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My Life Is So Boring...



Well I had planned on writing a huge rant on how it's okay to offend people (as long as you're doing it for the right reason), but then I decided that I'd save my neck and not write it. :P


Do you know what's the funniest, but yet one most deceptive thing is? Tautology. Does anyone here know what tautology is? (Please answer that question.) ;)


Tautologies are always logically true, but are also worthless. Example: The survivors are alive! Well, duh, of course they're alive, they survived.


Now you can see why they're funny, but they're also deceptive too.


When someone uses tautology (whether consiously or unconsiously) they're normally trying to sound like they know everything (but in reality they're just being redundant), and a lot of the time people will end up believing that too. Expect to see this in the upcoming presidential election. Expect the canidates to sound smart by using tautology, and thus lure you in to their campaign.


Beware of tautology, it's deadly. :fear:


Now I know I didn't explain this very well, no, not at all, but I do hope it helps you in life. :)



Oh yeah, my life is sooooooooo boring, all I do is school and MOC. :P




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Tautology, saying something twice.


Sahara Desert(Desert, Desert)

cheese quesadilla(Cheese, Cheese-Item)

salsa sauce(Sauce, Sauce)

Comedian Alan King used to tell this story: His lawyer asked him if he had ever drawn up a will. Alan said "No". The lawyer, in shock and horror, said, "If you died without a will, you would die intestate!" Alan looked up the word and found that it means "without a will". "In other words, if I die without a will, then I'll die without a will. This legal pearl cost me $500!"


Douglas Adams used the phrase, "Anything that happens, happens. Anything that in happening causes something else to happen, causes something else to happen. Anything that in happening happens again, happens again. Though not necessarily in that order.", in his book Mostly Harmless.


Thanks for telling me about Tautology.


You're welcome. By the way, those are really good examples. :)



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