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Bad Leadership Skills

I was looking through my old blog entries, and I realized that the Anti-Adventurer Club lapsed into infighting barely a day after it was formed. And with only about five or six members, too. And the infighting is still going on today. This doesn't reflect well.   Shadow-Nui is demoted from whatever position he had before. >=(   On the bright side, I'm still handing out cookies for some odd reason.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Back To School

So, Winter Break is over, and it's back to school for us.   ...I wouldn't be nearly as unhappy about this if it didn't snow again yesterday, then melt again before the morning. :annoyed2:     On a positive note, I went to the bookstore and got BL11, the first Bionicle graphic novel, and two other books.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


Does anyone else think that the Avohkah is the Brickmaster Promotion? They're both Rahi, and they both have a role in the storyline. I'm not posting this as a topic though, because it seems like speculation.       Anyway, I have a pretty bad cold today which I seem to have caught yesterday. Nothing serious, but it sure is annoying...

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

At Last!

After about a year of procrastination, I've finally started my Epic.   Of course, I haven't even finished my prologue.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

As Mrs. Who Would Say It

"You don't think anything that Skeeter cow-..." "I have shown you the letters from countless parents who remmeber you from their own days here, telling me in no uncertain terms that if I sacked you, they would have something to say about it-" "...if you are holding for universal popularity,I'm afraid you will be in this cabin for a very long time."   Quite an awkward comparison, especially that Rita Skeeter bit, but the message is the same. I wanted to work in the part in there about Aberfo

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

Another Band Concert

We had another band concert today at my school. I don't think we did as bad as we did last time. By the way, flutes own.   Oh, and I'm going to post a little essay/rant tomorrow if I have time.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

A Little Better

It's not nearly done. I still need to add effects, and the "monster" part of it. Definitely not looking forward to working on the torso... :annoyed2:   Oh, and thanks to Populus for providing the Kaukau that I based this off of.   Added effects. Still need to monsterize it. Looks a lot better though.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


No, it's not 60% of BZPers that hate the Mistika. Recent polls (by that nutter, EW) show that the true number is closer to 20%. Even if it is 60%, then there's still probably be some who are in the middle.   Copy and paste this into your sig.


I just went over four thousand posts without realizing it.   It was probably due to me spamming up the forums.

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer


There. Are you guys satisfied now? I know I am.   Oh, and you owe me five dollars, Dorek. Cough up. >=(

Takua the Wanderer

Takua the Wanderer

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