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Snow Day Acquired

Hooray! Built a big snow fort thing. Got a tree last weekend. Oh, and my Biology teacher said Tuesday (yesterday) that the test scheduled for Thursday (tomorrow) wouldn't be moved if we had a snow day Wednesday (today), or even if "dragons came out on the streets," but when I went on the school website today, I saw "Due to snow day, exam on chapter 9 moved to Monday."



Non-canon Commercials

So, I was watching TV, and that new-ish commercial for the vehicles came on. At one point it said that "evil Skopio unfolds his claw-tracks" which immediately made me think of a certain meme, considering the Skopio XV-1 is not a "he" nor can it be evil, so I made this.



3 Cars, A Cave, And A Little White Spaceship

All built out of System by me. Would anyone be interested in seeing any of them? One of the cars can barely be considered a car and the other two are not particularly car-like either, but they all have wheels so I called them cars. Oh, and the cave contains a vicious creature beyond imagination. Also, Steamboy, I will get pictures of my Droyds soon, probably.



Tick, Tock, Itsa Clock!

Anyone remember this story? No? Well, as I said in the talkback all those years ago, I actually bought one of the clocks. And just now, I suddenly felt like showing you guys a picture. So here.




I have this strangely empty feeling, but I don't know why...



Woot School Play

I just got back from watching the school play, which was "The Government Inspector". 'Twas quite good, quite funny. The end was awesome. But I'm guessing none of you really care, so go look at some other entries instead.



Stars Get!

I went to TRU again (I also did last weekend) today, and this time they had the Stars! Four of them, to be exact: Anonymous Skrall #461, Takanuva, Tahu, and Gresh. No Anonymous Heat Vision Rahkshi #12, unfortunately. Nektann would have also been nice, but I really want the Rahkshi. Tahu's Hau is too small and his sword is too big, but otherwise I mostly like them, set-wise. Black Kopaka Sword is win, as are Gresh's armor things (would make awesome claws), the white and gold Nuva Shoulder Armors,



3 Things

1. I have a headache and am all achy. 2. I watched UP, 'twas sad but awesome. 3. Link.



A Grand Day

We finally found my yellow and white Droyd (good times) that's been missing for months! He's one of the 3 (.5) Droyds I've made, and the first. Woo!



Yeah, Yeah, I Still Haven't

...watched the Legend Reborn. But today I went to TRU to see if they had any Stars (they didn't) and they had TLR. I got it, and am going to watch it soon. I know most of the plot already, though. >.< And in other news, we're reading the Odyssey in English. Uh... just seems like something you'd blog about. Yup.



I Has Blog Approval Now

So I finally took the time to make my own Blog Approval. Time to start giving it to deserving people! *mutters something about a certain content block in my blog that's looking rather empty*




Hey people, you know how crying.gif is all pale and different looking (maybe that's why he's crying?)? Well, I made a normal smiley yellow version, just because. Old: New: http://i496.photobucket.com/albums/rr323/Protosteel/crying.gifIf anyone actually likes it, I'll do it to other pale smilies. And if you like their pale versions, you still have them of course.



? ? ?

Quoted from the Bionicle Wikia: Uh... what? Does this make sense and I'm just missing something?




I have a lot of stuff I should post on BZP. I've just got to scan/photograph them. I've got a Malum drawing, a MOC of some sort of creepy bipedal Rahi with big claws, a pillow I made with the Unity-Duty-Destiny symbol on it (would that fit in any forum?), and a bunch of old MOCs I have lying around. Which ones would you like to see, to get an idea of what to do first?



Grrr + Crazy Coincidence

my onCollide script keeps giving me errors even though I put everything in parentheses what is this rawr   On another note, I was just browsing that one site where you can order Lego parts when I came across a store with particularly cool stuff. I checked the location and saw it was in "Italy, Lombardia," which I then Googled and found that the flag looks like this, which looks an awful lot like this, which of course is a Lego part that can be found on the website where I found out about Lombar



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