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Some Thangs

Disco Day tomorrow at school... I've got my stylish medallion and mustache at the ready. I'll probably get some pictures up soon.   Also, the Allegory of the Cave is invalid until it's been tested with the scientific method.

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X


I've placed an order on Amazon for Mata Nui (canister version), Desert of Danger, and Raid on Vulcanus. Later this year I'm planning on Skopio, Stronius, (maybe) Ackar, and (maybe) Kiina. Any sets you recommend?

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X


It would seem that I updated my epic a couple days ago and nobody noticed...

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

So, Bronies

You know, a few weeks ago I was reflecting on the rise of bronies on the internet, and it occurred to me that if BZP ever came back, it would be exactly the sort of place where bronies thrive. Lo and behold, it's back, and bronies litter the netscape. Now, the real question is: what will Greg think of the ponies he sees when he returns?  

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Sneak Preview Of Our Next Movie

Tonight, I'm building a computer whose power and intelligence will rival the gods. And I'm going to use it to EDIT A MOVIE.   Now, I'd love to show you the trailer, but one of the characters has a swearword in his name, so I'm afraid you'll have to PM me if you're interested in watching it. To make up for it, I'll show you some exciting new still-frames of the various characters. Behold!     The main man himself, Chris Caliber! He spends his time not only fighting crime, but also The Man! H

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Slizery Backgrounds

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I love Skrall's mask, and you can see the new head-piece on Malum. Also, these backgrounds are turning out to be as interesting as the Slizers'. What's that little millipede-thing to the right of Tarix's pic? And there are some weird Strakk-esque Glatorian in Strakk's background.

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X


Remember that Simpsonizer that was all the rage a while back? Here's what happens when you Simpsonize an actual Simpsons character:  

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X


You can try as hard as you want, mocists, but your Mata Nui mocs will never be to scale.

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X


Stop saying "Epic fail" all the time, guys. Makes you sound like a bunch of nerds.

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Sick At Home...

Well today I'm sick at home. This is both cool and unpleasant. I have two classes with my cousin, so I can get my homework from him, but I barely know anyone in the other four, so I'll have to do a lot of calling around to find my homework for those... Now, since I have nothing to do... Post replies! Entertain me!

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Short Circuit

Has anyone here seen the movie Short Circuit? If you haven't, I suggest you do. It's a good movie. It's about a military robot (Number 5) who is struck my lightning and malfunctions. He develops a personality and believes he is alive. The military tries to hunt him down, and awesomeness ensues. Here's a photo of him. There's also a sequel, which is one of few sequels to be as good as the original. I suggest you rent them.

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

Seriously, Though

I'm really, really happy that I've won this. This is simultaneously the first BZPower contest and the first BIONICLE contest I've ever won.

Wrinkledlion X

Wrinkledlion X

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