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Ac 14

Since posts in my AC topic are lagging, I thought my blog will come to the rescue!  (tumnail)   Well any way this took a long time.   Here ya Go!   More info in the topic.   TooDuls!

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Excited For Monday

I'm a bit excited for Monday. In media class, me and a friend get to leave class to go on location to film interviews with actors/crew members of our school's current plays. I know that sounds a bit dull, but it's MUCH more entertaining than staying in class and do basically nothing.   Also, credits on the morning announcements are always good.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

The First Day Of School...

You heard right. Today is the first day of sixth grade today. Ooooooh boy. But the good thing is... we have the new teacher (which is a guy) as our homeroom, that used to teach kindergarten so he's gonna be really nice! But I only have one of my friends... ...but that's not bad, right? And I'm going to walk to school with him and his new dog this morning. And I get to see my other friends I haven't seen all summer!   This afternoon I'll tell you how it went.   Bye

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Thanksgiving Special!

Well, since it is a holiday, I've decided to put a "special" in my blog. ^^ They're screenshots from MASK OF LIFE-Destiny no one has seen before. =D So Enjoy!   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8    

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

The Camping Episode

I'm going camping this weekend (PAblo is coming!), so visit "da Blog". Or surprise me . *cough*Bionicle: The Legacy*cough*   ~AMPHY

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

A 'moronic' Series

What's going on in the world of ME, hmmm? It's another animation series *boo!*, called Moron Fight for Survival! Unlike my normal stop-motion, this one features (moronic) clay people, made out of your normal modeling clay. The story is odd, but original (don't ask). So, here's the first scene. It's based off/inspired by another person's film on another site.   Tell me if you guys want to see more.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

What Is A Krabby Flabby, You Say?

Krabby Flabby (Kr-Ab-ee Fl-A-bee) noun   definition: The old man's misconception of the Krabby Patty. In the Episode "Krabs De le Mode" The Man yelled "I want my Krabby Flabby!" andyet started the phrase.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

They Like Us?

I've noticed...a pattern. 2 guys in our "clan" have girls who like them (myself included). Let's start with my close friend who likes Stop-Motion and Bionicle too. It all started with a text message saying, "(FRIEND NAME HERE) is hot". Strange, right? And then there's me. huh. The girl that likes me is the daughter of my second grade teacher. My mother (ungh) told me that the mom told her she likes me. Of course, I was sorta excited because my last "crush" left me for my "large" ex-friend.( )  

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Reno Air Races

On a feild trip, on Sep 13, I will be going to the Reno Air Races! And...you guessed it! I live in Reno, NV!   Well anyway, it's a 6th grade feild trip. But the cool thing is that we get to create our own groups of six using people from diferent classes. Luckely, I have 5 friends so we're good! But If we don'y have a chaperone by (PLACE DATE HERE) We have to be split up and put in other groups! ( :angry: ) And that would not be good. But I might bring back a pic or two.  

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph


I need workers for my new banner shop, the ~Amphy~ Factory's Banners and Av's. Contact me If you wish to work here. I need: Someone who can do userbars People who can do avatars And People who can do banners.   I'll stop taking workers on thursday or Friday.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Stop Staring At Me!

Lesovikk is staring at me from the top of my computer with his Sea Sled. I got my mother into getting him for me by doing house chores quickly. It paid off.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Tonsels. <_<

Well, it turns out that I have tonselitus (sp ), the reason for being gone from school for two days. So, sometime sooner or later I have to get my tosels out. ... If you hadn'y noticed, I'm doing a little 'Blog Renovation' right now. So in weeks (or days) time this place will look...better. --- Amphy

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

S+t Contest

Wow.. I haven't even thought of entering a BZP contest in a while... I've decided to put my music video making skills to use. So yeah... I'm making possibly a four to six minute music video going through the entire storyline. Either using the One Step Closer remix from Reanimation, or Gravity Hurts.   See ya when I'm finshed.   ~/\mph

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Thinkn' About It...

I've been thinking about this for a while. I'm thinking about uploading the BZP Anniversery video to i-CAUGHT. I mean really? It's a peonomenon(well you get the point) on BZP and on the net. It's been "honored" on three sites as far as I know. So, are you supporting me? Are you against me? Should I upload something else? You can say.   ~Amp~

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Over The Mountains And Through The Snow,

comes Grams she goes. Yeah my Grandma and uncle are coming to visit for the Holidays tommarow. The last time I saw her I was six. She's smaller than my mom and I'm taller than her. I'm only 11 and I'm almost 6 feet tall . Well I'll tell you how it goes tommarow, if I have the time .

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph


Lighting crack. Inika aproach. ...and even when your hope is gone, move along, move along, just to make it through!

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Music Fans?

OK, I just wanted to write down the planned soundtrack for MASK OF LIFE-Destiny. In my opinion, I think they're pretty favorable artists .   Songs & Artists   Falling into Black - Skillet From the Inside - Linkin Park Somewhere I Belong - Linkin Park Creeping in my Soul - Cristine Lorenzen Rebirthing - Skillet Comatose - Skillet WTH>You - Linkin Park Collide - Skillet I'm Waiting (End Credits) - All American Rejects   Obviously there will be more songs and changes.  

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

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