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An Open Letter To Don Roy King



Also known as the director of SNL.


Mr. King, please get new writers. They're not even trying anymore - The sketch with the Dr. Phil stand-in had potential, but they didn't even try, it's evident. If the characters had had different reactions instead of the same weepy difference to what they said, it would've been funny. But they were all the same, it was plain bland. Speaking of lethal repetition, They reuse the exact same sketch over and over and over and over again(Hint: It's not funny when it's the seventh time you've used this same sketch with the same characters and names and punchlines and everything except the celebrity in six months.), and Digital Shorts have turned into "What music video did Lonely Island make this week?" I love Lonely Island, but given 2/3 of the writers are in the band, and the fact I can't recall a recent digital short that wasn't a Lonely Island music video, I think it's fair to say they're taking advantage of it to promote their music.


Seriously, it was wonderful during the elections. The sketches were funny, the characters fired good material, there was just as much to mock as there is now, yet it's fallen to the dogs, you can do better than this, please.


And on a final note, intentional bad singing for comedic reasons isn't funny when it's bad enough to make you cringe.


I expect a few dozen comments about how it's still doing fine and x people like it so they must be doing something right and you're wrong or something along those lines since that's happened in similar situations before. I'm not trying to debate that for some reason people like it. I just want to rant. That's what blogs are for, right?


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Agreed 100%. I watched a few weeks ago because Arcade Fire were the musical guest, and I stopped halfway through becasue the episode was so awful.
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