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So, I Figured...

So, I had intended to do this before anyone besides Mak, Smeag, and Omi had. Unfortunately a corrupted registry taking it's evils out on Photoshop ruined said idea.   Oh well. I figured, hey, it's good enough for Omi, but that doesn't mean it's good enough for me. But then Smeag and Mak did it, and as my apprentice is Smeag's master, anything that's good enough for him is even better for me.   So:     I figured I'd attempt to do something more professional looking than the ones made by ev



Sometimes In Order To Lead, One Must Follow....

Shamelessly ripped off of KIE, Omi, Smeag, and WaWa the Slick-Shoed.   * Opening Credits: I'm No Superman (The Scrubs Theme)- Lazlo Bane (Oddly fitting..) * Waking Up: Myriad- Kansas * An Ordinary Day: You Don't Owe Me Nothing (Live)- Steve Taylor * The First Date: Stars (Live in San Diego)- Switchfoot * Falling in Love: August on Fire- Hundred Year Storm * The Rumble: The Endings- Blindside * The Break-up: Set the Fire to the Third Bar- Snow Patrol * Getting Back Don't Worry Baby- The B



I Hate Summer.

Is it time for school to start yet?   I'm so tired of being home. I want to go back to school. I love campus. I love being free. I love not being here.   I love just walking down to your friends' rooms and just walking in to hang.   This is perhaps the worst summer ever, I fear. So far, anyway. There's still a month and a half/two months to go, I suppose.   My summer so far:   Bi-Polar step-mother who literally screams at me four out of seven days a week for trivial things (such as load



Things I Learned At Camp.

1- Mosquitoes suck, and so does Texas.   2- Seriously, Texas sucks. It's so friggin hot.   3- The youth group at my church is fantastic.   4- My small group was wonderful, and the kids were so supportive and loving.   5- John Hickman will be the best youth pastor ever.   6- I'm still directionless and purposeless.   7- All I know about my future is that I'd like to help people.   8- My family is my church.   9- The only reason I'll come home from school next year is because of these peo



So, I'm Old Now.

While I was at camp, I turned twenty years old.   This means I am no longer a teenager. Weird.




For those (few, I'm sure) who care, the following entry contains spoilers for the recently released Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice novel.   You have been warned.   (Also, for those of you who will read the book, and don't want spoilers, I advise you not to open to the last page in the book. Unlike most Legacy books, there's no 'sneak peek!' of the next one. The last page of the book is the last page of the novel. And the last line is the revealing of Jacen's Sith name. So if you wan



Home Is Where The Heart Is?

Did you ever find yourself wishing you were at home, than stopping, because you realized you were at home?   Or how about that moment when you realize that what was once your home, is no longer? This is especially true for those college-aged and beyond, when you realize the place you grew up in no longer belongs to you.   It's an odd feeling. One of those sobering moments, where you realize what was once, is no more, and will never be again.



Of Absences

I'll be out until Friday. Church Youth Camp in Texas.   I get to go mold young and impressionable minds!   I love being a sponsor/counselor.   Catch you cats on the flipside.



Of Bbc 43 Mocs: Update

Updated: Building over the last few days has rendered this post obsolete, as I went back to the original MOC   So, I love what I have built so far.   However, I've given up on trying to make it aquatic, and have instead decided to finish the MOC for the heck of it, and post it after the contest/I finish it.   Which leaves me void on the contest.   Luckily, I have nothing but free time and church on Sunday. So assuming I can decide on something else to build, I'm still on for this'n.



Of Ohmygoodnessi'mold

So, last Sunday at church they had the Graduating Senior Breakfast and Recognition ceremony during the second service.   As I sat there, watching these kids go up there and shake hands with the pastor, I remembered going up there myself two years ago, and decided that two years ago feels like an eternity.   Then, one of the girls told me how glad she was that I was there to support her, because I had been such a big force in her life, having been a constant presence that she relied on for hope



Of Civilization!

It's so good to be back in a real city, instead of that pitiful excuse of a town called 'Stillwater'.   I mean, Stillwater doesn't have a Target, or a Starbucks, or anything good and life-requiring.   So, I did what had to be done.   I'm now employed by both Starbucks AND Target. A Starbucks IN Target! I get the best of both worlds. Cool, hip work environment, and a Target discount! Ten percent's a lot!



Of Summer

Things I learned during my Sophomore year in college: GO TO CLASS. Freshman are funny Girls are stupid Girls are awesome Confusion is the norm My major is WAY easier than most Sleep is blessed Seriously, sleep is God's gift to mankind Everyone loves a good movie Free pancakes during finals week is where all the cool kids are No one really knows who they are yet. Still. Academic Probation is easy to get on, and off I like having a roommate I hate being by myself for too long Relient K is my favor



Of Semis.

Vote for the Sea Turtle in Poll B, blah blah blah, yadda yadda.



Of Random Celebrity Status

This is perhaps the most random story I have ever related. But I swear to you that the tale recounted within is true.   _____________________________     So, I was home for the weekend, as it was my little brother's birthday. I drove down to CompUSA, where my father holds a steady second job, to switch him cars. I walk inside, because hey, I love my dad, and wish to visit for a bit.   I walk inside, and find him talking to this lady and what I assume is her fifteenish year old son. I walk ove



Bbc 42!

I got bored. So I actually built something. It's really just thrown together, but hey, why not?     Topic



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