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Just a lesser evil, born unequal

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Brick-Sash WIP

I'm not taking credit for this idea, cause I know B6 has done the badges on a sash before, and I know there are people who've made wearable-MOCs before. And I know that this isn't even that large of a brick badge compared to some. But it's an idea that I've had for a while, and finally rushed it out to see how it'll work. (Cropped out the ugly tho, for everybody's sanity.)   It's a bit clunky, but it seems to fit alright, considering it's basically a strap of Hero factory joints. The brick secti



Okoto Socket Mosaic

Okoto Socket Mosaic by Xccj, on Flickr   Not going to talk much about this; it's a concept idea I had, a mix between a sculpture and a mosaic of the new Okoto island. Maybe it's just me, but the shape just doesn't seem iconic or anything, so it's kinda hard to tell if I matched it well enough? Now I want to do the Mata Nui island in the same style... but all my sockets got used here, for the most part.   I tried some new things here. I flipped every other column to mix things up, although this m



It's Been A Long Week

Wow, I've had the craziest first week of summer school. I have an early morning class, and then a late afternoon class that lasts for 3 hours. In the middle of the day (if I'm awake0 I'm trying to work some more hours at my library job, so I can earn some money to help offset rising food prices and stuff. (Seriously, I'm glad I have alot of help from my parents... there's no way I could support myself completely in this economy) So, basically, I've had some spare time to cruise BZP, but litt



Rest of the Toa Masters Short Reviews

So I’ve completed my collection of the Toa Masters. (Is calling them Toa Masters fine? That’s what I’m going to do anyway, I forget if it’s been used elsewhere.) I would post short reviews with pictures… but Majhost has been down for over a week, so I don’t think that’ll work, since I don’t feel list hosting blog images elsewhere. So text it is. . . if you want to see them, you know where to look.   First off is Gali. My first reaction is that she needs more of that lovely dark azure. I might b



Voya-nui Online Game

It's addictive. That's bad, cause it'll mena I'll miss out on homework and yet never finish the game. Ah, well.   I chose to be Toa Hewkii, (not that it makes much of a difference). The battles are slightly annoying, although interactive. The game doesn't appeal to me the way the MNOLGs did... it's more like the Battle for Mata-Nui (the one with the Bohrok). It's much better, but big, and I am never very good at these games. I'm going to spend some time on it Sunday, and see if I can find



MOCs From the Last Few Weeks

Kay Kay, MOC time. I have a couple of new WIPs to post up, and they're all related to Space, really.   First one is the modular SHIP. Backstory, since the original post got lost in the data purge of 2013: I want to make small, colorful ships that can be connected to each other to make a longer SHIP. So without further ado...     Each one is ten studs long, has three holes in the front and three axles in the back so they all fit together. (It's a snug fit for these three ships when putting t



The Iliad And Other Literary Works...

Yay, back from a week long vacation away from all computer devices! Well, I still got to read and listen to the radio, so it wasn't so bad. I got a start on Homer's The Iliad for my Summer Reading, and I must say, it's a rather violent book. The first hundred pages mainly consist of people fighting and details on how they die, along with some gods and goddesses intervening and the such. So I guess it's not that bad as ancient writings go...   And while listening to the radio, I heard a Beet



Bionicle House

Bionicle House 01 by Xccj, on Flickr   A while back, somebody was complaining about the Bionicle system's limitations, and said something to the effect of "You can't build a house with it." To me, that meant, "Challenge Accepted!"   This is a fairly basic design made primarily using limb elements, with the interior supported with technic beams and such. I ran out of Rahkshi legs in dark bley, so I used some in classic dark gray as a stand in. I can't really tell the difference in person, but it



Back Home Again

Moved from the dorms back home again. Lotsa packing. Lotsa rushing to get stuff done. Lotsa stuff going wrong and eating away time. (Such as when the vacuum short circuited. Seriously, man, I saw sparks!) Lotsa yelling by my mom at me, a few slight retorts from me, followed by more yelling. Typical move out day stuff.   Also, when I got home, went to my sister's graduation. Good for her. The ceremony, however, was boring as all get out. Like, seriously, why do people even bother with



Toa Inika Personalities

Reading through Dark Destinies and Power Play, I have come to see how our favorite Matoran are portrayed in the series. Some are pretty awesome, while others are strange. So I’ll make a quick list of them.   Jaller: When I first got into Bionicle, Jaller was one of my least favorite characters (responsibility? Why was he so into it?) However, as I’ve aged and used him in epics, I’ve begun to enjoy his character. And, now that he’s a Toa, he’s my favorite Fire Toa of all time! (Out of four



I Was Getting Around To Writing This...

I had a ton of stuff to do today. I need to do a bunch of write-ups for my Eagle Project, like recruiting scouts to come so it actualls gets done. I have about two summer books to read before school starts on Wednesday (Yeah, you try reading The World Is Flat and see how long it takes you to doze off). My folks were also cleaning up the garage, something which I should've done. I also have about two unfinished epics on BZP that I should update. And what did I do all day? I lurked on BZPo



Last Chance To Enter!

