other message board-type thingy (I wonder what you'd call it other than by its name?) Anyhow, I was on, and reading some bulletons from friends. A guy crashed his car, and blogged about it. I read something along similiar lines with somebody else who got into a car wreck a few months ago. I myself posted a quick entry when I had my own little wreck, although I actually failed to say that I got into a wreck, I just posted to say that I was angry. (And, mind you, I've onl



Concerning A New Small Story

Gee, last week/early this week, I had a ton of stuff to blog about, but it seems that I've run dry of ideas. Hmm...   Anyway, as to deal with real life, I have been working towards my play, Shakespeare's Midsummers Night Dream. Opening night is next week. Since it's double casted, it won't be my opening night, but still I'll have to be there to help out in some form or another.   Only other thing I could think to blog about was that story I referenced to. Well, when I was building my BBC e



Squid Eye

Wouldn't you know it, I was REALLY bored while taking pictures of my BBC entry, so I put a few things together and took a shot of it, and then spruced it up a bit on Paintshop Pro. I was thinking about writing a short comedy about it, just to get some of my writing back into the BZP forums outside of SoMN. But then I remembered that a picture is worth a thousand words, and my comedy would've probably been about 300...   Which didn't stop me from throwing in about 20 more words, not to mention



Spot The Minifigure Game!

I got a little bored while taking picts of my latest BBC entry.   Here's hoping the image doesn't make my blog explode...     First person to get it right... get to post about it first. Ha ha.  



Just Checking...

Like a few days ago, I added this chapter to SoMN. It's not a great chapter, but I didn't think it was half bad. But, what, no reviews? Now I'm just being obnoxious...   And I'll see if this blog entry alerts anyone...  



Of Ap

IT'S OVER!   AP Comparative World Gov... is finished. I don't think I did too badly on it. AP Calculus AB... While I didn't finish everything, what I did put down is most likely accurate AP English Literature and Composition... I don't care how badly I did, I just dom't.   Now I can focus my energies on...   MIDSUMMERS NIGHT DREAM!   Which opens in three weeks... yikes.  



Dude... Cogito Ergo Sum

Double Blog Entry in less than an hour, but I just had to post this...   I was trying to find something to put in my sig, so I put in this Descartes joke I heard from my friend. (I think I even got the joke written down correctly). Anyway, just to look up Descartes's name (because I'm copy/pasteing it instead of typeing it) I logged onto Wikipedia and looked up the article "Cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am". Anyway, I read some of the "Pop-culture references" and laughed at a few of



Refering To Politics...

I really, really don't want to get into them.   Sorry, but politicians drive me crazy. Sure, maybe they're the one's who actually "get stuff done" in our society, but I'm sure they spend too much time argueing. Politics always has two sides to everything, so no matter what topic you're thinking of, you can find people argueing for your view, the opposing view, and a third view that you had never even thought of.   All of which is to make me wonder why I'm taking Comparative World Government.



Curse Of Advanced Placement

The dreaded AP tests. I've been suffering in the classes all year, and now it'll come down to the final sacrifice. Comparative World Government, Calculus AB, and English Literature... all next week. My brain will be mush by Friday, if not sooner.   That, and the opening night for my next theatrical preformance is in about three weeks, and my lines / blocking aren't great. Sure, it was easy enough for the musical... one cast and I could drop everything. Now I have all this other achedemic s




Gone for a very long trip to New York to go see a ton of plays on Broadway. And mind that I come from the other coast too. It was an amazing trip, but it took alot of time, now I'm catching up on sleep. But I came to check if anything new was going on at BZPower. Wanted to see if I got any replies to anything.   I didn't.   Now why am I obsessed with this site again?  



Okay Now...

Okay, so I probably overreacted in that last Blog entry. Information was released on line and on the TV news, just not by the teachers. And maybe DD was right… they probably didn’t want panic attacks and everything. It still annoyed me, but it’s over now. Sounds like whoever was causing the problems got caught.   Anyway, for such a Blog entry, I’m banning myself from BZP for a week.   J/K. But really, I’ll be going on a trip for a week. And since it’ll be a lot of “seeing new stuff, h



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