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Pinned Blogs Glitch

You know, seeing everyone whine and fuss, and not even send in one report about it, and be all like "what makes the staff so special that they get special priveleges, boo hoo, it's not like they spend most of their free time helping create a place we can talk and discuss safely and make BZP a great place for all ages to discuss LEGO and MOCs and art and story, and boo hoo listen to me whine and fuss about a glitch that was taken care of as soon as we saw it and boo hoo wah," makes me want to fin




After far too many months of nothingness between MOCs, I think I have another MOC planned out.   I think I'm going to get started on it.   Seriously, this unemployment business is at least good for something, right?



Don't Make It Bad.

So, I finally got to see Across the Universe a week or two ago. It was delightful in all the right ways. The music was fantastic, the characters were perfectly portrayed, the acting superb. I recommend it with the highest level of DV-endorsement. I even endorse it more than I do Makarolmon's blog. It's that awesome. More amazing, of course, are the numerous ideas presented within the film. "All you need is love..." The idea that love defeats all is, of course, universal, and speaks



Some news

Maddison and I got married on October 2nd, 2021 in a very lovely elopement in the same city we live in, at sunset.




As of now, I've eleven MOCs for Brickfair this year. And four of them are new this year! That's a net gain of three from last year, since one of the ones I had last year is gone forever (Glatorian centaur), but it's also another plus one because I forgot the little robot last year, and I've moved him to a place where I won't forget this year. Though I need to find some more pneumatic T's before I set up at Brickfair, because I've had to borrow his four for Hahli.   I'm hoping to have at least



Beauty In Sorrow.

I'm a fan of beauty.   Wether it be an amazing sunset, a beautiful girl, a perfect moment, a flower. It doesn't really matter. If there's beauty, I'm there, and I'm a fan.   I've decided that beauty can be found anywhere. In the sky, in people, in emotions. Happiness, joy, peacefulness, sadness.   Wherever it's to be found, I'm a fan.   Even sadness, with all it's tragic trappings, is somehow beautiful, especially in its expression. Sad songs and poems in particular move my heart. I do not




Just thought I'd let you know, your MOC sits on my nightstand next to my "LOVE WINS" bumper sticker and my stuffed rabbit and assorted other important trinkets.   She guards the lamp, I think.



Ain't Nothin' But Trouble.

Dear kiddies,   When Will Smith says that 'girls ain't nothing but trouble,' believe him. He speaks the truth.   That's about all I got for you right now.   (This blog contents liable to be of an opinion which shall no longer be held on the day things go right in a relationship for DV)



Bricks Cascade 2013!

(Image links to my Flickr gallery photos from the event!)   So first things first, Rob (Janus), Becca (Hahli Husky), Micah (Kakaru), Maddison (Nukaya), Myself (DeeVee), and Doug (Doug), won the speed build. By a lot. This is our victory image.   Greatest Hits: BEST BIONICLE trophy, BEST TOA "MODERATOR" trophy, BEST USE OF PARTS trophy, and BEST RAHI trophy.   Cascade was a lot of fun. I went to work at 4:30am that Thursday, clocked out at 9:45am, and then picked Micah up from the airport around



Of Bbc 43 Mocs: Update

Updated: Building over the last few days has rendered this post obsolete, as I went back to the original MOC   So, I love what I have built so far.   However, I've given up on trying to make it aquatic, and have instead decided to finish the MOC for the heck of it, and post it after the contest/I finish it.   Which leaves me void on the contest.   Luckily, I have nothing but free time and church on Sunday. So assuming I can decide on something else to build, I'm still on for this'n.



Of Semis.

Vote for the Sea Turtle in Poll B, blah blah blah, yadda yadda.




Dude. So, last night's episode? Best episode ever.   I'm so hooked.   I'm also a comic book movie/tv show nerd.   Totally.



Such A Tease!

Dearest Oklahoma, you are such a tease!   Cold, overcast, wintry, with a high of fifty-five one day. The next, warm, sunny, with a high of eighty-five?   You tease!



Oh look

I built a MOC!   (Back in October)   Image links to topic.  



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