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>m.o.l.d.< (again)

(P.S. I posted this again now because yesterday afternoon, it kept being deleted by board messages >_<) No, this entry is not about mold.   I am now taking early roles for my next film. And you know what that means: Voices! And I finally made up a decent title:   MASK OF LIFE Destiny   The roles of the characters featured are split up into these catagories:   Female Characters Toa Barraki and Piraka   And there are also voice catagories:   Deep High Scathy etc   And, o

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

It's Beginning...

.. to look alot like Christmas!   Early this morning my area got blanketed with 6 in. of snow! It's what all us kids have been waiting for. Snow! Snow! 2 MY giant snowball Me Let's hope it will stay.   Amphilus

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Attenion Bzp Members!

Ladies and Gentlemen.     It is here.   The moment you've all been waiting for.   BZP 7th Anniversary Tribute!   Tell your Friends. Tell EVERYONE.   (On BZP of course )

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Excitement, Eating Away At My Insides...

Man, over the last few days I've been overjoyed. Ever since Kopaka the Biomechanical and Ranna sais they were doing some-thing for my birthday, I've been in a frenzy of, as said, overjoyed excitement. I can't stop it, It will never stop, Not until it comes...

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

I Am Down...but Not Out.

BBC #45 Voting has begun. YAY!   But sadly, for me things are not going well I have nooo votes in the poll I am in. What bad luck, that I am in a poll which has 2 entries that have all the staffers I just hope someone will vote for me. Maybe a friend or two.   Wish me luck!

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

An Update Of Sorts...

I just feel like posting an update-like thing for some stuff.   Do you recall that Movie I posted a while ago about Brawl attacking two kids? Well, I'm making more parts freaturing Cliff jumper, Landmine, Bonecrusher, and Barricade.   Unfortunatly, all of my friends are on vaction, so I can't film the live-action footage, but I do have 2 weeks free to do the stop motion. When my friends come back, I'm going to try to find 1-2 days to do shooting.   I'm going to see Journey to the Center of th

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Attention Actors!

To the actors of M.O.L.D.,   We haven't been going far with editing. Wait, what am I saying? The editing of MASK OF LIFE-Destiny is overall complete besides the fact it only has voices from me, Matoran Jeff, and Kopaka the Biomechanical. And I am now awaiting the moment when the PM system comes back so I can get these voices and have a showing of this movie (which is almost 11 minutes long). So, I'm a stressed guy. >< So, to the actors, inform me when you get your voices done. ^^

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

No Comments, No Posts, Hum...

I've had a really big problem on BZP or more in the Artwork I forum. No one posts in my topics anymore. I posted Bionicle: The Legacy yesterday, no posts. Not even any veiws. And I only get 3-10 posts a topic.   So, here are some topics I'm having trouble with, If you wish to veiw them. BIONICLE: The Legacy

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph


This is a ~AMPHY-Blog~ News Flash 9/18/07   You like my movies, right? You want me to improve them? Well here comes...Pinnicle Studio v.9Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! So what does this mean you ask? Well... More Music Videos, YAY! Better quality sound, picture, and transitions! And much more! And, if you want to be the first person to get a video request, using this new system, well you should get to the BIONICLE: The Legacy topic quick.   So....comment!   ~AMPHY  

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Stop-motion Update

A little update on my stop-motion stuff. Since I cannot purchase any BIONICLE sets til my birthday (which is 11 days away) expect a shortage of BIONICLE stop-motions and a delay on MOLD II. Don't ask me why. But after my birthday, with the money I get, I will purchase Antroz, Lewa, Chirox, etc, so I can get back to filming.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

An Interveiw With Tohu Almighty!

Today Amphy's Hideout brings you an interveiw with the Bionicle Based Creation Contest #44 entry Tohu Almighty! Welcome! Why. Thank you! Thank you!   So ,TA, what do you think about your compitition in this contest? TA: Well they are all pretty good, it is a pretty tough race. Especially the other "Tohu almighys". I see. So have you made any friends during this compitition? TA: Well I've made friends with all of your MOCs. And with Takadox, sorta. Well I bet they're enjoying your company.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

They Like Us?

I've noticed...a pattern. 2 guys in our "clan" have girls who like them (myself included). Let's start with my close friend who likes Stop-Motion and Bionicle too. It all started with a text message saying, "(FRIEND NAME HERE) is hot". Strange, right? And then there's me. huh. The girl that likes me is the daughter of my second grade teacher. My mother (ungh) told me that the mom told her she likes me. Of course, I was sorta excited because my last "crush" left me for my "large" ex-friend.( )  

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

A 'moronic' Series

What's going on in the world of ME, hmmm? It's another animation series *boo!*, called Moron Fight for Survival! Unlike my normal stop-motion, this one features (moronic) clay people, made out of your normal modeling clay. The story is odd, but original (don't ask). So, here's the first scene. It's based off/inspired by another person's film on another site.   Tell me if you guys want to see more.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....guh? A Moment Of Radomness

board offline hunmer...hum...hum...Mr. bean. hummer...humny....Homer simpsoin ...huma...hum......................EPA! EPA! EPA! Geeeyahhhh.....blech....hum.,..   WHA??   Ohh! so you ask what wrong with me huh? HUH?   Sorry! board offline blues....BUT NOW IT"S BACK ON AGAIN   Well anyway I'll just cotinue on about my weekend which none of you will care about what so ever!!!! ^SLAP^ sorry...   Anyway I saw the Simpsons movie yesterdy. And being the hillbilly I am I will now talk abou...

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Thanksgiving Special!

Well, since it is a holiday, I've decided to put a "special" in my blog. ^^ They're screenshots from MASK OF LIFE-Destiny no one has seen before. =D So Enjoy!   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8    

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Reno Air Races

On a feild trip, on Sep 13, I will be going to the Reno Air Races! And...you guessed it! I live in Reno, NV!   Well anyway, it's a 6th grade feild trip. But the cool thing is that we get to create our own groups of six using people from diferent classes. Luckely, I have 5 friends so we're good! But If we don'y have a chaperone by (PLACE DATE HERE) We have to be split up and put in other groups! ( :angry: ) And that would not be good. But I might bring back a pic or two.  

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

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