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Adopt-a-pet Directory

This is the place where you can find directions to any Adopt-a-pet centers around the blogs. Notify me of any that were forgotten using the following form:   Name of blog: Owner of blog: Type of pet: Link to entry (if there is one):     The list (Not in alphabetical order):   Name of blog: .:Frozen Blog:. Owner of blog: ~Laughin'Man~ Type of pet: Fuzzy Tree Meeper Link to entry: Here   Name of blog: The Lair Owner of blog: ~Rohn~ Type of pet: Blokkos and Foops Link to entry: Here  

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Adopt A Stroodler!

So, I was playing around in my genetics lab earlier, when this thought popped into my brain. What would happen if I crossed a Meeper*, Chinchilla, Squirrel, all into one animal? So I set out at once to find an answer, and this is what I got. I call them "Stroodlers".   Adoption Form:   Stroodler name: Age: Home: Abilities**:     Update! We are in the progress of making new and improved Stroodler Toys and Care-taking accessories!               * Meepers are a 2007 copyright of ~LM~ Indus

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Adopt A Guard Squid!

We have had a recent spike in our Sea Squid population here in the pit, and would like people to adopt them. (Credit to Laughin'Man for the idea of adopting something)   Name: Owner: Training: (Guard, Show, Pet, etc.) Home: Age:   They will get 1,000 DBs to start off their new family.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek


I'm hooked on Music Videos. I can't finish one without starting another. I haven't evn finished one that's only a little over a minute and a half! =(

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

Across The River...

Texas Across The River is still my favorite movie of all time... It's amoosing and stuffz. Yeah.   "AROOHAR!" "What'd he say?" "Aroohar." "Oh."   And also   "Why are you yelling?" "Maybe Comanche get wet, go home to dry off."   Cronk is my favorite character.   This is awkward for me, writing an entry about a movie I like. I'm using the enter key too many times. Yeah...

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

A. N. P. R. O.

Anti Noriks Prophecy Recruitment Office   I have recently declared war on NP, and I need you for Dalek's Army.   Reasons to Join Daleks Army: 1. Every recruit is given a meeper and 500,000 DBs.   2. We have a cooler Acronym.   3. Because of the above reasons.

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

A Tribute To Carapar

A Tribute To Carapar Your armor was a golden-brown as the sun, You looked almost like a Hun, You tried to kill the great Tren, And now look what happened then. This is dedicated to you, Turakii, for the loss of your boyfriend. B)

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

A Tough Decision.

I have a tough decision. Should I go to BrickCon on the fifth, or to the Casting Crowns concert. Both are local.   Edit: I just strted my hundreth, most likely never to be finished (As were the other ninety-eight), Music vid!

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

A Theory Involving Velociraptors, Penguins, And Nikira.

I got bored again, and now I am convinced that Nikira is leading my PEnguins in Zoo Tycoon. I made an exhibit that took up half the Zoo, and then I stuck 200 Raptors, and 200 Penguins in it, and then unpaused the game. After the Raptors hatched, they attacked the Penguins. Guess who won with only 89 casualties?

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

A Test.

The below statement is True. The above statement is False. The below statement is True. The above statement is False. The below statement is True. The above statement is False. The below statement is True. The above statement is False. The below statement is True. The above statement is False. The below statement is True. The above statement is False. The below statement is True. The above statement is False. The below statement is True. The above statement is False. The below st

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

A Sudden Realization

I just realized that if I live to be 107 years old, they can legitimately say in my biography that I lived to see the turn of two centuries! =O

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

A Stupid Quiz Made On The Spot (am I Honest Or What?)

This is a quiz. Please select one of the answers.   1. I can read this backwards. [ ][]   2. I can type this backwards. [][]   3. I can read this upside down. [][]   4. This is pathetic. [][]   5. I can grin big. [][]   6. I can Frown Big. [][]   7. I can dance! [][]   8. I like squid. [][]   What did you get?

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

A Step Away...

I've decided to temporarily step away from my series of names that contain Dalek. Yep. Now I'm going into the world of food. =l

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

A Review Of...

...not what you're expecting. I won a pair of Laser Scissors at a raffle tonight, and since I was bored, I decided to throw together a review for them.   Marketing How is the product presented?   Here is our first look at the product. Intriguing, isn't it?   In case you didn't know what it was.   As you can see, the packaging has been done up in bright, eye-catching colors. If we look higher, we see the product name, which isn't very original, is done in a cool way. A little lower, we a

Metallic O'Dalek

Metallic O'Dalek

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