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Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....guh? A Moment Of Radomness

board offline hunmer...hum...hum...Mr. bean. hummer...humny....Homer simpsoin ...huma...hum......................EPA! EPA! EPA! Geeeyahhhh.....blech....hum.,..   WHA??   Ohh! so you ask what wrong with me huh? HUH?   Sorry! board offline blues....BUT NOW IT"S BACK ON AGAIN   Well anyway I'll just cotinue on about my weekend which none of you will care about what so ever!!!! ^SLAP^ sorry...   Anyway I saw the Simpsons movie yesterdy. And being the hillbilly I am I will now talk abou...

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Day 1.....ughh.

Yesterday, I forget to tell you my fablous first day in 6th grade!...........Ugggggh.....   Well, it wasn't so bad. I walked with my friend and his new dog there. But I've gotta tell you a funny story! Before I left, I told my dad to meet me at school once I get there. So me and my friend go through the playground to our class line. And I'm wondering Where's my dad? And then I see him walking to the other side of the school. So I run after him. Then as I'm running, I hear "Why are you runni

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Back In The Saddle.

After Reading your guys's comments on my last entry, I chose to do something. There is one thing I do with Bionicle and Transformers... Now I give you Amphilus's BMV Project!   What do you think?

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Stop-motion Update

A little update on my stop-motion stuff. Since I cannot purchase any BIONICLE sets til my birthday (which is 11 days away) expect a shortage of BIONICLE stop-motions and a delay on MOLD II. Don't ask me why. But after my birthday, with the money I get, I will purchase Antroz, Lewa, Chirox, etc, so I can get back to filming.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

New Song Of The Week

No sir, well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore. It's your turn, so take a seat we're settling the final score. And why do we like to hurt so much?   I can't decide You have made it harder just to go on And why, all the possibilities where I was wrong   That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa. That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa. I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating. And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa.   I

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Surf's Up?

I was watching Surf's Up last night with my friends, and it came to me that Lani (girl penguin) reminded me of Nikira... weird.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph


I've been waiting for someone to reply to the blog entry MAJOR UPDATE for hours, If anyone replys to it I will be really happy!

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

I'm Back!

Ugh... My preimer membership expired... I also got my computer taken away. ><   But, now I'm back with updates. ^^ I'll post em' this afternoon since I have to go to school. So stick 'round.   ~/\mph

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

An Interveiw With Tohu Almighty!

Today Amphy's Hideout brings you an interveiw with the Bionicle Based Creation Contest #44 entry Tohu Almighty! Welcome! Why. Thank you! Thank you!   So ,TA, what do you think about your compitition in this contest? TA: Well they are all pretty good, it is a pretty tough race. Especially the other "Tohu almighys". I see. So have you made any friends during this compitition? TA: Well I've made friends with all of your MOCs. And with Takadox, sorta. Well I bet they're enjoying your company.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Leaving For San Deigo!

I am just about to leave for the home of Drake amd Josh, the land of the Dolphins. You heard right! San Deigo! There will be a lot more entries in this blog so don't thonk I am not going to talk to you guys for 5 days. NO! I will be posting an entry at every place I stop that has acess to a computer and shARING MY TRAVELING EXPERIENCE with you guys!   Why is this so important you ask? Why do you need to know this? Just read the second entry down and you will find your answer!   The actual re

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Funny Conversation

Well... I just thought this was funny and I thought I should post it before I forget about it.   This happened today at lunch when my friends were conversing about the Revenge of the Fallen trailer.   I thought this was funny because we never talk about this "topic" at school. And was surproised they even brought it up like this. They like Transformers, but they're not "nerds" about it. So...   Chase: "Dude! That GIANT robot at the end was awsome! It's like Cybertron!" Brent: "... Cybertron'

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

The Mummy!

This is the "mummy" that is part of my Egyptian Project (the one that has it's heart weighed). It is made of Bionicle parts (skeleton), clay, and toilet paper...   Not much.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph


This is a ~AMPHY-Blog~ News Flash 9/18/07   You like my movies, right? You want me to improve them? Well here comes...Pinnicle Studio v.9Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! So what does this mean you ask? Well... More Music Videos, YAY! Better quality sound, picture, and transitions! And much more! And, if you want to be the first person to get a video request, using this new system, well you should get to the BIONICLE: The Legacy topic quick.   So....comment!   ~AMPHY  

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

An Update Of Sorts...

I just feel like posting an update-like thing for some stuff.   Do you recall that Movie I posted a while ago about Brawl attacking two kids? Well, I'm making more parts freaturing Cliff jumper, Landmine, Bonecrusher, and Barricade.   Unfortunatly, all of my friends are on vaction, so I can't film the live-action footage, but I do have 2 weeks free to do the stop motion. When my friends come back, I'm going to try to find 1-2 days to do shooting.   I'm going to see Journey to the Center of th

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Christmas Eve...

It's christmas eve my friends...   I've already gotton Transformers Animated Shockwave, Transformers G1 Recolor Jazz, and $100.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph


Just made apointless movie with my friend. But it was my first animated thing. Or is it just another thing to go into the "tried but failed" folder.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph


Wadda think? No ~! I feel better going back to my original Display Name.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Bionicle: The Legacy Ep.1

In the wake of my new stop-motion series, BIONICLE: The Legacy, which currently only has 1 episode (sadly). But, I have an eclusive showing of Episode 1 eclusive to Da ~AMPHY-Blog~!   Let's watch! I am not making a topic until I have 2-3-4 episodes. And I will be taking requests.   Enjoy!   ~Amphilus~

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

I'm Back!

I just got back from a camping trip in Twin Lakes CA. Sooooo fun. Made a movie (a very strange/stupid one at that). About a puppet criminal thing. Anyway my friend and i went along and we went rafting: 3 times. Got stuck: 2 times. The experience: pricless. And we (my friend, his friend and brother, a tomboy, and a 7 year old monkey-moron) made a Hobo Home. What is a hobo home, you may ask? Well, it's a home made out of a tree or a group of trees. It's actually pretty cool.   Also, I've gotto

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

Will Anybody See These?

Since NOBODY will look at these in the topic, I thought people would look at these Animations in my Blogy   BIONICLE Legacy Trailer The Trailer for BIONICLE Legacy.   Karzahni Awakens A short Animation, but one of my best!   Amphilus Advertisment A commercial-like thing for my Self MOC.   In Mahri Nui, look to the stars Surprise!   And that's it....................for now

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

What The?

I just turned on my TV to see a dancing, green...THING, Singing "there's a party in my tummy!" and showed vegtable's dissolving in it's stomach! Hey. If I was dissolving in a green things stomach, do you think I would be Singing! What is this world coming to!

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph


Nikira can't play Hahli. >_<   But, thus begins the long and diffucult task of finding another girl to play. Root for me.

The Fallen Amph

The Fallen Amph

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