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Midak Hook Technique

(See here if you've no idea what this is about)   Okay, here goes. You'll need the following:       Insert the hook like so. The half bushings are important, because they align the hook correctly and also provide friction to keep it in.     Rotate the trigger whilst inserting the hook further. Keep pushing until it's in as far as it can go.     Done! If it's in place properly, the tip of the hook should be touching the trigger and you should be able to knock this about without anything comin



A thing that is happening

I've been meaning to mention this for a while, but a month or two ago a guy from town bought a field just down the road from where I live, and has since converted it into a grass airstrip for his microlight aircraft. This is funny enough in itself, seeing as I now live about 60 seconds away from an airstrip, but what's even better is that today my dad got talking to the owner, and he offered to take him up in the plane. I am just back from watching a two seater microlight take off with my dad in




I've been on the LDN for two weeks now, but so far without positive result. I've got the headaches and insomnia, and they're very wearing. I'm not getting to sleep until about 5AM and my head is permanently fuzzy and occasionally quite painful. It had better start doing something good. I'm not even on the full dose yet.



I Just Realized

I think my PMship is due to expire soon. I've been renewing it annually since ...2008, I think, but normallly in December. The 2011 downtime meant I didn't need to last Christmas. I guess I'll renew it before it expires.



Good News I Think

I've stopped getting sharp head pains now, and I think I'm beginning to feel a little stronger. I shouldn't jump to conclusions, but it might mean I'm getting used to the medication. I sure hope I am anyway.



Year in review

The good: Worked on photography a lot and improved A close friend recovered from a rare form of cancer Doctors might be a little closer to finding out what's wrong with me The bad: Physical health has been declining since 2012 (which was the only year since 2009 where it was anywhere close to decent) and not being able to exercise properly is driving me insane Got nowhere fixing bad anxiety problems



The Bourne Legacy

It's enjoyable as an action film, but it falls on its face as a Bourne Film. I think it was made to get more money out of the franchise than anything else.



Dear Life

Please stop being horrible to people I like.   Or no, scratch that, please stop being horrible to everybody.



Day 1

It begins. I probably won't really feel anything until tomorrow though.




Gosh darn it, at what location are our devices that transport us across space and distance instantly?



Day 2

The day's only starting, but so far I don't seem to be experiencing any withdrawal symptoms. I have a bit of a headache, but that was happening every day before I began. I could be one of the lucky people who doesn't get withdrawals and just starts to feel better after a while. I dunno.



Go Go Go

If you haven't already, I suggest wishing VB a happy birthday, because he is an awesome guy and a total bro and an awesome guy. <3




I'm on the other side of the country at the moment with my grandparents, which unfortunately means I miss out on all the Halloween fun this year, but no matter. Have a good Nightmare Night.




So remember how I was in hospital getting tests done like 7 weeks ago? I had an appointment on the 25th last month to go back up and see the specialist doctor person who would take us through the results (and hopefully give me a diagnosis or something) but that was delayed until the 9th of December, which is this day next week. So one more week. I really, really, really, really, really, hope they're going to be able to make a diagnosis and not just tell me they don't know what the problem is. Li



More December (and January)

So I'm still going up for results on Monday, but today I got a letter from the hospital, and they want me back up there in January for an MRI scan. I have no idea why they've suddenly decided they want that done, but I'll find out soon I guess?



Oh Look It's This Thread Again

Despite not getting enough sleep the last few nights, I went to bed five hours ago and didn't get any whatsoever. It's 4AM now, so I still have time to get some, but I don't know if I can.




Well for some reason I could only sleep for five hours last night. I'd rather be asleep right now, because at the moment I think nightmares are more comforting than reality.



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