My "Name That Member" Contest is coming to a close, so this is your last chance to submit an entry saying what you think the four letters x, c, c, and j stand for. I'll be leaving the entry entry ( ) opened for a few more days while I go on a Christmas adventures. (The roads aren't completely snow free, so it could turn into quite a disaster adventure.) This weekend, I will make up the polls.   Since there have been enough entries, I will try for multiple polls (probably two). Voting will



It's a Monster of an Entry List

For example, you should be afraid of The Frog-Baboon-Wolf Monster That Wants to Eat You.   Don't believe me? Then this alliterative account of its attack on Lego City should strike the fear into your heart.   You know what else would probably stop your heart (as well as most of the other working parts of your body): Driving a Monster Truck on Titan. Unless you're a Toa, then it's cool.   You know where you can also find Toa? In my game idea!   You know what's another cool thing to listen to besi



Presentation On Brick Cascade

For my video journalism class, I am totally trying to do my final project on Lego. First, I thought a job profile on Dan Parker would be awesome. And it would, but the prof wants me to focus more on a story. Instead I thought maybe Lego in the community, because then I could include Dan Parker and interview some of the people who also use Lego in my general area, including a specialized store and the organizers for Bricks Cascade. After talking more with my prof, I am instead going to focus



Review: Batman: The Joker Steam Roller

Let's look at set 76013: Batman: The Joker Steam Roller. I was able to snag this set at 20% off at the Lego Store. They had a sale on a bunch of the winter DC sets, basically all the ones that were kinda lackluster. I've had my eye on this one for a while, but it never appealed to me enough to go out and get it. But this sale made it worthwhile, so I spent the money. But now how does it add up?   I don't normally mention the boxes; I do in the official reviews just to cover everything but don't



Bohrok Episodes

Y'know what, I think I'm going to go rewatch them all. Right now.   They were so awesome. Just wish more of them had been released in 2002. (As it is, like 4 of them were posted in December, which meant there were reeeeeeeeally long waits until the end of the year where they quickly rushed the rest of the stuff to us. But it was quality, so whatev)  



Relationship Songs

Think about it. Lots of popular songs have to deal with a significant other or a search for one. Sometimes, they’re love songs… two people meet randomly and like each other, and then there’s a nice melody and lyrics and everything to make it sound good and all. There are the breakup songs, songs about having that significant other cheat on them or walk out on them and all that. I don’t mind these songs… sometimes they’re really good songs, which are after all about the music and lyrics more



Trash Chomper Alternative History

FYI The 20 questions game is still going in the previous entry! You guys haven't figured it out yet.   So today I picked up the Trash Chomper Lego Movie set, because I wanted too. It is a real joy to play with; good models both ways, and the chomping function is probably my favorite out of all the 2-in-1 sets. (Although I think I still prefer the figs and pastel colors in the ice cream truck set, so I'll get that one next.) But this one has plenty of nice green elements. And it will be a



Argument Topic

I'm gonna have an argument. You can try to refute me, but then I'd just delete your posts!   Ha ha, just kidding. I'm not gonna let you post in the first place.   I WIN!!    



Posted My Lenticular Mt St Helens Mosaic

Lookie here, a topic in SBC!   So I guess the phrase "lenticular" is the one to use, since "cheese slope mosaic," besides being a mouthful, can also refer to some other styles of mosaic-ing.   I do need to take some better pictures, but my issue is A: bad lighting in my apartment and B: no backdrop large enough to fit the full mosaic. I also need to get a stand for it, and maybe somehow reinforce the back because it's rather flimsy, especially compared to classic brick mosaics, which hold up rem



Fun With Vector Art

So bothersome!!   Okay, so background story: I'm working on a Flash project and I wanted a bunch of background people. (I'm using Flash CS5 for this.) But I have this other program that I've used before to make vector art: Corel Printshop 97. Yes, it's that old, but it has this awesome section of clipart and I've gotten pretty good at working with vectors in it. So it should be an easy thing to do; copy vector art from Corel to Flash.   But no, Flash will only accept a crummy picture file.



Of The Lego Marvel Game

WHY ARE THEY MAKING IT SO HARD TO GET??   Well, okay, that's a slight exaggeration, but still.   After reading about the game for months, I'm really eager to get it. But if I did get it, I would need the PC version, since I have no gaming consoles. (Heck, I can't even play it on my laptop; I'd have to use my parent's desktop.) If I could have, I probably would've preordered it and got the Iron Patriot fig... but that promotion didn't apply to the PC version. But I figured that was just the gamin



Series 11 Collectible Minifigures Reviews

So I posted a short review of some of these figs a month ago, but that entry has been lost. So instead of trying to find and repost it, I'm just going to rewrite it, and include the rest of the series, since I just finished my collection. (Won't be as comprehensive as a front page review, but whatev.) I'll order em basically in the order I picked them up.       Gingerbread Man   Such a cool idea. Good frosting printings on arms, legs, and torso, and the "Dunk Me" cup is great. The head is the m



I Already Hate Summer School

I signed up for my schedule nice and early, hoping there wouldn't be any problems with it.   First, they "suspend" one of my classes. I don't even know what that means, since I didn't hear anything about not being able to take the class, I just looked and the status was changed.   Then they switched the times for another class, making it overlap with another class's section. And I could've switched sections last week, but the other section is now filled up to room capacity. (Small rooms)  



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