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Augh, My Dad Broke The House

Yeah, an old TV just went through the floor of the attic, ceiling of the garage, and landed on the concrete ground of the garage.   >_>



The Fact That My Bio Is Terrible Is Widely Known

So, here's what you're gonna do. Make me up a new one (that's right, forcing work on to you instead of me), and you can only post four words at a time. So, I'm monitoring for spam and such, don't be a "cool dude".   Exo enjoys many hobbies,



You Suck.

This entry is a tribute to the wonderful vacuum cleaner that resides in the closet. Scares cats. Picks up stuff off the floor. Picks up cats. Scares stuff off the floor.   But nah, really. I'm thinking more along the lines of this blog.   You get over 100 entries, you start getting low on ideas. That's why I'm -       SECRET TITLE AWARD!     The Title Award for today is "Coolest Thing I Want To See On BZP". This topic got me thinking. What would a Tohu comic be like? Well, one, he doesn't



Lol Lol Lol Lol

Eek, BZP just had an inappropriate Google ad. o_o   But anyway, my semester ended Wednesday! What now, punks!!?!!?!!?!!?!?!   I've become prone to grammatical overusage, too.   And random awesomely good pictures through Photobucket scouting.   lol lol tremendous lol



All The Rage

Podcast! FROM MINUS FOUR STUDIOS. OH YEAH.   Coming soon. Workin' on it with Mog. Ta-daaaa. Expect...stuff.   Woo.   I'm making good progress on the epic, Black Light. Got the story mapped out. It should be finished in February, but the first chapters will be posted starting in January.



Windows 3.1, Lol

I just found my old computer that has Windows 3.1 on it in the attic! XD! I had this when I was like, 3. And I loved it. Even though some of the features hadn't fully matured. Like, Paint wasn't really Paint...it was 80% done...it was just...Pain. And the predecessor to Microsoft Word was this blue screen that you could never get out of. Ever. You had to press random buttons in the hope of getting out of the program, which in turn produced stories that looked like this :   3 year-old me : Get w



You Won The Prize!

I hid an image somewhere in my blog.   Go find it, and keep yourself occupied for five minutes.   First person to find it gets a statue in his/her honor.   Well, not really.   But anyway.   Yeah.



Mm, Yup.

I just ate in the vicinity of 25 Tootsie Rolls.   Life is good, my friends.   Although, I still have to write a paper.   So never mind, it still sucks.



Me The Pimp

I've completely made everything a lot cooler recently.   Firefox 2.0 wins. Got about 15 add-ons for web developers that'll make finding bugs in CSS a whooole lot easier. muahaha   I did a bunch of stuff in Morrowind, y'know, that game. I'm gettin' back into it, 'cause there's nothing better to do. Trying to get 100% completion on a game again.   s woo



It's Thanksgiving!

So give thanks to the people who had to endure so much to give us our cool country while we get drunk, eat turkey, and watch football while yelling at the TV screen with family members who are also drunk.   Because it doesn't matter whether you're 5 or 105, you will get drunk on at least one family holiday per year.   If that's not the true spirit of America, I don't know what is.  



Ba Ba Buh Buh Bum

I got a bunch of used CDs today for no real reason, except that they were dirt cheap, and I like one or two of the songs on them. Two early Soundgarden CDs (for Flower and Fopp), Lostprophets (Shinobi vs. Dragon Ninja, the ba ba buh buh bum thing, y'know), three old Cure CDs...and like, five or six more. So I added 78 more songs to my library today, bringing the total up to around 1200 something.   But you don't care. You want a rant, don't you? El oh el.   First, though, I have to tell you t




It's the theme of today.   For instance, this blog entry is lacking in content.   *shrugs* I'm tired. Lacking in sleep.   Go ahead and make comments that lack in things. I don't really care. You could do something like lackey or lactation or lacerated or some word that sounds like it.   *thinks about shrugging again, but decides it'd take too much work, and would make this no longer be lacking in shrugs*




