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No No No No No No No

On the one hand, like the insider said, if anyone could make Boll make a good film, it'd be Bioware, but on the other hand, I have a very bad feeling about this.



Giving It Up

I've been thinking about it, and I think I may give up music.   I'm not going to stop playing, I still enjoy the guitar and the piano and harmonica and everything. But I think I'm going to just do it for personal enjoyment now - It feels like a lot of work for little reward, and on top of that, I don't enjoy playing live. I get nervous and terrified, and I end up giving a subpar performance. I don't like it live, and the studio is too much work. I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone, but it is wha




Does anyone know how to buy stuff on Steam without a Paypal or a credit card? Because I have neither, but I'd really like to buy Team Fortress 2.




As always, I have a long preamble, so please bear with me.   So, as most if not all of you know, Japan's been leveled, drowned, and potentially could be nuked soon if nothing gets in to either find out what's wrong and then stabilize or remove and repair the rods outside. Not only is this an enormous catastrophe that threatens virtually the entire country, but the entire world is one giant ecosystem, what goes around comes around, if we all stand by and don't help out, it's going to come around



Tell It Like It Is, Garrus

Why don't you work like your older brother, ME2?   If I can avoid it, I don't want to have to buy a 360 just to enjoy you.




So, back to Mass Effect 2, I finally got it kind-of running! It crashed where it used to though, and it flipped out and deleted the vast majority of that fake Windows simulation when it did, and being the moron I am, I didn't back up before trying it again, so based on the new one I just tried it with, whatever I did to make it start working is lost. I know it can run though, so at least that's good.



Ridge Racer 3d: First Impressions

I'll say it right now - This game came close to being the perfect 3DS racing game. Why you may ask? Simple. There's a car that looks like the Mach 5. That you can paint white. If you could set your emblem as the Speed Racer M and set the soundtrack to the Speed Racer theme, that alone would justify your money even if it had the engine of Big Rigs. Anyway, gameplay doesn't need explaining, it's a real-world racing game. You love it or you hate it. If you're looking for a racing game for



3ds: First Impressions

~Aesthetics~ I like it, but I'm not fully satisfied on the 3DS aesthetically. I love the top, and the grey-to-black gradient looks great. That said, FINGERPRINTS! FINGERPRINTS EVERYWHERE! I much preferred the matte bottom from my old DS Lite though, as well as the matte inside. It works for the top, and I haven't had any grip issues with the bottom, but it just seems tacky on the inside. That's not a big deal though, when it's opened, your thoughts aren't going to be on aesthetics. Overall, 7



It's A Ds

Except it's in     (Warning: This is a "Woo I got one I got one look at it isn't it awesome" type of entry, so naturally photos are essential. I hate repeated embedded giant photos, but they're kind of the whole point for this sort of entry. Those with slow internet, read on at your own risk.)   Yes, earlier tonight I got a call saying that there was going to be a midnight release party for the 3DS, and who was I to say no?     Sadly, you can't see Awesome Kevin the Awesome Manager in thi



Back To Writing Fiction

"Hey left brain, I want to do some more writing, but I don't know where to start." "You're the creative side, why are you asking me?" "You're good at logic and stuff." "Alright, what do you like lately?" "Well, I like film noir, and sci-fi's always a favourite..." "What about a detective story in space?"     Now I just hope my right brain can do it justice.



360 To-buy List, And Also Which One?

So, I'm not going to have the money for at least a month or so to do so, but especially if I can rope my brother into paying half, with the games in the entry below, I think I can justify a 360. I'm likely to buy a lot more from the titles you guys recommended, but for now, here's what I'm looking at:   Mass Effect Mass Effect 2 Final Fantasy XII Batman: Arkham Asylum One extra controller   Not all at once of course, but all within a short period after buying the system. I'd also like to g




So, I'm getting sick of trying to get Mass Effect to work, to the point I'm considering setting up a dual-boot. However a friend brought up to me the fact that a new, non-upgrade copy of Windows runs pretty much the price of a 360, it may be worth just taking that route.   I'm not completely sold on justifying $100-$200(Nor do I have the money free at the moment) on an operating system yet, but only a handful of 360 games have ever really enticed me, so I'm not sure I can justify $200-$250 on a



Luckiest Man Alive

The wine update has just made things worse - Now it doesn't even install.   I hate using these emulators, does anyone know how much a copy of 7 is? I may buy one just so I don't have to go through this with future games too...



I Am A Moron

So, it would appear that Wine was out-of-date.   I'm not sure when the version I've been using is from, but considering how far behind mine was, and the fact ME2's only a year old, this could well have been the issue.   I need to update more often...




From human to alien!   I haven't drawn in years until the last few months, so my drawings are still fairly cartoony, but I enjoy doing them. Even then though, this was drawn in about twenty minutes, so they're immensely low-quality even for me, though they're meant to be vague for idea purposes. Also you get a look at my dysgraphic handwriting! More to come as I draw more. And yes I'm using pen - I figure there's no better way to force myself to improve than only having one shot.   Also which



Hey Lets Talk About Something Else

So, a bunch of people are getting into a fuss about something.   It's not something worth fighting about, especially in the manner they're doing so.   So lets focus on something that's actually interesting and not-flamey to talk about!   I've started drawing again. My skills still aren't that sharp(Space Texas from a while back is still a high for me), but it's for conceptualization purposes more than anything. Should I scan it once I get a face for the character I'm working on?




The more I read about the most recent uproar over different interpretations of the rules, the more I try to express my thoughts effectively before realizing the people who I'd want to express my opinions to know where I stand already, and that I'd just be bowing into a giant mess of stupidity I'd lose respect for people in.   Can we all just sit back and chill out over all this? There are much more effective ways to express your point regardless of which side you're on, and right now it's just



That Cee Lo Green Song

I see you puzzlin' 'round town with the girl I love And I'm like, "Haiku"   (Keep it going, one haiku of lyrics at a time! The theme is puzzles!)



In Relation To The Last Entry...

Does anyone know/have any ideas to get around this? I bought it legitimately, there should be no legal issues with getting around this DRM, but I'm hitting brick walls, and I don't have any C4.



Bah, Part Tres: An Open Letter To Electronic Arts

Let me start by saying that first, if anything comes off in this as angry, I'm not angry, I'm just annoyed, and yes there's a distinction, which is in the acronym. Second, I in no ways blame Bioware for this - To use an analogy most people who read my blog will probably get, Bioware, the developer, is the artist, and EA, the distributor, is the label; Bioware makes everything, they write it, create it, order it, and in all other respects design it, while EA gets it to stores, makes the discs, se



Here We Go Again

New copy of ME2? Check. Both discs scratch-free? Check. Registration code? Check. Cerberus card? Check. Computer? Check. Emulators? Check. Reading material and a copy of Pokemon Red for the hour-long install? Check.     Third time's a charm, as they say.



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