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About this blog

I'm logging in here for the first time in years to apologize. Not really active, just here for that

Entries in this blog

And... Done!

Now I hath got the second chapter of Cry of the Broken up. Finally. It's from a first-person perspective, something I very rarely write in. I'm quite happy with it, really.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

So, I Finally Did It

I finally posted another chapter in mai comedeh. Now to write the next chapter in Cry of the Broken.   BTW, you should read both and comment. And you should also vote for CoS:tHA in RPGC#18. But read everything first and make your decision based on what you actually like. Or at least skim them.   nd ploy Ar Pee Gees cuz teyr fun

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Liek Lolz I Herd U Liek Mud-*bash-to-the-head*

Having nothing to do with mudkips or bashes to the head, I feel like singing. But itsn't what this is about either This is about something extremely serious. It's abou-   ololo i hijakd da copmuter form dot ololo   ololololololololz   te nd   Bad self. Dow boy. Whatever. I really feel bad right now.   Anyways, stuff. And people. Together, they equal cheese. But if you have too much stuff then the people can't use it all, and the cheese doesn't get better, but worse, for the people are tryin

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Swing Dancing

If you haven't before, you should try it sometime. 'Tis quite fun. And the best part is, you can make a fool of yourself and no one (well, other than your partner that also makes a fool of themselves) will notice! Unless of course you crash into someone.   And then going to a friend's house once it finishes after midnight is fun too. And then coming home today exhausted is fun.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

So I Heard You Liek Contests

I do. And I say you should too. In fact... to give another hint to the other contest, the RPG contest...   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «"Top Hat" Walts\Quadrant B4, Division of Life\Present Day...  “Grunting, the Toa threw a lever in his giant, steaming suit of biomechanical armor. A large missile screamed out of the giant cannon that was his mech’s arm. This in turn blasted the living daylights out of the giant, humanoid, cat-like organic, a Deity, in front of him.   “T

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Funny Picture And/or Quote Of The Day Or Week Or Month Or Year Or Decade Or Century Or Millenium And I'm Trying To See How Long Of A Title I Can Have!

Nice, exactly long enough of a title...   Anyways, quote from when I was using that Mac:     Pic is from my finished science book (I'm homeschooled so I've been out for a while but still have it):     To say it properly due to all copyrights and junk, I got it from "Science: Order and Reality" 1994.   lol, my science book is older than me.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

I Wonder

fee   That was my imitation of an elephant. So there. Anyways, I wonder, have you ever typed a post while your head is under the keyboard?   This entire entry is.   Anyways, can't wait for the blog contest judging to be over. And other stuff.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Darn You Trojans!

So yeah, an ad on BZP attacked my Windows and now I have to use a decade old Mac. And it's slow, I guarantee that. So I'm sad right now.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


I hurt my foot earlier by stepping wrong. It hurts. =( So now I shall wallow in self-pity and such.   *wallows*

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


So Imma goin to a concert.   It is a Skillet and RED concert.   I am utterly happy right now.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


How fun they are. Physics can work wonders, I'm tellin' ya. But yeah, a top-like object (though with more science involved) and a string can provide so much friggin' entertainment...   Oh, BTW, Mario wants you over here. And for you to vote for him when the polls get up.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Florida Says Goodbye

So yeah, last entry focusing on Florida. But that is mostly beside the point. The real point is that Florida really is awesome. This is the third entry saying this, but it's true. But since that would be spam, repetition, etc.; I shall say why moreso. This time I will be focusing on inland awesome. We have awesome forests and some neat caverns. Our campgrounds are phenomenal (just go in the spring or fall, 'k?), and we grow amazingly delicious food. The wildlife is diverse and cool to look at/in

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Ways To See A Sunset

I adore looking at sunsets. And I happen to be able to look at some purty sunset-reflecting clouds from all about the same angle. I move outdoors and take pictures from almost the same angle fast. The puddle one was edited, though. Normal, Foggy-Smoke, Through Glass Tile, A Puddle Clouds and setting sun, simply beautiful.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


So, you like my decorating? I did it all myself. Well okay I cropped and cut and resized the pictures and added some stuff. So that makes it mine. Anyways, don't you just lurve serene beaches? And the purty flag? And pictures pointing out where Florida is?

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

This... Is... A Sunburn!

So yeah, here in Florida we have nice beaches. But along with those come sunburns. I currently have one on my upper back/lower neck. It stings. But I've had worse. Like once, I had almostsecond-degree sunburns. I could barely move, and it hurt. A friend of mine got a bad sunburn once that practically paralyzed him for a few days. I'm glad I don't have skin cancer yet. But anyways, I wonder how highly concentrated the sun's light has to be to burn the average Caucasian man. And how much higher

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

I'm Proud

I'm proud of Florida. We have the Gators *gets shot by all football fans* and the Seminoles *gets shot again* even though I'm not into football. We have nice temperatures year-round (though a bit hot in the summer) and nice, white, sandy beaches. We also have some neat wildlife around everywhere. Come down to Pensacola (far western panhandle) in a few weeks when it's perfect temp and have a nice swim. BTW, here's a few maps if you don't know what Florida looks like:

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Today Is...

A not Florida-entry day! It is about How to Train Your Dragon! Awesome and fun movie is awesome and fun. Favorite character is most likely Toothless, just 'cause. Cyborg dragon is epic win. And cyborg Hiccup. But that depends on your definition of cyborg. And now I won't try to give any more away.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Do You Live In Florida?

HAY! U! IF U LIVES IN FLORIDA SAY SO HER! Caps aside... yeah... Here's the list: Toa of Dancing Squishy the Frog Bluenuhvok765 Oh and I added another fact to Florida facts below. BTW this was not blatantly ripped off from xccj so hah

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

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