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More on Technic Coliseum

(Last entry on the subject)   So yeah, I'm probably gonna bring it back. Probably soon. Like next Monday or something.   A few more adjustments: -Replaced Spark with Blaster, because it seemed less redundant. -New items for RoboRiders and Slizers to make things fairer for them. For now, just basic stat-boosting items, like some Kanohi and the Hero Factory heroes' Aegis Program, Titan Gauntlet, etc. If I think of more later, I'll add them. -Added option to sell unused equipment back to the Co

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

More Magic

Since one of the reasons I’m writing Divine Strength (or anything really) is to play around in a fantasy world, I feel like I should try to do more with that fantasy element than I already am. For example, the only magical beings who currently exist in the story are the Queens and the Ruinous. Only having two categories both with very finite rosters seems weird.   So I thought maybe I’d expand upon the backstory I had for the Ruinous: that they were born from the forces of magic in response to

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

More Like E2.8

Rather than wait until E3 Square Enix gave us for Kingdom Hearts II.8 today!  The section for Dream Drop Distance is pretty straight forward. It certainly looks lovely, but I do find myself wishing there would be new content in this rather than a simple facelift.   The 0.2 section lets us see Aqua in action in the KH3 engine, and it looks pretty darn awesome! Looks like the Command Style has been altered for the new mechanics (maybe this is how Keyblade Transformations will function in III?),

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

More Kingdom Hearts Thoughts

I decided to sit down and watch the Re:coded cinematics in Kingdom Hearts II.5 today. Coincidentally, I just saw a post on another site reminding us of that tiny bit of trivia regarding its origins, and it also had a link to an article which I perused.   One line that stood out to me was one of the staff members being interviewed who, reflecting on the initial pitch of coded, said, "At first the plan seemed terrible, but at the same time interesting." And I'm laughing because that's really all y

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

more kh3 spoilers

Since the time travel mechanics introduced in KH3D are too timey-wimey to understand, it has been decided that Xehanort will just use a Kanohi Mohtrek to gather the XIII Darknesses in one place. What this means for further inclusion of Bionicle has yet to be addressed.

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

More For Vr And Hs

First, I put some new alternative Vapor upgrades in the Vapor 3.0 topic--please check them out! I still need some feedback. Now, on to what you came here for...   I did prepare another paragraph of background info, but meh, it's not really all THAT important, so I'm just going to go on to posting the list of Spirits that are completely unobtainable in either Version: The Gahu, the Elemental Knights, the Hapori, Kraakhan-Nui, Avokhii-Nui, One-Winged Angel, Hyper Sonic, Cuerveracios, Ultra-Keelera

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

More Complete Thoughts on KH2.8

I won’t be getting to play it anytime soon (PS4s are expensive), but now that I’ve watched and processed 0.2 and Back Cover I wanted to gather up my reactions and speculations in one place because…of reasons?    

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

More Coliseum Goodies

Sorry I didn’t get the chance to do this last time. Anyway, here are the new items you can look forward to once the tournament ends:   -New for Toa: Mask of Emulation! For 8,000 W, you can copy your opponent’s Elemental powers! Disclaimer: a fighter is more vulnerable while copying, and copied powers are not as strong as regular powers. Also, since we have a few Nuva fighters now, I figured I’d make some more Kanohi available in Nuva—specifically, the Huna, Komau, Ruru, Matatu, and Mahiki.

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

More Bravely Second News

There's a demo of the game at TGS! I won't go into everything, but it looks like we will be using (at least initially) a party of four new characters (including Magnolia). Not sure what this means for Tiz, but this could be a good thing.   Also, confirmed that Swordmaster will return! They also revealed a Bravely Second new Job: Wizard, which allows characters to mix and match elements and attack types to create a variety of special spells.   So, our list of currently confirmed Jobs is: -Fre

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

More Bioni-Lords Rambling

I've typed up what I have for the next chapter. It's not complete, but I think I'm going to switch from writing it down in a notebook and then typing it later to just typing it up as I go. I feel like I might do a better job, although that remains to be seen. I'll get on with the chapter soon, but...   It turns out there are some errors in the topic. I checked it today, and the first post down through Chapter 34 were completely messed up. It appears to have undone every use of the "Enter" k

