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Hello Again, Space Cowboy

I’ve been rewatching Cowboy Bebop, and man, I forgot a lot of the details about this show. Also I think a lot of it went over Pahrak Va’s head. Not to say none of it goes over my head now, but…point is, I think I’m developing a deeper appreciation for this series.   One thing that hit me way harder than I expected was Faye’s tape. I mean, I remembered that that happened, but my recollection was fuzzy, and it kind of stunned me this time around. Maybe because it’s been ten years since I first

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Back (For A While)

Hello everyone! I am pleased to report that my sister and I have moved into our new apartment and the internet is already up and running, so I’ll be resuming normal activities for a bit before our upcoming vacation. (But more on that later.)   I was at work all day, so I didn’t get to move like…anything, and I feel sort of bad about that. But my sister, my dad, one of our friends, and someone my dad knows got almost everything over here, and we’ll finish up tomorrow and I’ll hopefully be more

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

A Massive Change in Roman Numerals

Right of Law, Section IX, is live in the Epics Forum!   This Section introduces several things, some of them big, some of them subtle, some of them things that were alluded to previously but are now begin somewhat expanded on. I want to shift focus for the next few Sections: the characters have won a moment to really sit down and process everything, though even now they're still working to prepare for what comes next, and I want to take advantage of that. The site of the next major conflict is

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

BZPower: Spherusden

Still getting used to this new layout and everything…ah, welcome back everyone!  I missed you.  Some of you, at least.  The rest of you know what you did. Kind of a lot happened over the timeskip: my sister got married, I had a sudden-ish move, and I’m between jobs at the moment.  I’ve also been working on my writing, primarily Shooting Star Sonia (3 is almost done!) and a TWEWY fic I’m doing for an event, plus some groundwork for NaNoWriMo and a bit of thought towards Right of Law.  And, I

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Done Dreaming

Guess who beat KH3D and unlocked the secret movie in under 25 hours of game time? (Though I realize there are probably plenty of people who have done it in less time...)   But you guys probably don't want me to ramble on about my feelings, so I'll move on. I've started working on several Bioni-Spirits inspired by KH3D--not sure exactly how many there will be, but I'm determined to make enough that there will be at least 70 Psionic Spirits! These should be done soon-ish. And yes, a decent num

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Oh, There Goes The Link Bandwagon

I feel like I should jump on, but the only social media I frequently use is Tumblr.   And I'm not giving you my Tumblr.   The reason being that, to quote a certain Jedi, "you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy" than Tumblr.   I've blended a bit and swear a lot on my blog over there. I mean, maybe if I were to behave long enough to get one full page without swearing, I could link it, but...no.   The good thing about this, and one of the main reasons I still use Tumblr, is

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX


Finally got around to transferring my Gen VI Living Dex and everything I had in VC Red up to Gen VII. Getting everything organized sure took a while, which I guess is why I’ve been putting it off so long.   I already captured everything I could in Gen VII to keep the Living Dex as complete as possible, though there are still a couple gaps. While I have Rockruff and Steenee registered, I apparently neglected to get extras for the box, so I’ll need to breed those. Obviously I don’t have Marshad

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Ranger

Asterisk Holder: Artemia Venus     Origin: Final Fantasy III   Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes   Overview: A master of bows who can take down any kind of foe. As a Ranger levels up, they learn new Hunting commands that deal x1.5 damage to certain families of enemies (bugs, dragons, undead, etc), making it a great command set to master and equip on whatever physical powerhouse Job you like. The Targeting command it starts out with does x1.25, but pierces Default, letting it deal lots of damage

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Updates on Some Various Projects

New Technic Coliseum features suggested by players have been added! You can now choose what arena you want to fight in, and you can also arrange 2-on-2 matches.   "A Machine's Philosophy" got an Honorable Mention in the FFFC!! Sure wasn't expecting that!   You may have seen that Kako 43 is online. I've begun work on 44, where we return to the mysterious castle for a new scenario, but I can't promise when it'll be up. Though, I do have spring break this week, so maybe if I can get myself to f

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Notice Of Delay

We're only a few chapters away from beginning the Ending arc in Sekai, but...I might not be able to get any chapters typed this week or next.   The thing is, I have two papers I need to complete by the end of this week, and then I need to get started on another paper due at the end of next week. There will be little if any time to type up a chapter or update the websites, and if I do then it probably means I'm being irresponsible and pushing my assignments back until later. I procrastinate a

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

List of Updates

There are some random things I wanted to mention in this week's entry, but I really don't know how to transition between them all. So I'm just going with a list.   -We've got news on the next Pokemon movie: lookes like it'll actually feature two Genesect, one of which is shiny! -Recently Nippon Ichi announced Disgaea Dimension 2, a direct sequel to the original Disgaea game. What we know so far: there's a monster mount system and a new character who is apparently Laharl's little sister. Sound

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

The Forgotten Bond, Vr And Hs, And More!

