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Hooray! A Blog!

Yes! I've got a blog! Bad news though. I'm going away for two weeks tommorow, so I'll miss the week of Premier privledges, not to mention my 2nd BZP-versary, though I'll try and make a nice peice of art when I get back.   On a lighter note, I got a copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! Lots of excitment so far, and I'm only on Chapter 8! I won't spoil andything, though. No one likes a spoiler.   On the subject of cartooning, I'm getting ready for a new sereis, only it won't have Bionic



Hooray For Onlined-ness!

Well I've been back for about 4 days and the forums been offline for the duration of that time. I'm glad it's back online. Time to catch up on what little I missed when I was gone. I'm glad the blogs still work.   On the subject of flash, I've started productions on a game featuing an amoeba inside the human body. Really weird.



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