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A lot has changed after 10 years!

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed comes out in 9 days!   Argy



Senior Lounge

Sooooo, our class is officially pathetic now. We spend a lot of time in our Principal's Office, mostly messing around and drinking his coffee, etc., and someone had made the comment that his office had become something like the Teacher's Lounge, except for Seniors. So, I made a nice looking sign that says "Senior Lounge" and hung it on his office door. It's still there, and he has actually said that he's fine with it being there.     Argetlam



Oh Boy.

What if someone called us a pair o' pathetic peripatetics?   Argy



Easter Break

So I'm in Williston right now, typing this out on a computer in a retirement home where my family and I are visiting relatives from my dad's side. I really enjoy my time here, much more than I did when I was younger, and I'd like you to note that I won't be home until tomorrow in the late afternoon. I say that because there's a moderate chance that I won't be able to get on BZP again until I get home.   Until then...   Argetlam   (Also, it's totally drier up here than it is in Glen Ullin. )



Moc Of The Week 11

'Tis the first Sunday of the new year, and along with it comes the much anticipated (I wish) MOC of the Week contest. I must say that I was especially impressed with the MOC that I picked as winner for this week, as it is much better than anything that I could ever do. In fact, I've come to expect such great work from this BZP member, as every time he makes something, it comes out perfectly. This week's winner is none other than CzaR, with his MOC; Exodus! The colors used are awesome, the cu



Victories All Around!

Well, a great big congratulations to Obama on becoming our 44th president! If I could have voted, I would have voted for McCain, but I'm quite interested in seeing all that Obama can/will do for the US.   Also, John Hoeven WON an unprecedented third term as governor of North Dakota! He beat his opponent in a major landslide, gaining over 75% of the popular vote, and I'm quite happy about it. Both of my parents voted for him, and if I could vote, I would have too. He's done a great many awes



Why Is 6 Afraid Of 7?

Currently working on GarageBand songs #6 and #7 right now; one of them is closer to a Rock'n'Roll genre, and the other, well, I have no clue. The other has a Piano, some synths, a lead Electric Guitar, and a violin. I have no idea what you'd call that kind of music, but I am infinitely impressed with the way it sounds. In other news, one of my best friends has agreed to write and sing lyrics for the latter song, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how she makes it turn out.   Argy



Moc Of The Week 1

I have decided to have a contest of sorts in this blog that will be much like every Sunday's Blog of the Week. Once a week (usually on Sunday), I will go through the BBC forum and find the best MOC there (by its design, originality, and/or description) and post it here in my blog. Winners can get a custom "MOC of the Week" banner if they want, and recognition in a content block in my blog! So then, who does the first MOC of the Week award go to?   Phoenix of Ice with his creation: [=-nidhiki



Moc Of The Week 20

Ta-daaa! Sunday comes, and it's the first MOCotW to take place at my website. Who's this week's winner? Well, you'll have to click this link and find out...   -Xai



It's Amazing, Really.

I incredibly swamped right now. Schoolwork isn't letting up at all, and between Epic Journey and extra-curricular activities; I've been really busy. I've been tired all week, even though I've been getting more than enough sleep. BZPower, for the moment has been pushed to secondary priority, and thanks to Kohaku for understanding that. As he said; Real Life > BZPower. Just the same, I look forward to being able to spend all my time on BZP once again.   We got a Wii for our Youth Center,



Gonna Be Gone

Just to let all you fine people know, I'm gonna be gone for the rest of tonight and most of tomorrow. I'm gonna be at the Ignite Youth Conference in Beulah, ND. Comment if you know where Beulah is at.



I Crashed.

But typical Google, lowering quality of the video by leaps and bounds. *rolls eyes*   But here it is anyway.   Aside from Google Video's lack of quality, do you like it?   Argy



Second Chances!

Yes, the deadline for entries for The Observatory's Blog Contest has passed, but I just found out that I won't have time to organize polls today as I had intended. As a result, I won't be able to make polls at all until the 26th. Because of that, I feel as though it makes since to extend the contest deadline another week. New (and absolute final) deadline is June 25th at 11:59:59 PM Central Time. Those of you who missed the deadline now have one more week to finish up your entries.   Arg



To Any And All Staff Members

A question to the staff members who read this:   I recently became a POBZPC, and I am under the impression that in becoming a POBZPC, I am going to receive a Copper Huna. I haven't been contacted by anyone yet about it, so I'm asking here; who can I expect to contact me (if I'll be contacted), and when?   I ask this respectfully, as I'm not expecting it or demanding it, I'm just curious about it.   Thanks!




Hey everyone! I just realized that Christmas is only THREE MONTHS AWAY!!!!   Yippee.




Computer was wiped successfully, and I had no troubles reinstalling all that needed to be reinstalled. I'm on my PC once again, and I'm surprised at the short amount of time this process took. Needless to say, I'm back in business, and I'm Adware free!   The Argetlam



Vacation Midpoint

Well, I very luckily got the opportunity to get to a computer with internet right now. I can't stay on or more than a half hour, but it's great to be back to BZP again. Our lodge is awesome (elevation 5,643 feet) and sits at the top of a small mountain. We've been to Mount Rushmore, the Crazy Horse memorial, two Mini-Golf Courses, Prince Caspian, and just about everywhere else in this area. I'm enjoying myself quite a bit too. Oh, I've already taken over 200 pictures, and I expect many mor



Great Poster

This is an awesome poster that I've got hanging in my room.     What do you think?



New Tt!

Check it out and start trading!   Thank you!   The Argetlam



Upcoming Self-moc

*is back*   Well, I finished my Ta-Su-Xai Self-MOC, and it's quite impressive in my eyes. I was making an awesome vehicle for it too, but unfortunately, it wasn't as compatible with the MOC as I wanted it to be, so I think I'm going to forget about it for now. I'll try to post the MOC either tomorrow or Saturday.   About MOCotW, Nukora's idea seems like it'd work pretty well, so MOC of the Week will still move to my website, but an entry will be made in my blog for any feedback you may have.



Awesome Epic Chapter 2!

It has now been updated with the second chapter. Please read it!   This is an epic that I've been writing for almost a year and a half. It's called Makono Darkness, and I have more than just the Prologue done, but I can only post one chapter a day. I'm very happy with it, and I hope you will be too. Please look at it and then tell me what you think!



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