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Another Thing

I forgot to mention: BZPower was on the "Special Thanks To" list on Glatorian Arena 2!   -Brickeens-



And Back

That actually went really well. Things weren't nearly as awkward as I thought they'd be, and I actually enjoyed myself.   I'm very happy that things are off to a good start.



After About 10 Years

Me, VB, and Sumiki have finally started playing in the BZPRPG.   I think this calls for some sort of celebration.



Actual Life Update

I realised a while ago that it's been something like three, four years since I've really been active on BZP. 2012 was the last year I was actually doing things here, and since then all I've done is visit the blogs every day out of habit, as well as make the odd post here. It feels so strange because BZP was my internet home for so long, and now I hardly know what happens here.   It would be great to say that I've just moved on or have been doing things in life, but it hasn't really been like tha



Actual Good Things Happening

I posted this on tumblr a little over a week ago and have been meaning to put an update here. In just the last three weeks an actual, tangible, good, potentially-life changing thing has started happening and it took me a while to accept that it was happening. It all requires a bit of a lengthy recap of my medical history to make sense, so paragraphs ahead.   Some of you may remember the saga of the fatty-acid metabolism disorder diagnosis. In late 2013 I had a skin biopsy, and then early 2014 th



A thing that is happening

So we've been planning this for a while, but next week, Zatth will be flying over here to stay for a few days. I can't believe this is actually happening?!? I haven't met any BZP buddies since Brickfair 2012, and this will also be the first time I've had a BZP friend over to stay in this little pocket of Ireland. Long story short I am super pumped, and am trying to figure out what the best way to spend the three days is. I think there are some pretty cool sheep near here?



A thing that is happening

I've been meaning to mention this for a while, but a month or two ago a guy from town bought a field just down the road from where I live, and has since converted it into a grass airstrip for his microlight aircraft. This is funny enough in itself, seeing as I now live about 60 seconds away from an airstrip, but what's even better is that today my dad got talking to the owner, and he offered to take him up in the plane. I am just back from watching a two seater microlight take off with my dad in



A little bit of photography

So that's a tiny adorable little mushroom I found at the start of December. I wish the picture wasn't so dark, but the light was really poor and I had to shoot using very high ISO, and it was already so grainy I didn't want to go higher. I went back the next day when there was better light, but unfortunately the teensy thing had collapsed. I'm still quite fond of the picture even if it would have been greatly improved by better lighting conditions.



A Few Things

- Brickfair tomorrow - Spent whole day on the go with Sumiki's family, now in hotel a few minutes away from the Expo Center - Health is holding out okay, but I'm wrecked from all the traveling, hoping I won't be sick in the morning - It's weird being such a long way away from home - LM, I'm really sorry about that massively stupid entry, I've felt terrible about that the last day - I feel like I've once again proved myself to be an absolute moron, except this time right before a load of people m



A Canterlot Wedding

I've just finished watching the whole thing, and it was brilliant. It pretty much made my day. Or night. Very good finish to Season 2.



A Bit Of An Art Project

I'm going to try and create a Toa Team that primarily comprises of female members. Because, well, more female BIONICLE characters = badly needed, and I can't recall ever seeing a Toa Team with more than one female member, which is pretty sad.




I wish to express my deepest frustrations that in the current day and age, technology has not advanced to the point of being able to instantly relocate large groups of matter.




It wasn't very good, but it was better for me knowing that Tekulo was called "SwagtronYOLO".




So for as bad as 2016 has been for a lot of people, here I am with concrete health improvements, and I'm not dreading 2017 nearly as much as I've dreaded every other new year. Who knows, maybe I won't be dead inside in another year?? Happy new year to all.




Gosh darn it, at what location are our devices that transport us across space and distance instantly?




I don't think any year of my life has been this strange or bizarre. I'm really very interested to see where things are in another year. In fact, I should probably write out a list of questions I have right now and see how many of them have answers by then.




Hey, remember when I used to do those "my mood today" entries?



200 x 200 Pixels Of New Art

You've probably seen it already because it's Sumiki's avatar. I kind of like it, but it seems that when I colored it, the scanner brought out the texture of the paper which made it seem very grainy. It looks much better in person.



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