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Bioni-Lords Clearance: Books 4 and 5

Sorry for the huge delay, but it took a while to get all this typed back up. Let’s see…Bioni-Lords Book 4: Sensou (“War”). About 12 years after the defeat of the Dark Knights, Kraahkan-Nui is pulled from his and Avohkii-Nui’s pocket dimension out into the main dimension, prompting a massive war between the forces of good and evil. Konpaku and Les Douze Ombres were working for Kraahkan-Nui, trying to find a way to help him switch worlds (couldn’t do it on his own because it would give Avohkii-

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Technic Warzone Hall of Fame

This post will list who wins each Technic Warzone tournament.   -Tournament 1, July: Flare, sponsored by Pulse -Tournament 2, August: Pridak, sponsored by Makuta Luroka -Tournament 3, September: Flare, sponsored by Trijhak

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Truth Be Told

I've had this weird dislike of Hoenn for some time now. Never could really explain it.   But now I see a wonderful opportunity to patch up that estranged relationship!

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Pahrak Model ZX

Rambling Bohrok, Defective Krana

I didn’t really have anything planned, so I figured I’d just ramble in this entry. People still ramble in blog entries, right?   Well, I did enter the new FFFC with “Woe Betide.” It features the Av-Matoran who built Toa Canisters in Karzahni, since that seemed like the best idea I had after a bit of brainstorming. Since multiple entries can be made, I want to try and come up with another story, and while I do have a few ideas, I’m not sure if they’re relevant or if I can get a good story out

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX



Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak's PokéRecords: Ghost

-Giratina ("Vezon") -Spiritomb -Chandelure ("Lumiere") -Golurk ("Ralph") -Aegislash ("Ultima")   I actually really, really like the Ghost type. The weird thing is, I haven't really trained all that many Ghost Pokemon...still, the ones that I have trained have been among the best Pokemon on their respective teams. We've got a legendary, a Pokemon (previously) without a weakness, a chandelier with massive special attack, a golem that can tear Dragons apart with its bare fists, and a haunted swor

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

I Need To Pay More Attention

I only just found out that Bravely Default and Steins;Gate share a writer.   Also I somehow missed just how Final Fantasy the game is.   So yeah, I'm playing the Bravely Default demo. A little late to the party, haven't been able to play it too much yet, but I think it will do nicely. I'm recognizing a lot of elements from my favorite Final Fantasy games in the battle system even just from this point. And if it's a Final Fantasy plot spun like Steins;Gate, well...I can't not see that.   On a

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Pahrak Model ZX

Happy Valentine's Day

...Also: The Time of the Mask Makers, The Third Swing, is live. It involves brotherly love, so it's...sort of relevant?   Completely irrelevant: I picked up Fire Emblem Awakening and my gosh it sucked me in way faster than I was expecting.

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

The Latest News On Pokemon Black And White 2

I recently found out that the site I'm getting this news from has Forums, so I'll summarize it for you...and also give some of my thoughts. This is all from the latest issue of CoroCoro:   -First of, returning characters. It's confirmed that Alder is back; no specifics, but I would assume he's still the Champion. Bianca is back as Professor Juniper's assistant, and apparently she's the one who gives you your starter. Cheren is back...as the new Normal-type Gym Leader...apparently the first G

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

"And I Took the Octopath Less Traveled"

I’ve logged roughly 72 hours on this game, beaten the eight main stories, found all twelve jobs, explored every dungeon, and cleared all sidequests with the exception of two that have unusually tough bosses and one that is the Absolutely Final Test of True Power and Strategy. So I can say with confidence: Octopath Traveler isn’t exactly what I thought it would be, but I’d still say it’s a very good game. (Vague spoilers ahead.)   Leading into this game, what I was expecting was that as the game

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak's PokéRecords: Normal

Well, this is a short entry.   -Pidgeot ("Tori")   Yep, that's it. I can't say I'm a fan of Normal type, since Normal Pokémon don't really strike me as interesting that often. There are some that I like the design of, but not enough to include them on my team--I'd prefer that slot be used by a Pokémon that can get STAB on a move that will actually cause super-effective damage. I'd guess there's probably not a high chance of me using Normal types frequently on future teams either.   Anywho, ne