I think I edited it about 5 more times after uploading, but eh.     Tuesday gave me a bunch of free time.   I get to do a presentation in biology! Woo! Since my fellow classmates have to rank my presentation on a scale of 1-10, I'm planning to pass out candy to everyone at the beginning. Who here thinks I'd make a great public relations expert? *raises hand*   "So, could you explain the presidential scandal that is sweeping the nation?" "We have no comment at the time, but who wants some S




I estimate I've gotten roughly 5 hours of sleep out of the past 80 hours. Too awake last night, then had to study for a biology thing, and an English paper...   But! In the past 45 minutes, I have wasted 4 dollars on four bottles of Vault at the vending machine, and drank them all. I do believe I am now awake.



This Will Make No Sense

People say "lol" a lot. But it's not always as simple as "Laughing Out Loud". Let's have a looksie, shall we?   Laughing On Logs: 'cuz, you know, when you cut down a tree, you just want to sit back, relax, and have a good chuckle.   Licking Of Lips: Mm, I love Slurpees!   Love Of Lions: They be so cuddly cute!   Looting Oversized Lavatories: Or, Stealing Towels From The Large Hotel Bathroom.   Lollipops Of Leprechauns: They're magically delicious!   Lakes Ostracize Levees: I have no idea w



Lough Tuck

The title has nothing to do with anything, but it's fun switching letters on words.   Try it sometime, you filly sool.   And I have nothing else to say, and I'm really tired, so...whoosh.



100 Entry Lack Of Celebration!

That's right, to celebrate the current 100th entry (cuz I'll delete more old ones if I have to), we're doing absolutely nothing! So kick back, relax, crack open a bag of Doritos, and...   What? Awards?   Darn. Well, I guess...     The award today goes to Worst Thing Ever. Yes, that's a pretty good subject, don't you think? Sure, sure, make all the Barney and Teletubby jokes, make all your Fall Out Boy and All-American Rejects jokes (oh wait, I do that), entertain us with your speeches on b



Uuughh, Wow, It's Early

I have a test. Testy test test. So I got up really early, studied, and am almost ready to go take it. Well, and do the rest of school too.   It's about Egypt



Poor You

I got out of school early today. Ha-ha-ha-ha-haaa-haaaa.   And I'm invited to a party tonight, and then one on Halloween. Spooooky. I have to do a costume thing. So I have no clue, really. I might go as a lumberjack, 'cause I found this fifty-thousand year-old plaid shirt in my closet. And I have plenty of jeans, and a pair of boots. And with my whiteness, and the combined accent of midwestern and southern US, I could easily get some Canadian thing going on.   Bah, kidding. I'll go get one of



Ur A Dummypants, Microsoft

Because on the Xbox disks, it says "Do not make illegal copies of this disk." As if I was GOING to, but then I saw the note and said, "OH, I SHOULDN'T do ILLEGAL things. Sorry, Microsoft!"   I don't want to even bother with a real entry today, I'm too busy focusing on...love.   Haha, kidding, dummypants. Which is what I will call you, and by you, I mean...you.



Most Titleish Blog Entry Evarrr - #1

So, in the growing fad of people doing actual interesting things in their blog, I'm starting a thingybob. I'll give a title to something for being something, and you'll wonder if I could be less specific. So, today, I'll start it off with two things.   Men Without Hats was a bad 80's group, but they're going to get mentioned in the veeeery first Title Award (henceforth referred to as TA, because I'm lazy) Entry. They had such...ahem...wonderful songs as Safety Dance. But disturbing news - somet



No, Stupid Matoran Slave, I Wouldn't Mind

A.K.A, Exo's Discombobujointed Train of Thought While Playing The Voya Nui Online Game.   I'm sure you'll find something to disagree or agree with here.   (Spoilers, if you're not far into the game) Find your own way to Garan, loser...At least I didn't have to fight those Master Nektann for this. Ugh. According to VNOG, there's a grand total of 10 Matoran on the island. That's odd. Stronger Ussals? Shoot. Dang, I like that Ice Power Launcher. Shame that my ratings lean more towards Fire and



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