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The Anti Adventurer Club

Some people have requested me to make a Takua the Wanderer Club. So in lieu of that, I'm making the Anti-Adventurer Club, which is basically the same thing. Everyone who joins gets a cookie, their name in a list, and a chance to annoy Adventurer.

Bad Leadership Skills

I was looking through my old blog entries, and I realized that the Anti-Adventurer Club lapsed into infighting barely a day after it was formed. And with only about five or six members, too. And the infighting is still going on today. This doesn't reflect well.   Shadow-Nui is demoted from whatever position he had before. >=(   On the bright side, I'm still handing out cookies for some odd reason.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


I got Tarix, Antroz, and Kopaka today. Although I can't open Tarix and Kopaka until Thursday... Yeah, I'm a bit behind the times. Don't blame me though, Tarix, Vorox, and Skrall were the only ones in the store.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

In Conclusion

This topic strongly implies that what a lot of people actually care about in the Nuva is not how similar they are to their past appearances, it's how their personality is represented.   Now why are the Newva so dissimilar to their 2002 incarnations? It's because the 2002 sets did a poor job of representing the Nuva. Lewa and Pohatu are growling, Gali and Onua have savage slash and hack weapons, and Lewa has a pair of massive two-handed weapons. The list goes on. Good riddance, I say.   (Than

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Tahu As A Knight And A Trailblazer

Ironically, Tahu Mistika seems to have attracted a lot of flame. The targets for the burnination seem to mostly be the mask, which has been claimed to look both like a ninja's mask and a knight's helm, and his shield. I can't really address the complaint about the ninja, except for the rumor that ninjas can exotically use fire, but a knight represents Tahu very well. In the Middle Ages, a knight was seen as a symbol of power, protection, and heroism. All descriptions that can be aptly set to Ta

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


I wonder what would happen if I wore an oversized hockey mask to school tomorrow and shanked people with rulers or my trusty pencil.   In other news, I feel really, really sick. What's it called when you feel cold all the time and your head feels weird?   Also, I noticed that a lot of my blog entries have two subjects, most of them are one line each. I kinda blew it for this one, though. *Flips a coin*

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


Well, I just got 100 deaths. Now to start counting how many times I kill someone else.   Oh, and don't you just hate it when Bohrok Kal jump out of nowhere? I completely didn't see Pahrak-Kal coming...

Flute Lesson Today...

I hate accidentals, and double sharps are even worse. Hopefully, there's no such thing as a double flat.   On the bright side, I get to do one of the solos in our school band. Then again, there's only three flutes anyway, and there's a lot more than three solos. Ah well, no one in band (including me) enjoys doing solos anyway.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

For The Last Time! >:(

Tahu does not have a shield! Those are spinning blades! That's a buzzsaw! It's a vegetation cutter! Call it what you like, but it's not a shield! Yes, that has been confirmed! >=(   Unfortunetly, I doubt that this is actually going to be the last time...

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Snipers And Masks And Silver, Oh My!

The Mistika version of Gali is Gali in the sense that it fits her very well.   Let's look at one of the more repeated complaints out there: Gali is a sniper. Well, what's the problem with that? Gali is perfect as a sniper. Look at it this way: what does a sniper do? He (she) hides and waits for someone to come up, then shoots them. To be a sniper, what qualities do you need? Two of the big ones are patience and a calm head. Doesn't that describe Gali well? Isn't Gali patient and cool

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Hau Similarities

Trust me, there's more than there seems. By, erm... about two or three similarities. But oh well.   Anyway, to start with, the biggest one: The gaping mouth. The outline isn't that clear, but the mouth is there. It sure looks different, but it's there. The next biggest one: The general shape. Both Hau Nuva have a kind of triangular shape. The Adapted one is narrower, but the similarity can still be seen.   I can see three more, but they're kinda small. The serrations, of course. Also, the ri

Rickroll The Whole School

In our school, we have music playing during the time between classes, instead of a bell. And since the school lets us pay them to let us choose our own song for a while...   One of my friends already paid for it, but we have no idea when they're going to play the song. What makes this really funny is that the idea of "buying songs" is intended to be for dedicating songs to each other for Valentine's Day. XD   Oh, and I got Cave Story for my PSP. Hooray for freeware!

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


So someone in my band threatened to... something... if I didn't go to the sectional after school today. The irony is that the sectional was cancelled because I was actually the only one that went. Oh, and I almost missed the bus. :blush:

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

You're A Mouse!

I watched Prince Caspian today. My, is it different from the book. Still, I don't mind the differences. They make it slightly more exciting and also fit smoothly in with the book. Overall, a great movie. I love how they portray things, especially the Telmarine Uniform.   Oh, and I got Pohatu and Chirox today (sadly enough, my first Phantoka ). They're both awesome, although neither are what I expected them to be. That goes to show that you can't be sure of a set unless you have it in your hand


Although it'll probably take a long time for me to get out of the habit.   Oh, and the fact that the title of this entry is the same as the one before this is just a weird coincidence. So is the fact that they were posted at the same time. :annoyed2:

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

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