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Entries in this blog

Appreciation Entry

In this entry, we will talk about how much we appreciate anyone who feels unappreciated. If you feel unapreciated, as I do a lot, we will show you are appreciated. Or something like that. Also, Gnus are epic.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Anyone Feel Like Trying To Answer These?

Bunda couldn't answer these, so I'll see if you guys can:   The heart of a certain full-grown animal has deoxygenated and oxygenated blood mixed together inside the heart. Is the animal endothermic or ectothermic?   When the left Atrium is mostly empty, is the right Atrium mostly empty or mostly full? How about the Ventricles?   Which would be more efficient in terms of getting oxygen into the blood: a lung with lots of little alveoli or a lung with fewer, larger alveoli?

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Anti-win Campaign

We here at the Anti-Win Campaign, believe in lowering the usage of the word "win", if not eliminating it entirely, in BZP communication. To join, say "Fail" in your comment in this entry.   Anti-Winners: Egotistical O' Dalek Arch-Angel -Pulsar444- ~Rohn~ phobos174 Toa Kazvir Mistika Lhikan636 Toa of Penquins BrassEXE Toa of Gold Takua the Wanderer   Most wanted: ~LAUGHIN'MAN~ Lluvio Dorek Teebert Emperor Whenua MercenaryXero (Sexy) Kopakalaka MatoranBuilder -{Administrator Ki

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Anti Hedgehog Abuse Campaign!

This means war! Down with Hedgehog abuse! Anyone who wants to join this campaign, say so in a comment!   Banners accepted!   NEW POLICY: ALL NEW MEMBERS MUST PRIVATELY OR PUBLICLY, CONFESS ANY AND ALL HEDGEHOG ABUSES COMMMITED BY THEM   Banners:

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Anti Fail Campaign

We here at the Anti-Fail Campaign believe in eliminating "Fail" from improper use on BZP, and, hopefully, the rest of the internet. If you want to join this campaign, say "I QUIT!" in a comment. Anti-Failists: Egotistical O' Dalek Arch-Angel Takua the Wanderer BrassEXE Toa of Gold ~Rohn~ Dorek ~Phoenix Wright~ ChocoLvr13 -{Administrator Kingg}- Seether ∞*Barrahkshi*∞ Squid Army   Pro Failists/Wanted List: Emporer Whenua MatoranBuilder Onyx 27 Toa Huki ~Laughin'Man~

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Anti _____ Fairies Campaign Campaign!

Down with Insert thing here Fairies Campaigns! If you're with me in this rebellion, say "SO!" in the comments!   The Rebels AIR FORCE O' DALEK - Rebel Leader TAKUA THE WANDERER //// Dalek Paan //// Spirit of the Air

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Another Entry About My Favorite Game...

I think I've figured out why I've been having such a hard time on that one mission. =D I've been using the Corsair, which only has bombs, guns, and rockets. The bombs are what have been making it harder, because they don't do very much damage to the Destroyer, and make it so I have to be exactly aligned with the deck. I'm thinking I should iuse the Avenger, which can carry a torpedo, and not bombs, and might make it quicker to sink the cruiser, allowing me to have that done before the Kates arri

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

And So It Ends...

The end of another glorious Spring Break is upon me, the end of a week of non-stop fun. The time when I have to wait a couple more months before I can take out the XBox once more... and FINALLY beat that stupid mission on Heroes of the Pacific that I've been working on for almost half the freakin' week! >.< Oh, and I've decided I like the word "oi". And I've taken up this new font, color, and sign-off. Guess who I stole the sign-off and font from. Oh, and to the person I took it from, don'

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

And I Was All Like Duude! =o

I just figured out how to stalk guests who are reading my blog, and see what they look at... As I post this, a guest is reading my December 16th, 2009 entry titled "I Fried The Motherboard...". =3

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

An Amazing Truth!

If you step on just the right places on the floor of my house with just the right pressure, the walls will make this load pop noise. =D

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


This topic has gotten the most amount of replies in the shortest amount of time of any o my topics! ====> THIS IS A LINK

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Amazing Fact!

Did you know that the "G.I." in "G.I. Joe" does not, in fact, stand for "Gastro Intestinal"? I did not know that!

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Alright! Stop The Court!

Okay, I'll admit it! I'm the one who did it! I'm the one who killed him! I did it for love, I did it for money, but most of all, I did it because he had a Chihuahua! =(

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Almost... Made... It...

*is angry* This is a continuation of the previous entry, JSYK...   Right as I dropped the final bombs on the last remaining ship, A FREAKIN' VAL MADE IT THROUGH AND WIPED OUT THE AIR FIELD! ARRRGH!! >=o

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I want a P90, if only because the site I was browsing added that it was the type of gun used in Stargate... Not that I didn't know that already, or anything... Plus, it has a 400 round mag and can empty said mag in one minute. 8D   Even better, for the first time I actually have the monetary funds to buy something other than a cheap thirty-five dollar pistol now.   Also, while I'm at it, I'll add my latest GIMP piece to the entry.  

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

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