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Been bored. Really bored. Woke up at noon. I watched Batman Returns and Unbreakable (which was flippin' awesome!), and now I'm makin' dinner. Yesterday I got Gotham Knight (also flippin' awesome!) for my brosef. And last night I tried getting the only non-"online only" achievement for H3 I don't have yet: "We're in for Some Chop". I did the requirement twice, but it didn't give me the achievement :angry: . So yeah, that's about it.

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui

Massively Effected

I beat my second play-through on Mass Effect with a full Paragon meter! But I accidently killed the Council while trying to skip through the dialogue.

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui

Future Bionicle Game

I think it would be realy awesome if they make a new BIONICLE game that follows the story, but is an exclusive source of a certain chapter in the story. Maybe like a story serial, but in game form. I would also prefer better game play, like being able to choose different elemental attacks and also being able to use melee attacks, as well as blasts. A different 3rd person style would be better, too. Possibly one similar to Assassin's Creed. And motion. That's what I didn't like about BIONICLE Her

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui


"i has red ring o deth on mi xbox," said I when the infernal Red Ring of Death appeared on my Xbox 360 last night.

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui


I went on an overnighter during the weekend with some people from my church. It was fun, we played air hockey most of the time.   Haven't played any Xbox lately, too much homework.   I can play Closer to the Truth on piano, and my friend's learning the guitar part. I'm also learning the original version of Maple Leaf Rag.   I also found my best friend from fifth grade on *a certain popular website.*   Tchues!

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui


Is a synonym for this morning. I'm the only one awake in my house, and have nothing to do. I can't even read a book.   *shmergle* T_T

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui


My church team's 3rd game was today, and we won 43-21! We're currently 2-1 and are going into the semi-finals next week. In school, my team's 3-1-1. Our game on Friday was a win: 24-18.

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui


I been slepin a lot lately.   I slept in till 3pm. Then we had pizza for dinner, and I watched Wipe-Out. So yeah, I can't wait for my trip to Utah on Thursday.

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui

Long Time, No See

Woah, haven't posted in a while. Well, let's see:I got the remaining Glatorian I have a girlfriend My fish, Takea, died I got the Halo Legendary Map Pack I've played the Halo Wars demo (awesome game) and I went on a snow campout Fri-Sat And that's my life update in a very, very, VERY small nutshell.

Uatona Nui

Uatona Nui

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