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Overhead the albatross Hangs motionless upon the air And deep beneath the rolling waves In labyrinths of coral caves An echo of a distant time Comes willowing across the sand And everything is green and submarine.   And no one called us to the land And no one knows the where's or why's. Something stirs and something tries Starts to climb toward the light.   Strangers passing in the street By chance two separate glances meet And I am you and what I see is me. And do I take you by th




It disturbs me how some 8 year olds are better at graphics that 16 year olds.   o_<




I would use this thing more but I don't have anything to say.   idk my life is boring :|




I find it weird how so many people know how to use (and misuse) the spoiler tags, yet don't even know how to use the image tags. >_>



Virus Alert

Hey Everyone, listen up Your attention, if you please   We wanna give you a warning 'Cause I found out this morning 'Bout a dangerous, insidious computer virus   If you should get any mail with the subject "Stinky Cheese" Better not go taking your chances Under no circumstances Should you open it or else it will...   Translate your documents into Swahili Make your TV record Gigli Neuter your pets And give your laundry static cling   (Look out) It's gonna make your computer screen f



Summer Set Reviews

Now that I've actually bothered to have a closer look at the set pictures...   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Mata Nui: While this set boasts a lot of awesome pieces, I'm not sure I really like him. The torso is the same as Onua Mistika's, which I hated due to awkward armor positioning, and the rest of his armor looks really cluttered up and takes away from his visual apperance. Lego, you can do better than that.  Kiina: Not the best, but very cool. Very sleek, with some co



Tmh's Help Column

Many people have noted that I am good at solving problems, so I'm going to give helping people out here a shot.   You could just post in the 'Problems you Face Today' topic, but here you can actually get away with just asking random things. =D   Now go comment and stuff.



Albi The Racist Dragon

In the Marmalade Forest (forest) Between the make-believe trees In a cottage cheese cottage ? lives Albi (Albi) Albi (Albi) Albi the racist dragon   Part Six And so, all of the villagers chased Albi the racist dragon into a very cold and very scary cave. And it was so cold, and so scary in there, that Albi began to cry... dragon tears. Which as we all know, turn into jellybeans! Anyway, at that moment he felt a tiny little hand rest upon his tail, and he turned around, and who shou



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