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Work, Hospital, School, I N S A N E !

So I officially started work on thursday. And so far, it's lovely. I'm getting the hang of making lovely Taco Bell food. It's great. Most of the people that work there are pretty fun (on their good days) ;3 I worked a bit with Tek, and we had alot of fun. Hehe. <3 It was his last day working yesterday (headin' out to college, gonna miss him like crazy!) so we al had a blast picking on him. Haha. : ) It was absolutely hilarious.   As far as school goes, it starts tomorrow. And I work tomorrow



And A Very Merry Christmas To You..

Christmas is an awesome time of year. Schools breaks, work breaks, quality family time, gifts, food, friends. The whole works. It's just a jolly time of year. :3   But there is so much more to Christmas, I'm sure alot of you know the story of Jesus Christ coming to earth, becoming human flesh to be the greatest sacrifice, for us.   Christmas is about Christ's love.   Let all mortal flesh keep silence, and with fear and trembling stand; ponder nothing earthly-minded, for with



No Time To Catch Up On Sleep *diez*

I am so tired, and yet have no time to take a nap, I'm going to try really hard for one in just a few minutes, if I don't get sucked into doing something I don't wanna..   When I take a nap, it's bad, yes, if I actually take a nap, it's an indicator that I am extremely tired, and there is a 80% chance of grumpiness, and I have 0% tolerance for any nonsense. :S   *Diez from exhaustion*   ~Sunneh



I Love...

Old Hymns sooo much.   How sweet and awful is the place With Christ within the doors While everlasting love displays The choicest of her stores.   While all our hearts and all our songs Join to admire the feast Each of us cry with thankful tongues, "Lord, why was I a guest?"   "Why was I made to hear thy voice and enter while there's room, When thousands make a wretched choice And rather starve than come?"   'Twas the same love that spread the feast that sweetly drew us in; Else w



Boring Life

All I've been doing lately is homework, and reading Biographies. xD So there hasn't been much to post about, sorry about my non-interesting life. P:   ~Sunneh



They Say It's A....

Sinus Infection. Weird I( know, I've never had a sinus infection with neck pain, back pain, fevers, nausea, headaches and stomache pain before. so I'm not really convinced. Anyways, I'm on an antibiotic, and hopefully that clear up whatever this is. (:   ~Sunneh



M O R E Christmas Stuff! (:

gotta put lights up in the window t'night! =D Yay. I love lights on houses. x3   Christmas Play Practice TONIGHT. (: WEWT. We are practicing, eating SNACKS (best part everrrr!) and DECORATING. (: which will be a blast! =D   ~Sunneh




-sits here, reading book and drinking homemade hot apple Cider-   Mmmmm....   ~Sunneh




So, here I am, watching the Cosby show after drinking 2 liters of Dr.Pepper.......and did I mention I'm on my DS & it has red power.....soooo I'm off! Bye now!   ~Sunneh




I got my Dad to unblock my Maj =D Expect loads of art pretty soon -is very excited-   ~Sunneh



"health" Kitchen

So um there's that one tv show "Health" Kitchen, 'cept it's not Health but the certain word is filtered. lol. Just use your brain to try to figure out the Reality show with Gordon Ramsey that I'm talking about. xD   Anyways, I was rooting for Dave the whole time. wewt wewt!




Yay! I went ahead and decided to get premier! So, HURRAH! Sorry this entry will be so short, I jammed my finger two days ago, and it's in a splint (D:<) anyways, that makes it hard to type.   So, yay and stuff!   ~Sunneh



Long Weekend

I've had a realllyyy long weekend. But a good one. (: I really enjoyed having our awesome friends visiting. It was spectacular! xD The turkey was good and the games adn things were great. And I love the little two month baby that came up here too. I wanted to keep her she's so adorable. ;3   xD Well I haven't been on for two days, I was enjoying the company of my friends. lol. We really did have a good time, and they are planning to come back next year. =D   ~Sunneh



My Trip :)

SO...I'm back, thanks for the welcome   So my trip was very long, From being crammed in the car to 3 times a day for 7 days eating McDonalds or burger King, or something like that....boy is my stomach all messed up. @.@   Anyways, We actually went a long ways because my Dad had to do someones wedding ceremony, so we decided to turn it into a family vacation because my Dad had to go, and I had to go (I was in the wedding) and so we deemed that everyone should go. It turned out we actually had




http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=1019&showentry=70205   ^ totally inspired my blog. I'm SURE of it.



Tomorrow Is Christmas!

...And I know all of my presents! xD   ESV Study Bible (WEWT!) A New Coat (Brown) Blue Sweater Black Dress pants Pink Scarf And a Pink Purse from My Grandma (I think) lol   ~   Yes, my family probably has smaller Christmas' then most people do. When you have a family of 8 it's hard to give everyone an ipod. xD   So what are you doing for Christmas?   ~Sunneh



Favorite Things Friday!

Yes, it is that day again!   1.) SUNNY POSTED A BLOG ENTRY ;D 2.) We're closer to the Deeper conference. 3.) It's Way of the Master's Fr--...well you guys know. =) 4.) I'M GOING TO CAMP WITH MY BESTIES ON MONDAY. I'll be gone for a week though. =) 5.) WE GOT NEW COUCHES TODAY (much needed!!)     ~Sunneh




....is a nice thing to earn for babysitting the greatest kids in the world (these are different children than the ones I talked about in my "Worst Day ever" entry....) These are the kind of kids you WANT to babysit, because they're just plain well-behaved, easy to take care of, and cute! Not to mention that family is great friends with ours LOL Anyways, these kids were great, and I babysat them a few days ago, and earned $75 Unfortunately, I have to split half with my little brother, cause He



W O A H !

Check out all the Biggrin smilies in my last post....niiiiiiceee. ;D   Random, sorry...   ~Sunneh



Ouch. D:

So far Raspberries are winning. :3 ...I think...lol   My Mouth hurts so bad right now! As you may know, I got my braces off a little over 2 weeks ago. I just got my metal retainer yesterday, and I have to wear it 24/7 for 6 months, and it hurts so bad! Like, really really bad.   But I'm too stubborn to take pain medicine. As usul. ;P   ~Sunneh



Work Today Wewttt.

yayyy, just got home. haha. I worked 10-6 (and then went to walamrt ughhhhh) and, it was fun but also quite tiring.   my legs hurt. haha. ;P   yeah. that's it. can someone give me a foot massage? :/



Pertaining To Bye-bye Blogs

Well, Blog privileges will be taken away soon, so continue to check back because I WILL edit posts with updates () So yeah...   I thought of getting premier, I really wanted too, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it, I mean I believe BZP is awesome and all, and I'd love to support it, but I think there are some wiser ways to spend my money (unfortunately)   As I become even more active on BZP, maybe I'll go ahead and get it, but for now...I'll just have to wait. Now, if BZP had that buy



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