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These new-fangled game mechanics

So I'm finally playing Fire Emblem: Awakening as I recover from having a small bit of my face sliced open by a doctor.   What is this "asset/flaw" nonsense? Is it what I think it is? Because if it is what I think it is, it conflicts drastically with my methodology in these games.




Last final is over.   I AM FREE     ...At least for the summer. And probably not even that because I have my internship.   Still, I am done with this semester, and it is good to put it behind me. Free time to work on music and stuff!



Just something real quick

I've been doing some thinking about some stuff lately, and I want to reiterate something that I feel like I've said before, but want to say again to make clear: if you ever disagree with me, or think I have something factually and objectively wrong, or anything of the sort, please send me a message and lets have a discussion! That's the only way we'll learn the real truth, after all. I'm a reasonable person, and while more often than not I'll defend my viewpoint and cite sources and evidence to




On the one hand I am absolutely pumped because Ruby was one of the first games I really got into as a kid and I still have fond memories of beating it, so getting to go back is going to be amazing(Not to mention how weird it will be to have my original party and my new party in the same region)   But on the other hand, I can't help but be sad that the awesome multiplayer environment and ecosystem of Pokémon X and Y is going to be abandoned by other nostalgia-obsessed fans.



Elton John 2.0

I feel like I should buy a Lady GaGa album. I’ve only heard a handful of singles here and there from radio and friends, and while it was a bit of an acquired taste, it’s growing on me. I really like Applause in-particular. Any suggestions on which album(s) to go with from any of you guys that are fans of her?



A great disturbance in the Force

So apparently the new Star Wars movies Disney is doing are going to take place in the same period as a lot of the post-movie expanded universe.   Most of it I honestly didn't get that into - I like the pre-movie EU, but the post-movie EU there's a lot of junk in - but this really upsets me because now Kyle Katarn, and the events of the very fun Jedi Knight games, aren't just debatably canonical as with most of the EU, but are in fact invalid. This makes me incredibly unhappy.



Two notes from the rules

There has been so much drama in the blogs lately, and I'm not going to get involved in it, I just want to throw this out there because I've seen a certain individual or two forget the latter, and pretty much everyone involved forget the former.



You fools

http://www.theverge.com/2014/4/26/5656288/construction-workers-unearth-legendary-cache-of-atari-games-in-new   Do these fools not realize the unholy evil they have unleashed upon the world by unearthing the ET game?



Political statements

I think I'm starting to remember why I stopped making political statements and being outspoken with my beliefs online.   Unless someone is explicitly asking you, or they're going to a discussion/reading an article/otherwise intentionally engaging you specifically to hear your opinion, the most you're going to do is preach to your choir and get angry people yelling incoherently at you who ignore any logic and sources, and counter it with false/debunked information, endless emotional pleas, or str



So I bought some toys

They're nifty little models, but I'm really feeling like mocing them into mechs, that seems cooler to me than chibi fighters, even if I am pretty fond of the chibi Millennium Falcon. I definitely have enough pieces I can use as joints in the X-Wing to give that one leg and shoulder joints.



So today's a holiday

Everyone else is celebrating and enjoying tasty candy, and I'm stuck inside on a beautiful day writing a paper and avoiding eating so I don't have to have more terrible Passover food.   Could be worse though, it's only one day more, and this dang paper is almost done. Happy Easter, happy Passover if you're in the same boat as me, and if you're celebrating a different holiday from those two, happy whatever holiday that is!



So that new Smash Bros. thing

Does anyone have screenshots from the 3DS Smash Bros.? I was in class during the press thing, and unless there is something terrifying hidden in the 3DS’ GPU, every screen and video I can find are from the Wii U.



You should probably change your passwords

Not just one, all of them. Every single one.   I am probably going to spend the better part of this evening after class changing mine on six email accounts, four forums, two social networking sites, my paypal, my bandcamp, both of my bank accounts, and on steam, as well as memorizing all of those. Delightful.



Strangely encouraging

Next time you fail at something and think people will never forgive you for it, remember that the Chicago Cubs came within 2500 fans of the Boston Red Sox in terms of fans last year, who have won three of the last ten titles, including that year, and the last time they gave their fans something to cheer about was exactly 17 days after the Model T was first introduced.   People are surprisingly forgiving sometimes, even if you haven't been able to shake off what happened.



Beyond stupid

So, on another forum I'm on, one of the mods got into a huge fight with someone and stated to threaten to ban him. For reference, the subject they got so heated about was something opinion-based(Not saying beyond that because I don't want a chance of people figuring out where this was).   Here's the crazy part though; the guy that the moderator was threatening to ban and that he got into a fight with? He's one of the forum's admins.   How on earth could you possibly think that threatening to use



The Golden Rule

If you want me to take the time to hear your argument out, then I'm going to expect you to do the same for me. If you want me to be respectful and reasonable in my response, then I'm going to expect you to do the same for me. If you want me to take you seriously and give genuine consideration to what you're saying, then I'm going to expect you to do the same for me. If you want me to refrain from insults and ad hominem and treat you with respect, then I'm going to expect you to do the same for m



Well this is awkward

How do I tell someone I'm pretty sure thinks we're dating that I'm not looking for a relationship - nothing against her, I just don't feel I have the time to be a good boyfriend or enjoy having a girlfriend right now - but want to remain friends without, you know, ruining the friendship?



Pal Park?

How long does it take to catch a Pokémon in the Pal Park thing in the Gen II remakes/Gen IV? Because at this rate I feel like it'd make more sense to commandeer a copy from a friend that's already beaten it and transfer them from Ruby to his game to my Pokébank to my copy of Y, instead of grinding through Soul Silver, but I don't want to keep a friend's game for too long.



Nintendo is dying

Playstation 3 sales: Approx. 80,000,000 Xbox 360 sales: Approx. 80,000,000 Wii sales: Approx. 100,900,000   Playstation Portable sales: 80,000,000 DS sales: 153,980,000   People that say Nintendo doesn't know how to turn a profit and is going to die soon make me laugh.



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