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Ac 14

Since posts in my AC topic are lagging, I thought my blog will come to the rescue!  (tumnail)   Well any way this took a long time.   Here ya Go!   More info in the topic.   TooDuls!

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Stop Staring At Me!

Lesovikk is staring at me from the top of my computer with his Sea Sled. I got my mother into getting him for me by doing house chores quickly. It paid off.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph


YAY! I'm not being switched into the new 6th Grade class!   Yay! I got Falling inside the Black and Here I Am on my ZVUE!   Suger rush.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Music Wish

I'm starting to make a music wish list of things, so: The CD with the Linkin Park/Evenasense ft. song thing The LP/Jay-Z cd And there is a new album coming out, but I don't know what it's called. That's bout it. 

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

The Camping Episode

I'm going camping this weekend (PAblo is coming!), so visit "da Blog". Or surprise me . *cough*Bionicle: The Legacy*cough*   ~AMPHY

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Well That Ain't Gonna Fly

Well, tried the new editing program...ungh.   It's horrible at making music videos. It's Slooooooooooow. And most of the features are locked.   We'll see how it goes as the week passes. But on the BRIGHT side, I made a test film to show you what it's capable of, sorta.   ~AMP

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph


This is a ~AMPHY-Blog~ News Flash 9/18/07   You like my movies, right? You want me to improve them? Well here comes...Pinnicle Studio v.9Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! So what does this mean you ask? Well... More Music Videos, YAY! Better quality sound, picture, and transitions! And much more! And, if you want to be the first person to get a video request, using this new system, well you should get to the BIONICLE: The Legacy topic quick.   So....comment!   ~AMPHY  

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Bink's B-day Present

Geuss what September 18th is.... Binkmeister's Birthday!   And over the last few days, I've gotton an Idea of what I can get for a present for him. Ya know the DVD I made of my Bionicle: the Legacy vids? Well, I'm going to make another one only it's going to have: The BZPower Anniversery video I and II All of the BIONICLE: The Legacy videos BZPower Trailer And more... All for Bink!  ~AMPHY

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Thinkn' About It...

I've been thinking about this for a while. I'm thinking about uploading the BZP Anniversery video to i-CAUGHT. I mean really? It's a peonomenon(well you get the point) on BZP and on the net. It's been "honored" on three sites as far as I know. So, are you supporting me? Are you against me? Should I upload something else? You can say.   ~Amp~

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

I'm Des-per-rate!

B.T.L. is a disaster! No ones even veiwing anymore. I can't PM my friends because they're all not on the forums. No one's coming 'round to my art topics anymore. It's like every time I post a topic in Artwork I, it's destined to fail. I'm not asking much but if you're browsing the art forums and you see a topic by me, at least take a veiw. Please.   ~Amp~    

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Let's Remember...

9/11   I pledge aligence to the flag, Of the united states of America. And to the rebublic of which it stands, One nation, Under God, Indevisable, With Liberty, and Justice, for all.   Let's Remember...

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

They Like Us?

I've noticed...a pattern. 2 guys in our "clan" have girls who like them (myself included). Let's start with my close friend who likes Stop-Motion and Bionicle too. It all started with a text message saying, "(FRIEND NAME HERE) is hot". Strange, right? And then there's me. huh. The girl that likes me is the daughter of my second grade teacher. My mother (ungh) told me that the mom told her she likes me. Of course, I was sorta excited because my last "crush" left me for my "large" ex-friend.( )  

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

No Comments, No Posts, Hum...

I've had a really big problem on BZP or more in the Artwork I forum. No one posts in my topics anymore. I posted Bionicle: The Legacy yesterday, no posts. Not even any veiws. And I only get 3-10 posts a topic.   So, here are some topics I'm having trouble with, If you wish to veiw them. BIONICLE: The Legacy

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph


It may have taken me all day, but I've finally posted the topic for BIONICLE: The Legacy. Whew! I was really nervous because I couldn't go back and change the title unless I PMed Pohuaki. Well, with all my pride and glory, here it is!   ~AMPHY

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Custom Dvd!

The other day, I came home from school to find my dad installing a DVD burner. Soon after he installed it, he quickly made a DVD with a movie he hade made. And, of course, I wanted to try it. I started the next morning, by making a DVD of my latest episodes of BIONICLE: The Legacy, and it's trailer. It was pretty easy and really cool.   And now I'm going to do a short review of what I made. Or if you don't want to read it, I have a video reveiw right here. (I sound really bored in the mo

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Reno Air Races

On a feild trip, on Sep 13, I will be going to the Reno Air Races! And...you guessed it! I live in Reno, NV!   Well anyway, it's a 6th grade feild trip. But the cool thing is that we get to create our own groups of six using people from diferent classes. Luckely, I have 5 friends so we're good! But If we don'y have a chaperone by (PLACE DATE HERE) We have to be split up and put in other groups! ( :angry: ) And that would not be good. But I might bring back a pic or two.  

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Bzpower Anniversery...

...video. Yes my friends, I am rebirthing my BZPower Anniversery Video entry! So, here.   The celebrations have ended. But there is more fun in the BZP anniversery isn't there?   Yes my friends, yes. And I give you...   BZPOWER ANNIVERSERY VIDEO My First video,ant so far I've gotten great ratings!   Just look here     And yes my friends, you can comment here or in the topic.     P.S. The title is "PABLO HUNT" because it got mixed up with one of my other films.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

I'm Back!

I just got back from a camping trip in Twin Lakes CA. Sooooo fun. Made a movie (a very strange/stupid one at that). About a puppet criminal thing. Anyway my friend and i went along and we went rafting: 3 times. Got stuck: 2 times. The experience: pricless. And we (my friend, his friend and brother, a tomboy, and a 7 year old monkey-moron) made a Hobo Home. What is a hobo home, you may ask? Well, it's a home made out of a tree or a group of trees. It's actually pretty cool.   Also, I've gotto

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Bionicle: The Legacy Ep.1

In the wake of my new stop-motion series, BIONICLE: The Legacy, which currently only has 1 episode (sadly). But, I have an eclusive showing of Episode 1 eclusive to Da ~AMPHY-Blog~!   Let's watch! I am not making a topic until I have 2-3-4 episodes. And I will be taking requests.   Enjoy!   ~Amphilus~

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Day 1.....ughh.

Yesterday, I forget to tell you my fablous first day in 6th grade!...........Ugggggh.....   Well, it wasn't so bad. I walked with my friend and his new dog there. But I've gotta tell you a funny story! Before I left, I told my dad to meet me at school once I get there. So me and my friend go through the playground to our class line. And I'm wondering Where's my dad? And then I see him walking to the other side of the school. So I run after him. Then as I'm running, I hear "Why are you runni

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

The First Day Of School...

You heard right. Today is the first day of sixth grade today. Ooooooh boy. But the good thing is... we have the new teacher (which is a guy) as our homeroom, that used to teach kindergarten so he's gonna be really nice! But I only have one of my friends... ...but that's not bad, right? And I'm going to walk to school with him and his new dog this morning. And I get to see my other friends I haven't seen all summer!   This afternoon I'll tell you how it went.   Bye

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

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