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Miscellaneous Thingies

Finally got Kako 28 posted the other day. Started working on Kako 29, which will have a Tag Match against Stratoro and Kopuju (the Ice-Lord from Book 1). Haven't decided if Kopuju will be in any chapters after this or if it's just a cameo... Oh, I almost forgot...       Yeah, the Word Document for Kako passed 100 pages. Wooo~!   Also, Phoenixian Wraith has started up a new spin-off: Bioni-Lords Origins: Phaenyx! Check it out! I'll put a link on the website soon.   There are also a few new

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX


Vegeta! What does the Scouter say about the number of views this blog has? "IT'S OVER 9000!!" WHAT 9000?! There's no way that can be right!!   ...Ahem. I'd like to thank all of you who've viewed my blog thus far, even if you just stumbled in, realized it was lame, and walked right back out.   This is sort of a forecast entry. Since I'm running low on topics and you guys probably don't want to hear me rant about my characters like I did in my last entry, I've decided that this Saturday will

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Merry Christmas!

BIoni-Lords Book 3: Kako Preview 4 is up! This one shows some of the top members of the mysterious Shadow Consortium, who will serve a similar function to the Shade-Gang in this book. Only one more preview to go...   As promised, my Christmas Special is now up! Hopefully it turned out at least decent!   One more ZMoC topic is up. This one is just a few random MoCs I made a while ago, but with this, we're caught up with ZMoC...except for ZMoC-10, but he's a secret for now.   And Forgotten Bon

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Meh, I'm Lazy

Hey guys, sorry I haven't gotten much work done lately. I'm trying to milk this summer break thing while I can...and it might not be getting better particularly soon. E3 is next week, so I'll probably be spending a lot of time watching the live coverage. Then again, I probably won't be super involved in much of it, since my video game tastes are extremely narrow. But they will have something on the new Kingdom Hearts, so...I'll definitely be watching for that. Also, you likely won't hear much

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Mega Pokemon

Apparently this is a legit thing.   Some Pokemon now get Super Saiyan forms.   Not sure how I feel about this yet.

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Mega Man's 30th

It’s been a rocky few years, but things are actually looking really freaking bright right now.   For those unaware, earlier this month Capcom did a special livestream to celebrate the anniversary, and showcased a neat little retrospective of the franchise’s releases over the past three decades. It got pretty hilarious past Mega Man 10, with year upon year of absolutely nothing (barring Xover)…but then to the shock of everyone, this turned into a trailer for an honest-to-God new game. Mega Man

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Medal Working

Unchained X has been out for a while now, but I finally managed to activate Guilt for the first time!     Well, the English version calls it Special Attack Bonus or something, but that's long and generic. So, Guilt. See that little purple crystal thing? That's active Guilt!   Man, that took a while. Lots of Munny, lots of Medals--EXP, evolution, Goofys...Guilt is difficult. I have another Goofy I might evolve and merge onto this to try for a new Guilt percentage, but since this Medal is Lo

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Me With a Key

So this is my Unchained X character. Turns out the English version currently has only 200 missions available, so right now I’m backtracking to complete some bonus objectives and expand my Avatar Boards.   I decided to use Starlight for this picture since it’s the only Keyblade I was able to get to third tier. Three Wishes is right at the point where it can be upgraded to third tier, but I’m one Orichalcum short. Hope they add at least another 25 missions soon! Treasure Trove, Lady Luck, and Olym

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Maybe Now...

Finished that game I was talking about last time, so I had time to put Sekai 88 up today. This one shows more of the invasion, which is almost over, and shows Zak using a new technique he invented. There's also a cameo of a character some of you might recognize...if not, then just wait until Book 3.   Writing Chapter 95 right now, which begins the second of two scenarios in the Lost Continent 9 arc. Not sure how long it'll last, though...and still not sure if there'll be anything special in

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

May...or May Not

Well, May is here, meaning that after Wednesday I'll have more time each day for things like Bioni-Lords...and video games. I do have a habit of ignoring my responsibilities and playing video games instead...but I will try my best to get a ton of Bioni-Lords stuff up as quickly as possible. But not so quickly that it reduces the impact of cliffhangers. Mwa-ha-ha-ha...   The next chapter is written, just needs to be typed, and the chapter after that...a little stuck, but I'll try and move for

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

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