After another trip through the Void, I ended up in the Dragon Ball Z universe, and the changes I made to my program in my previous world made me a Saiyan warrior in this one. I quickly ascended to the level of Super Saiyan, and am now SSJ Pahrak! (In other words, I've finally become obsessed with DBZ. It was bound to happen.)   But on to important stuff! I finally started BIONICLE: The Forgotten Bond! New chapters will be posted every Tuesday and Thursday, God willing, and if something does come

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Ruby Madness Day 6: I Demand Celebratory Trumpets

The halls leading into the Pokémon League are beautiful…but also frightening. It was almost as if Omega and his team were descending into the underworld in their quest to show their true power. After the last of the Elite Four, Drake, king of Dragons, was defeated, one final hallway opened and led to a doorway emanating heavenly light, beyond which waited…Steven?   Omega was a bit surprised to discover that Steven was the Champion. Looking back, however, it did explain a lot. Now meeting as equa

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

An Important (ish) Decision

So earlier I was working on stuff for my possible novel-type thing Divine Strength, and, well…   I’m thinking I might cut a few of the Queens?   See, right now I have 12 Queens and 11 queendoms. Through feedback I’ve gotten in the Fiction Writing classes I’ve presented the idea in, some people have said that’s a bit much, and that some of the Queens might not really fit. (They also say they need normal names but I’m holding out on that one.) I was working on some new short pieces today and I th

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

More For Vr And Hs

First, I put some new alternative Vapor upgrades in the Vapor 3.0 topic--please check them out! I still need some feedback. Now, on to what you came here for...   I did prepare another paragraph of background info, but meh, it's not really all THAT important, so I'm just going to go on to posting the list of Spirits that are completely unobtainable in either Version: The Gahu, the Elemental Knights, the Hapori, Kraakhan-Nui, Avokhii-Nui, One-Winged Angel, Hyper Sonic, Cuerveracios, Ultra-Keelera

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Entry 99?

How strange.   Anyway, I added some new Spirits to the Bioni-Lords Spirit Index, hoping to get a few more up soon. We're over 1600 now, believe it or not.   As for Kako...well, turth be told I haven't really made any progress in a while. I've been procrastinating because I'm not sure if I can do the next chapter as well as I would like...and because I've been attempting to rebuild as many of my Bionicle and Hero Factory sets as possible, which has taken up a lot of time.   Hm, I already made a

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

FMA Brotherhood

I watched the first anime and read the manga, but I never actually sat down to watch Brotherhood until now. Disorganized thoughts on the subject:   -The pacing felt a little weird at first. I thought maybe it was just that I’d gotten used to slower series like Steins;Gate and Attack on Titan, but later on it felt like the pacing slowed down to something more manageable, so maybe they were just trying to breeze through everything that was already in the first anime? And a little bit of the new

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Technic Tournament Delay

Though you probably already guessed, since I said I would give the release date last week.   Due to some Technic-al difficulties...   ...Well, actually, I have a certain deadline approaching and figure I shouldn't start up something that will distract me from meeting it. Plus there are a few other things I'd like to kick myself into doing, so it may be just a little longer before an opening presents itself. I will try to start the tournament soon, though!

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Dance Lessons

I have mastered many skills, but there is still one technique that has eluded me...   I must acquire the moves   like Jaller     So yeah finals week is going well

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Fanfiction On Campus

I've been taking some classes at college for a while now, and this semester I'm taking a "Writing for the Web" class. One of our projects is to create a fake homepage for a fictional business, and I thought I may as well see if the Bioni-Lords website would fit well enough. It seemed incredibly unlikely, but...it did. The Bioni-Lords website, Exo's Desk V2, is about to be submitted for review to my college professor.   For obvious reasons, this inspired me to make lots of updates, to both Ex

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX


Er, rather, Spring Break.   Yeah that one.   It begins today for me, now that my class this morning is over.   While I hope to spend some time relaxing and playing video games and will probably spend some time on that novel I’m supposed to read and that essay I’m supposed to write, and then there’s that job thing and maybe making progress in being a functioning human being, I also hope to spend a good deal of time writing over break. Primarily because my third and final piece for Fiction Writing

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

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