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About this blog

I'm logging in here for the first time in years to apologize. Not really active, just here for that

Entries in this blog

I Am Ninja

I am ninja! He is ninja! She is ninja, too! And I believe that you are ninja too!   So, post your ninja questions here and a ninja (this one specifically: ) shall answer them. Here's the first:   Question: Are there lolninjas? : I can has deathburger?

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


Seeing as the most recent of PM and blog comment attacks has seemed to have ended, and I despise comment approving, there.   Watch them attack this entry. DX

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


How fun they are. Physics can work wonders, I'm tellin' ya. But yeah, a top-like object (though with more science involved) and a string can provide so much friggin' entertainment...   Oh, BTW, Mario wants you over here. And for you to vote for him when the polls get up.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


Dual purpose. Both my Moc for him and my entry in the contest. Go look.     Why are you still here? Go there! Or comment here. Either way, really. XD Doodle-doo-dee-doo...

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Florida Says Goodbye

So yeah, last entry focusing on Florida. But that is mostly beside the point. The real point is that Florida really is awesome. This is the third entry saying this, but it's true. But since that would be spam, repetition, etc.; I shall say why moreso. This time I will be focusing on inland awesome. We have awesome forests and some neat caverns. Our campgrounds are phenomenal (just go in the spring or fall, 'k?), and we grow amazingly delicious food. The wildlife is diverse and cool to look at/in

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


Today is a day that is not fun. It is fail day. So I hate it.   Except that my friend is over. And we're having fun. But it'll be fail day once he leaves.   I'm wondering if the results for the contest will ever be up.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

I Wonder

fee   That was my imitation of an elephant. So there. Anyways, I wonder, have you ever typed a post while your head is under the keyboard?   This entire entry is.   Anyways, can't wait for the blog contest judging to be over. And other stuff.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


For more of these (subtle humor, but you might get it):     Basically moments that are utter fail, such as a Vahki breathing.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Tuesday Through Thursday

I will most likely be inactive every week. Thirty bucks a week for mowing that one lawn. But, seeing as it's big, that's a fair price.   Though this week I'll be inactive today and tomorrow also.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

So I'm Back

Sorry about the unexpected hiatus, I Moc really slowly. So that's where I've been. Now to catch up with everything.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Morning Musings #13 (Hunger Games, Reading, and Writing)

So before November or so I hadn't reading pretty much anything since summer. I'd been whittling away at This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti, but aside from that I had recently put no effort into reading.   One day, I was like, "MUST FINISH BOOK AND READ MORE THINGS." Therefore, I plowed through a bunch of volumes of Pandora Hearts and Naruto to satiate my reading hunger. But it was not satisfied. Thus I picked up the first Hunger Games (from my sister's room XD) and could hardly peel my eyes

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


I'll be gone anywhere for 24-48 hours starting in about an hour. I'm going to a conference (Christian, if you must know) called The Basement and won't have internet access in the above said timeframe. My chars in RPGs can be controlled as needed by the staff (TPtI and Exo, please try to keep CoS uncluttered and following the rules etc.). So, seeya!

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Morning Musings #10 (Batman)

First off: This entry is as unspoilerific as I could make it.   Thursday night I went to see The Dark Knight Rises. It is my new personal favorite of the three, with Batman Begins coming second and The Dark Knight a hair past it in third.   Favorite character is, hands-down, Bane. Also has the best two-word line ever. Anyways, main reasons I liked him were as such: "Of course!" is best line. Those eyes were the most expressive eyes ever. That mask looks amazing. He was a good villain. He was rat

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Morning Musings #2 (Really Afternoon)

So today, it rained. More than it did yesterday. That's one reason why I'm posting this in the afternoon. Be praying for the entire Gulf Coast area guys.   But anyways, to the actual musing. If washing machines are supposed to be able to wash out dirt and stains, how is it that when my mom puts our initials on the tags of our clothing (for separation purposes), the Sharpie never washes off?

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Morning Musings #12 (OTP)

What is the one true OTP (redundancy is reduntant, I know)?   Zombies x Brains.   ADMIT IT.   This random Musing brought to you by ToD, who is in a very strange mood ATM.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


I seem to make entries about whatever I'm playing at the moment...   Anyways, Torchlight is fun. Made by Runic Games. Some of the same makers of the Diablo games. A fun little RPG, with a nice replay value. Mods make it more fun, but that my opinion. XD

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Awesome Weekend

So BZP choose a good weekend on which to go down. Why? Because this past weekend was THE. BEST. POSSIBLE. THING.   11/11/11: My brother's birthday (he's enjoying Skyrim, which he got the minute it came out at our local Gamestop; my two sisters, brother-in-law, sister-in-love (aka good friend), and I reimbursed him for it as our present to him), Veteran's Day, and two awesome friends spending the night. We went to an amazing show that night, which was awesome. Said friends spent the night.   11/1

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


I hurt my foot earlier by stepping wrong. It hurts. =( So now I shall wallow in self-pity and such.   *wallows*

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

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