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About this blog

I'm logging in here for the first time in years to apologize. Not really active, just here for that

Entries in this blog

I Hate It...

When I lie and I know they know I'm lying. And I hate it when I lie and nobody knows it. I hate when I lie.   It makes me feel really bad.   And I get restrictions.   :'C

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

I Hate It

When I accidentally do something wrong. Like the last blog entry that got deleted. Meh.   Ah well. I still say Slenderman. That is all.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

I Has A Blog Name Change!

I like to change names of things. Especially my blog. So, now tell me a true scientific answer for this:   This and the following statements are false. Yes, it's true.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

I Am Ninja

I am ninja! He is ninja! She is ninja, too! And I believe that you are ninja too!   So, post your ninja questions here and a ninja (this one specifically: ) shall answer them. Here's the first:   Question: Are there lolninjas? : I can has deathburger?

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

I Almost Died

Along with BZP yesterday.   But I've been playing the patched version of MNOLGII, so I'm happy.   Anyways, awesomeness is over here.   And over here.   haha you fail

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Huh, Being Sixteen is Awesome

So I'm suddenly allowed to play games like Fallout and Metro (though not 'Screed or Deus Ex so sadface), and I'm allowed to watch movies like 300 and The Patriot.   Plus I can get my liscense (though I won't til May or so) and do various other things. Yay. =D

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

How To Train Your Dragon

I bought it with my sister today.   :3   Great movie, that.   Now, to buy Alice in Wonderland, Tangled, Metroid: Other M, and in the future, Portal 2, Beat Hazard Ultra, etc...

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


Hi. I feel weird.   "All your cake is belong to cheezburgerz."   "i has a brick."   "I've got a jar of bricks."   "This is a meme."   "This is funny."   "Sharks divided by Luke Skywalker times milk plus Bionicle minus Davy Jones adding the square root of Kelly bonded together with nuclear fission equals 42."   Wow. I'm scared of my mind...   Anyways, the above in for Bink's blog contest.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


So, Ima buildin' a Moc.   And I want to say hi.   And find pi.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


I found out that Chick-fil-A hires at 14. And there's one nearby.   Totes applying.   And not expecting an instant job. XD

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Hey Steelers

The Packers stole the ball from you multiple times. And then won.   So yeah, I had fun at a Superbowl party last night with my church youth group. Plenty of food (pizza bites, mozzarella sticks, wings, etc.), plenty of soda (I make suicides [a.k.a. non-alcoholic mixed drinks, generally soda], so the more types the better), and dessert (cookies, cupcakes, brownies, etc.). And plenty of friends to have fun with. So yeah, plenty of happiness all around.   Also, I know little about football and ch

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Hey People Come To Cot Please 'cuz We Have Some Fun Stuff And This Is A Long Title.

Seriously, you guys should come down to CoT and do some stuff, like the Immediate Association Game and How Well Known Are You? and maybe do other stuff and also this is advertising for The Experiment which is fun even though it takes a few pages just to move so yeah come and does this entry seem like it was written by a robot because it just keeps going on and on in a monotonous voice in a really long run-on sentence and it is really boring because it just keeps going on and on in a monotonous

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Happy Thanksgiving's Eve

And also Happy Birthday's Eve to a certain BZP stalker who may or may not have the initials of ToD. And he also probably won't get on BZP at all tomorrow because it's his birthday and Thanksgiving. So yeah happy days all. Get stuffed, have fun, go shopping on Black Friday, whatever you do.   And to all of those still recovering from Sandy, I truly hope that you will be able to have at least a half-deent day tomorrow. God bless you. =3

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Happy New Year

So it's now 1/1/11.   Party time! Break out the sparkling grape juice and resolutions that only a tenth of you will keep! XD (I don't do them.)

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

Hai Gaiz

Imma bein' randomz. Wanna joinz?   Also, I'm sweating swimming pools right now. Four entries are within two votes of third in the RPGC Final and Beat and Rhythm is one of them, along with Crossroads and Day Run, both two of my favs. And Fall of Four and One which seems interesting.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


How fun they are. Physics can work wonders, I'm tellin' ya. But yeah, a top-like object (though with more science involved) and a string can provide so much friggin' entertainment...   Oh, BTW, Mario wants you over here. And for you to vote for him when the polls get up.

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing


Well, here we go. Going to spend the night at my older sister's apartment (as, incidentally, my youth leader's wife is pregnant and thus we needed a female leader and my sister was available so she's going) and leave the U.S. for Guatemala.   Yay beans and rice for a week. =3 Not bad, as that combination is something I love. XD   And yay being a missionary for a week. =3

Toa of Dancing

Toa of Dancing

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