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Pahrak Model ZX

Anniversary #0579

Wait…have I really been here ten years?   Dang.   I was hoping to do some sort of special story thing for my 10th, but I couldn’t get a decent idea together. Ah well.   Hm, what have I accomplished in these ten years…? Well, I’m not an especially prominent member. I can’t say that I’ve participated in any momentous events, and both my proto and post count are less than what you’d probably expect from a ten-year member. Doesn’t seem like I’ve done a whole lot.   But, my member title is “Bioni

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: White Mage

Asterisk Holder: Holly White     Origin: Final Fantasy   Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes   Overview: The oldest, most sacred, and most essential of all Jobs, the White Mage bears the responsibility of keeping the party alive. They possess a wide range of healing and usually buff magic, and will occasionally learn a handful of damaging spells, including the Aero series. However, White Mages are not an offensive class, and often enough their healing duties will require their full attention anyway

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

The Secret Sword AND The Steam Pokemon

October doesn’t have to be scary, you’ve got Mythical Pokémon beside you!   Keldeo’s available over Mystery Gift. It’s a great Water Pokémon in a Generation that isn’t really good with those, even if its form change is purely cosmetic. Also it probably knows alchemy judging by its voice in the movie.   But EVEN BETTER, if you go to GameStop between the 10th and the 31st and get a serial code, you can download Volcanion, the 721st Pokemon, last in Gen VI National Dex order! Gen VII is right ar

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

The Ultimate Smash Bros

I just finished unlocking every character, and I know it's not news but man what a roster.   I really, really like World of Light. I get why so many people call it a grind, but as someone who has always only played Smash by himself trying to do most of anything in the games has always seemed a bit grindy, so the presentation of this one is more than enough for me. I opened the way to the true final boss and then went to clear out as much as I could--there are still a handful of tough Spirits l

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

An Update At Long Last

Right of Law, Section VIII, is now live in the Epics Forum!   Sorry this one took so long. (Octopath Traveler is good.)   Velika’s assault on Bitil’s outpost continues, and his new method of attack proves quite devastating. Zaekura is hard at work on her plan, but even if she can pull it off, there’s still the question of if the others can hold out until it’s ready.   Hopefully Section IX won’t take as long…

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Fish Fry

I was playing Unchained's latest update today and encountered a Trident Tail Omega. Level 1 so it wasn't too bad, but I am a bit puzzled.   Now, Trident Tail has an interesting design, and the general color scheme of the Omega works I guess, but...     Did you really need to paint flames on it...?

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

What a Nice Surprise, Bring Your Alibis

I’m hosting Mafia XXXIX: Hotel of Okoto!   Come play if you want.   It’ll be fun.   Seriously, you can keep voting even if you die.*   Try it out.   *Offer open to certain roles only, restrictions apply, results may vary

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

It Was In My Other Coat

So, I mentioned a long while back that a virus attacked my computer and erased all my documents. In the process I lost the first two Books of that Bioni-Lords series I brought up not too long ago, which was sort of disheartening since they had been published before the Forums crashed and thus I couldn’t access the topics. I mean, back then I was still writing the stories in notebooks and then typing them later, so I still have the notebooks, but any typed version of the story was gone.   Well,

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Never Thought I'd Say It

So for reasons I still don’t fully understand…I ended up buying an exercise game. And, honestly, it’s kind of great? It’s like DDR but with punching. So that’s cool.   And like, it’s just a really great fit for the Switch. Rather than rearranging things and getting everything hooked up each day for just 20 minutes, I can use the Switch’s kickstand to do this wherever’s most convenient. And if I need to travel or something, I can just take my Switch with me and not have to miss a day or two.

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

Asterisk Guide: Swordmaster

Asterisk Holder: Kamiizumi (in Bravely Default)     Origin: Final Fantasy V (called “Samurai”)   Was It In Bravely Default?: Yes   Overview: Despite their name, katana are actually the preferred weapon of a Swordmaster. Their Bushido skills allow them to wield the blades expertly, predicting their enemies’ moves and preparing devastating counterattacks to throw them off-guard. A Swordmaster will also sometimes immediately counter after being attacked (or attack again after a standard attack) wi

Pahrak Model ZX

Pahrak Model ZX

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