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About this blog

I'm logging in here for the first time in years to apologize. Not really active, just here for that

Entries in this blog

In The Future!

The entry might come after the apocalypse! Who knows? I just posted it four hours before it'll actually appear. So it'll appear then! Oh my goodness!   If you couldn't tell, I'm bored. XD

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

A Very Merry Unbirthday To...

Me! Celebrate everyone, it's my unbirthday! Yayz!   So yeah, this proves how lacking of ideas I am at the moment. :/   Oh and there's this great place I just found. It's about sunglasses, so all you have to do to get some really nice sunglasses is click the center. And turn your speakers up, cause you can hear Horatio Caine but it's real quiet. Here

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


So today my family is redoing our entire flooring. That means tearing up a carpet, moving all the furniture, and disconnecting my computer for a bit. This is one of those times I wished I had my computer in my own room. >.<   But hey, we'll be rid of this horrid linoleum-whatever-the-heck-this-is. So that's a plus. And grouting shall be interesting, at the very least. Plus it won't just be laminent (not sure that's how it's spelled) tile after laminent tile, there are different sizes that

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

I Has A Blog Name Change!

I like to change names of things. Especially my blog. So, now tell me a true scientific answer for this:   This and the following statements are false. Yes, it's true.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


Hey, guys. My internet connection is dead because of a lightning storm, so I'm gonna be off for a few days: at least till Saturday, probably later.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Possibly the Answer?

So today we're having the entire darn cable leading from the pole to our house replaced. We have a new modem/router that came free with our upgrade, and we've tried everything else, the only feasible problem could be the cable itself. So... wish the repair people luck.   On a happy note, Mediacom's technical support people are so nice. XD My mom was on the phone with one guy for about two hours yesterday, and he was just awesome. Other people we've got have also been awesome.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


Do you think that's a good name (albeit stereotypical) for a robot that almost two feet tall?   Oh, and here's a pic of the legs: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/ToaofDan...Ps/sdc10500.jpg   Each one foot tall.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

The Broken Cry Out

I am now accepting three characters for my epic Cry of the Broken. Please give me a reletively extensive background for your character, along with any weapons, powers, or anything else they may have. I would prefer Toa, but you can be a different species if you want. But if you are a different species, you must be either extremely dangerous or have a very large criminal record.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Regarding "DONE"

I mostly agree with this blog post by DeeVee. That's what needed to be said, and I applaud him. This entire "war" was ridiculous and horrid and needed to stop. Deevs brought down that hammer where it was needed, and again I agree with almost everything he said. Intolerance is wrong and disgusting.   However. What, then, are we still allowed to discuss? Are we not allowed to say that we personally believe that homosexual/bisexual orientations are wrong, even if we believe as much with every fiber

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


Well, here we go. Going to spend the night at my older sister's apartment (as, incidentally, my youth leader's wife is pregnant and thus we needed a female leader and my sister was available so she's going) and leave the U.S. for Guatemala.   Yay beans and rice for a week. =3 Not bad, as that combination is something I love. XD   And yay being a missionary for a week. =3

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

In Addendum

I am not personally hating on those who are LGBTQ+. I am expressing my beliefs that I do not agree with them. I will tolerate them, love them, and treat them like any other person. But I won't agree with their choice. Whether someone believes that orientation is a choice or not is up to them, I believe it is.   This will be my final say in this matter, and I just ask that those of you who hold opposing beliefs look at what you're saying. Saying that I am a hater (or anyone else being cool, calm,

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Lunar Eclipse Pics And The First Challenge!

Yep, here be the pics:   http://www.majhost.com/gallery/ToaofDancing/Stuff/dscn3650.jpg http://www.majhost.com/gallery/ToaofDancing/Stuff/dscn3651.jpg http://www.majhost.com/gallery/ToaofDancing/Stuff/dscn3660.jpg   Last one is a bit strange, but who cares.   To announce the contest, here it is: This is an elimination round type thing, and it'll last for a week or so... So sign up now to join it! I know Luz is in it, so here is your first challenge Luz.   You are walking through BZ-Koro

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


Inconceivable is an inconceivable word.   And so is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokiosis.   And so are many other words that are fun to list.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Today Is...

A not Florida-entry day! It is about How to Train Your Dragon! Awesome and fun movie is awesome and fun. Favorite character is most likely Toothless, just 'cause. Cyborg dragon is epic win. And cyborg Hiccup. But that depends on your definition of cyborg. And now I won't try to give any more away.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

My Eyes!

So yeah, BBC#56 is already killing my eyes. Though I'm still trying to figure out what to build.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

When Does The Narwhal Bacon?

No idea. In fact, that has nothing to do with this entry.   This entry is about K-pop.   It's about how it is so much better than American pop.   Now then, carry onwards.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

This Entry Is False

Can't prove it either way, can you? It could just be your imagination. Or it could be real. But if it was real, then it'd be false because it isn't real but it really is real. And if it really is false, then it's really real but not real because it's false and not real because it is real, even though it isn't.   Oh, and "Predacons Rising" was epic. Because of Waspinator.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Swing Dancing

If you haven't before, you should try it sometime. 'Tis quite fun. And the best part is, you can make a fool of yourself and no one (well, other than your partner that also makes a fool of themselves) will notice! Unless of course you crash into someone.   And then going to a friend's house once it finishes after midnight is fun too. And then coming home today exhausted is fun.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

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