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The Promise

If you need a friend Don't look to a stranger You know in the end I'll always be there And when you're in doubt When you're in danger Take a look all around I'll be there   I'm sorry but I'm just thinking of the right words to say I know they don't sound the way I planned them to be But if you wait around, a while, I'll make you fall for me I promise I promise you



High Recommendation!

This is a memo from your resident Blog Leader, acting in official capacity:   It is highly recommended that you set your blog so that you have to approve all comments yourself.   Seriously, if I could change that setting for all of you guys myself, I would.




Hello from Austin, Texas!   Yes, on a whim my BFF Joe and I drove to Austin. This time my trip definitely involves running away from my problems in life.   Which is okay! I am having a good time.   Smiley face!



Help Bzp!

Send me a HF set so I can review it for the frontpage because I am both too poor to afford them, and they haven't shown up here yet. I checked this morning.   I really want to photograph them and be hyper-critical of them so that the masses go back to thinking I hate all LEGO sets.   ()   (But if you really want to send me one I won't stop you)




Went to my job interview today. I feel pretty great about it, especially after the interviewer let me know they were looking to hire three associates, and not just one. So the odds are more in my favor than I had realized. I was also told that I would get to start out at a higher pay grade than many, because I have muchos experience de customer service.   And I'll know by Friday. Fingers crossed.



Job Interview

I've got an interview with Arvest Bank on Monday! I applied for both a position as a teller at a local branch, and as a customer service rep in their corporate office in Downtown Tulsa. The interview is for both positions, and both are full-time!   Please let this happen, please let this happen, please let this happen.   Also, this means I get to dress up all business-like! And that's a win as well. I love dressing up all snazzy. Too bad it's too hot for a blazer!



What, I Don't Use Instant Messaging

DeeVee: (12:13:22 AM): Also, I really don't think a LOST story would work for a story that is attempting to show a glimpse of what a wizarding school in Salem is like. Nukaya: (12:13:36 AM): well.... (12:13:55 AM): ok, so the wizarding school is on an island.... (12:14:02 AM): and Voldesmoke is like "Rah" (12:14:07 AM): and that's that Nukaya: (12:14:22 AM): then Harry's like "yeahhhhhno" (12:14:27 AM): and they duke it out for a while (12:14:33 AM): and th




After far too many months of nothingness between MOCs, I think I have another MOC planned out.   I think I'm going to get started on it.   Seriously, this unemployment business is at least good for something, right?



New Toy!

(I need to create a 'photography' category on my navigation links)   So, yesterday was my birthday!   It was a relaxing birthday, considering I'm unemployed and all my friends, with one or two exceptions live in other cities/states/countries right now. But it was fun.   Went to dinner with my family and mi amigo Joe. Later, Joe and I went to the Fox & Hound, where we ran into one of my favourite customers from when I was still employed with Target. His name is Derek, and he's an amusing



Touch Up

So, I've always been disappointed in the pictures I took of Transtech Shockwave.   However, I've also gotten loads better at photo editing since then. And I've been doing this with some other photos, so I thought, why not run them through photoshop again?   Old photos are on the left, retouched versions are on the right.   |   |   |   |   |   I also replaced a bunch of my macro photos on Flickr too. A lot of the newer ones (think last year or so) with 'white' backgrounds now h




Image links to BBC topic, where comments on the MOC should also go.



Preliminary Image

Tried to stage a photoshoot earlier, and failed miserably. I'm going to try again later. Then there'll be a topic up and everything. Until then, enjoy this image.



A Work In Progress!

I've been busy building! Unemployment is good for something, eh?   (Images still link to Flickr pages.)     This is a MOC I've been formulating since October. When I posted Commander Stropes, Smeag asked me why, since I build with white so often, I had never built a Smeag MOC.   This was a good point.   So, now I am halfway towards having a finished Smeag MOC that is based off of Transformers Animated Blurr, the soon-to-be-released Transformers Timelines Drift figure, and stuff from



I Finally Purchased These

(A month ago)   As per usual, photos link to Flickr pages.             I may have purchased that Buzz Lightyear figure for the Pizza Planet Alien minifig. And the abundance of white pieces. Which I am almost out of.   (Which would be bad, how then would I finish my Smeag WIP?)   Tahu Star is a fun set. He really reminds me of the original Tahu set. But with the wrong colored eyes.




I've been taking a lot of people pictures recently. Because not only are portraits extremely marketable, but because there's something so enjoyable about representing people in print. I think it might relate to my extremely people-heavy personality, but I enjoy taking pictures of people more than anything else (especially landscapes).   So, I thought I'd share some of the recent people pictures I've taken.   (Each photo links to the Flickr page for each photo.)   My friend Lilly's son Max:




I am still awake because I make bad decisions when it comes to a proper circadian rhythm.



What The Heck?

I'm having Firefox problems due to universal irony, so I'm unfortunately having to resort to that clunky and irritating Google Chrome browser.   And what the heck?   Can someone explain to me why in Firefox or IE, my blog content block images fit nice and centered inside their respective content blocks, but in Google Chrome they spill over the side? I do not like this.   (This is why I do not use this browser. It makes me angry.)



That Was Fun.

I heart the city of Austin. I need to figure out a way to spend all my free time there.   Anyway. As you can tell, I had a good time in Austin on my vacation. We stayed with our friend Dani again, and while there we danced, ate at local eateries, I had the best French Toast ever, toured some of the Texas State Capital, and shared a few intimate moments of conversation.   I love hanging out with people you've only really known for a week total, but it feels like you've been best friends for l




Denizens-   I'm in Austin, Texas, running away from my life and problems until Saturday.   (JK, I'm in Austin on the vacation I had already paid for before I was fired!)   However, I have set up several options for those of you who may need something I can provide while I'm gone. So do not fret!   If you need:   - A reminder on love, see Smeag or BCii. - Awesome MOCs, at irregular intervals, see Primus. - Something long-winded and yet sensical, see Bonesiiiiiiii. - Something done to you




Today I got fired from my job of three years. I had no idea it was coming, and I was given some roundabout reason that made less sense than Justin Bieber fans.   Today was going to be my last day before my upcoming two week paid vacation.   Today turned out to be my last day.   :( :( :(



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